• Robert_forced
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I would like to make a mass email function based on the email addresses of a custom object email field.

I just see in the Developer's Guide, that the Mass email methods are only for the standard "contact, lead, or user" objects.

But what if I want to send emails to a custom object email field?? There is no way? I could not imagine that.

Please help me out!



trigger RelatedItems on Order__c (after insert, after update) {
Set<ID> OrderIDs = new Set<ID>();
for(Order__c o: Trigger.new)
List<OrderLine__c> ProductsToUpdate = new List<OrderLine__c>([SELECT ID,text__c, Order__c FROM OrderLine__c WHERE OrderLine__c.Order__c = : OrderIDs]);
for(OrderLine__c ol: ProductsToUpdate)
{ol.text__c = 'WHOOOA';}
update ProductsToUpdate;

 This is the code for the Trigger, that I'm getting the error: 

CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, RelatedItems: maximum trigger depth exceeded 

I would like to update the text__c field (first with with 'Whooa') of related object  of a custom object named Order__c. The Related object is in a master-detail relationship, and named: OrderLine__c

The lookup field on the OrderLine__c named: Order__c

Thanks for the help!



 I'm new to trigger coding, and faced the following problem:

I have a field (Assigned_to__c) to update in the following way:

-if the field is empty fill it with the name the record was CreatedBy
-if not, no action is required

The code is:


trigger AssignedToUpdate on TimeSheet__c (after insert, after update) {
for(Timesheet__c ts:Trigger.new){
if(ts.Assigned_to__c == null){
ts.Assigned_to__c = ts.CreatedById;

The problem is, that the "after insert" function is not working, the error code is:" The record is Read only".


I tried with "Before insert" but, of course before inserting the value of the CreatedBy field, it returns with null.


Any ideas would be appreciated!