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JavaScript won't load when !{Account.BillingStreet} points to a two-line address.
I have the following code for pulling up driving directions from SalesForce. Works amazingly well as long as the address is on one line. When it's a two-line address, none of the script will load. I've tried putting the variable into a try/catch rule, but that doesn't solve the problem. Advice?
<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardstylesheets="false"> <script> // SOFTWARE BUG!!! MULTI-LINE ADDRESS AND PAGE LOADS W/O JAVASCRIPT! var currentLocation; function getLocation() { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } function showPosition(position) { try { var address = '{!Account.BillingStreet}' + '{!Account.BillingCity},' + '{!Account.BillingState}' + '{!Account.BillingPostalCode}'; var destination = address.split(' ').join('+'); } catch(err) { alert('Street address must be on one line to use this function.'); window.close(); } currentLocation = position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude; if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) { var URL = 'http://maps.apple.com/?saddr=' + currentLocation + '&daddr=' + destination; window.open(URL,'_parent'); } else { var URL = 'https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=' + currentLocation + '&daddr=' + destination; window.open(URL,'_parent'); } } function init() { document.write('<div style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;">loading...</div>'); getLocation(); } window.onload = new function() { init(); }; </script> </apex:page>
- jaredbaker
- January 10, 2013
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Deployiong triggers to Professional Edition?
Can classes and triggers be deployed from a developer edition to Professional Edition in any way?
I have a client who needs a couple triggers for their organization, but their liscence doesn't allow for API or Sandboxes. I have code tested and ready to go, and am trying to find a means to get it deployed into their production. Is there any way to do this without upgrading?
- jaredbaker
- January 21, 2012
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Problems with Email Trigger-Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject
I'm trying to write code to have the system send an email to a user when an administrator has added a comment to their activities. I want the trigger to only fire when an update has been made to this field. I am consistently getting the above error, but I assume there will be others when I resolve it. Please help!
trigger adminCommentEmail on Task (after update) {
List<Task> t = [SELECT Id, owner.Id, owner.Email, Subject,
ActivityDate, Administrative_Comments_Questions__c
FROM Task t];
if(t.Administrative_Comments_Questions__c != PriorValue(t.Administrative_Comments_Questions__c))
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {t.subject}; //error here
mail.setSubject('Administrator Comment on Your Activity');
mail.setPlainTextBody('A comment has been added to your activity. To view it, please click the following link: https://cs10.salesforce.com/'
+ t.Id);
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
- jaredbaker
- October 04, 2011
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Testing Error: Parent ID not getting set
I'm currently working to create a test class and am running into a brick wall. The test is returning an error after the first run and not iterating through. My error is:
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [ParentId]: [ParentId]
Class.saleIO.ioJJInit: line 336, column 9 Class.saleIOTest.IOTest: line 38, column 15 External entry point
The relevant code is below. What am I doing wrong?
Opportunity a = [SELECT Id, Account.Id, Account.Owner.Name, Contact__r.Name, Account.BillingStreet, Account.Name,
Account.BillingCity, Contact__r.Email, Contact__r.Fax, Contact__r.Phone,
Account.BillingState, Account.BillingPostalCode, Category__c,
Notes__c, Display_Ad_Size_JJ__c, Display_Ad_Size_TR__c, Display_Ad_Size__c,
Art_Date__c, Art_Info__c, Bill_To__c, Insertion_Dates__c, Insertion_Dates_TR__c,
Amount, Color__c, New_Advertiser__c
FROM Opportunity
WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public PageReference ioJJInit()
String xmlContent = getJJXmlString(a);
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = 'JJ_' + a.Account.Name + '_' + formatted + '.xfdf';
attachment.ParentId = a.Account.Id;
attachment.Body = Blob.valueof(xmlContent);
insert attachment; /* line 336, location of the error */
PageReference orgPage = new PageReference('/' + a.Account.id);
