• Marcelo Agostinho
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Im having one problem trying to convert values to show on my visualforce page:


How can i convert the following number to have to decimal places...


Sometimes i ll have a number like. 42.0 other time i ll have a number like 37.3333333333333


Im trying to solve it using what i found here. but the problem is always the same.


Tks for everything


Im here to know my code don't  get value from my VF Page.
My VF Page.
<apex:page controller="CarteiraCliente" action="{!teste}" sidebar="false" contentType="{!contentType}">
    <apex:pageBlock rendered="{!showFilter}" >
        <apex:form >
                Vendedor &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <apex:inputField id="vendedor" value="{!filtro.Vendedor__c}" required="false" />
            <p> Supervisor &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <apex:inputField id="supervisor" value="{!filtro.Vendedor__r.Supervisao_Vendedor__c}" required="false"/>
            <apex:commandButton value="Filtrar" action="{!teste}" reRender="carteiraCliente" />
    <apex:pageBlock id="carteiraCliente" title="{!title}">
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!valoresClienteMes}" var="cliente" title="Carteira de Cliente">
            <apex:column headerValue="Vendedor" id="nomeVendedor" value="{!cliente.nomeVendedor}" />
            <apex:column headerValue="Nome" id="nomeCliente" value="{!cliente.nomeCliente}" />
            <apex:column headerValue="valorTreze" id="valorTreze"  value="{!cliente.valorTreze}" />



My Controller



public class CarteiraCliente {
    public MovimentoMes__c filtro { get; set; }

    public CarteiraCliente() {
        filtro = new MovimentoMes__c();
        showFilter = false;
    public aMethod(){
        String paramVendedor = filtro.Vendedor__c;
        System.Debug ('=====' +paramVendedor+ '====='); 
        String paramSupervisor = filtro.Vendedor__r.Supervisao_Vendedor__c;
        System.Debug ('=====' +paramSupervisor+ '=====');


 On my VF Page, when i get a value from lookup icon and click to go... i get the value on my Apex Class...

     but on my second field i alwas get null.... 

 What's happening? And what i can do to solve it?

Tks again for everything





Well, i tried some examples of how to convert VF to Excel, and i did it with sucess.


But now when i convert my own VF Page to Excel, apparently it works fine, but when i try to open, the excel give the following message

"Cant read the file", 


Here is the code...



<apex:page controller="CarteiraCliente" sidebar="false" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel">

        <apex:commandButton value="Carrega Tabela" action="{!teste}"/>

<apex:pageBlock title="Carteira de Cliente">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!valoresClienteMes}" var="cliente" title="Carteira de Cliente">
        <apex:column id="nomeCliente" value="{!cliente.nomeCliente}"/>
        <apex:column id="valorTreze"  value="{!cliente.valorTreze}"/>





Hello Developers, how are you doing?


Well, again i'm here to do some questions,


Actually, i'm developing a table on avisualforce page, using Visualforce Tags.


I'm doing it using VF Tags, because i ll need to change the content type to generate a XLS file.


Reading about VF to XLS, i see this to solve my problems, well its work.


But now i need to iterate over an list, and generate a column for each value.


When i tried to use the following code:



<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!valoresClienteMes}" var="omg" title="Teste">

    <apex:column id="teste1" width="100px" value="{!omg.nomeCliente}"/>
    <apex:repeat value="{!omg.valoresMeses}" var="valor">
        <apex:column id="teste2" width="100px" value="{!valor}"/>


 I got this message...


Error: &lt;apex:column&gt; may be child of &lt;apex:repeat&gt; only for the API version 20 or later


What can i do?


Tks for everything again =)


Hello. Again i'm here to make some questions.


I'm building an URL to send it ro Google Chart API and it will return an image.


What i need to do is get the maximum value of the Chart data and round up it to An integer...

For example...


If my maximum value is 2475.59 i want to convert it to a string and round up to 2500.


Can i do it?


Anyone can help me?



Hello again.


Well everybody`s know about the SimpleDateFormat class in Java, i'm looking for something like it in the Apex Code.



What i need to do is:


I ll receive an set of String containing some formated Datas like it "10/2010".

I want to iterate over this set and convert any String to Date and populate one List<Date>.


Tks for everything!

Hello, everybody!


Again, i'm here to do some questions...


I have the following code...


public Map<String,Double> calculaFaturamentoMensal(){

		Double soma; 
		Map<String,Double> faturamentoMensal = new Map <String,Double>();
		for(MovimentoMes__c movimento : 
                   [Select m.Valor__c, m.Mes_de_Referencia__c From MovimentoMes__c m]){
				soma = 0;
				soma = faturamentoMensal.get(movimento.Mes_de_Referencia__c);
				soma += movimento.Valor__c;
			} else {				           
		return faturamentoMensal;


After this, i want to sort my map by the key... trying to ensure that when I iterate over the map ill have the values based on the crescent sequence of the key...


Tks for all



Hello guys! Im having some problems trying to find how can i pass a value from a field for an Apex Class parameter


For exemple


My simple VF Page.



<apex:page controller="ProcessDataLoad">

    <apex:form >

            Actual Date (mm/aaaa)<apex:inputText id="actualDate"/>
            Month Quantity<apex:inputText id="qtdMonth"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Test"/>


 And now i want to now how can i get these value in my Apex class when i click on commandButton?



Thanks for all!



Marcelo Agostinho