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I read  SOSL  documentation & examples, although I can't seem to read the results I get from "Find" query.


When I run the following code, I can see in the debug that it found 21 results.


List<List<SObject>> searchList = [Find 'Ja*' RETURNING candidate__c];



When I try to read them I get an empty "Candidate__c" list:


if(searchList != null){
     Candidate__c []cands = (List<Candidate__c>)searchList[0];

     for(Candidate__c c : cands){
System.debug('Found Id '+c.Id);




If I try to use SOQL - select, I can see the results. 


Should I set special flags in-order to use SOSL?


Appreciate any help!








I have recently uploaded a new Beta version. 
When I am trying to install the product using the installation link 
the process reaches up to the second step and then I get an "Install Failed" error, and the following message 

"Your requested install failed. Please try this again. 

None of the data or setup information in yoursalesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error. 

If this error persists, contact salesforce.comSupport through your normal channels and reference number: 786836172-4609 (-387707325)"



Is there a place when I can view the installation error log ? 


I filed a customer support case: #05105381.







If you have to take an interview of any salesforce position, what all question could you ask ?


Salesforce Developer - Skills -Apex , Force.com API , AppExchange, S-Control .



Please feel free to ask any questions ?



Message Edited by ronir on 02-04-2009 11:51 AM
Message Edited by ronir on 02-04-2009 11:55 AM