• NisseKnudsen
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I got a special problem, I try to define it as best as possible:

I have a visualforce page (page A) inside salesforce. This page calls via AJAX another vf page (page B) and displays it in a javascript window. On page B it displays details of an object by using its standardcontroller. Also in B, there is a VIEW and EDIT Button. And now comes my problem: When clicking on the edit button, I am directed to the objects record page. But after saving, I am - guess please - redirected to page B, which is shown in the whole browser. But I would like to be redirected to page A.


I tried to create a workaround with JS, but no success by now. Do you have any suggestion how I could solve my problem?


Thanks a lot and Best Regards





I need to develop a class where I read in an XML file, then parse through the data, etc. This file will not be chosen manually by a user, rather I have the URL where the file is located and I need to get it from that location and open it in the code.


My question is, how do I get this file from the specified URL location and open it so that I can parse it in my code? I have seen many examples where the file is selected manually using apex:inputfile in the Visualforce page, but I have not been able to find anything yet where I can simply specify the location of a file and then call a method to read its contents.


Thanks in advance!

Hello Community!


I'm encountering the problem that I need to create on every org with my app two dummy users as a placeholder. Since I got a first-start-apex-controller I would like to integrate the creation of User in it. But I can't use the User-Object because of read-only-permission, as Eclipse says to me. 

So does anyone know how to do this?


Thanks a lot and Best Regards




I have a small issue...

I uploaded one .jar file in Static resource. It's contains some .class files.

now i want to use one those .class file in my Apex Code.

Please tell me how to use this.


Thanks & Regards