return orgPage;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | @isTest private class saleIOTest { static testMethod void IOTest() { String [] jjSizes = new String[] {'1/16', '1/2 Horizontal', '1/2 Vertical', '1/4 Horizontal', '1/4 Vertical', '1/8 Horizontal', '1/8 Vertical', '3/4', '3/8', 'Full', 'Jr.', 'TOC', null}; String [] trSizes = new String[] {'1/6', '1/3 Vertical', '1/2 Horizontal', '1/2 Vertical', '1/4 Vertical', '2/3', 'Full', 'Double Truck', null}; String [] mpSizes = new String[] {'1/2 Horizontal', '1/2 Vertical', '1/3 Vertical', '1/4 Vertical', '1/8 Horizontal', 'Full', '1x1', '1x2', '1x3', '2x1', '2x2', '2x3', '3x1', '3x2', '3x3', null}; Date testDay = Date.parse('11/10/2011'); User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE name = 'Jared Baker']; Account testOrg = new Account (Name = 'Test', BillingStreet = '3580 Wilshire', BillingState = 'CA', BillingPostalCode = '90010'); insert testOrg; Contact testCon = new Contact (FirstName = 'Joe', LastName = 'Tester', Email = 'jotes@jewishjournal.com', Fax = '(213) 555-0789', Phone = '(213) 555-0790', Account = testOrg); insert testCon; Opportunity testOpp = new Opportunity (Name = 'Test Op', Owner = u, Account = testOrg, Contact__c = testCon.ID, Category__c = 'Rockin Test', Art_Date__c = testDay, Notes__c = 'notes test', New_Advertiser__c = true, Bill_to__c = 'Agency', StageName = 'Won', CloseDate = testDay, Color__c = 'One'); insert testOpp; System.debug('Organization ID=' + testOpp.Account.ID); for(Integer i = 0; i<13; i++) { testOpp.Display_Ad_Size_JJ__c = jjSizes[i]; update testOpp; if(testOpp.Display_Ad_Size_JJ__c != null) { System.debug('Organization ID=' + testOpp.Account.ID); PageReference jjRef = new PageReference('/apex/saleIO?id=' + testOpp.id); Test.setCurrentPage(jjRef); saleIO testJJIO = new saleIO(); testJJIO.ioJJInit(); } } testOpp.Notes__c = null; testOpp.New_Advertiser__c = false; testOpp.Bill_to__c = 'Advertiser'; testOpp.Insertion_Dates__c = '11/10'; update testOpp; } } |
- jaredbaker
- July 06, 2011
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Xfdf issues
So, I have the code running to create the .xfdf and attach it to the proper account. Everything looked perfect, until I went to open my file. Instead of the .xfdf opening and overlaying the online form, it instead downloads a new copy of itself. Is there an issue in my xlm? What am I doing wrong here. Below is the code, and I have verified the .xfdf's are coming out correctly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | public with sharing class CreateIO { DateTime nowDT=System.now(); String formatted=nowDT.format('MM-dd-yyyy'); private String getXmlString(JJSale__c a) { String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + '<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' + '<f href="https://na11.salesforce.com/resource/1300398748000/IO_JJ"/>' + '<fields>' + '<field name="Acct Rep"><value>' + a.CreatedBy.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Ad Cost"><value>' + a.Ad_Price__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Address"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingStreet + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Advertiser"><value>' + a.Organization__r.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Bill to"><value>x</value></field>' + '<field name="City"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingCity + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Contact"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Email"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Email + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Fax"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Fax + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 1"><value>' + a.Journal_Issue__r.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 2"><value>' + a.Page_Requested__c + ', ' + a.Insertion_Notes__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Phone"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Phone + '</value></field>' + '<field name="State"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingState + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Todays Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Zip"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingPostalCode + '</value></field>' + '</fields><ids original="CB86FA72BFC7A2744D5052A67D1686EE" modified="C0A949601A5BB74AB94C1DAA08D65D2F"/>' + '</xfdf>'; return s; } public PageReference XFDFInit() { JJSale__c a = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, Ad_Price__c, Organization__r.BillingStreet, Organization__r.Name, Organization__r.BillingCity, Contact__r.Name, Contact__r.Email, Contact__r.Fax, Journal_Issue__r.Name, Page_Requested__c, Insertion_Notes__c, Contact__r.Phone, Organization__r.BillingState, Organization__r.BillingPostalCode FROM JJSale__c WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; String xmlContent = getXmlString(a); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Body = Blob.valueof(xmlContent); attachment.Name = a.Organization__r.Name + '_' + formatted + '.XFDF'; attachment.ParentId = a.Organization__r.Id; insert attachment; PageReference orgPage = new PageReference('/' + a.Organization__r.id); orgPage.setRedirect(true); return orgPage; } } |
- jaredbaker
- June 28, 2011
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XFDF Creation, Problem making button
I've gotten it working, made a button, it is attaching the file properly and everything. But now, when I go to open the .xfdf file, it just downloads another copy, or get stuck in a loop without ever opening the form. Now what!?
I am trying to create a button that will call a Visualforce page which calls the below code to make a .xfdf file. For whatever reason, it won't let me make a button. What am I doing wrong? Any help is HUGELY appreciated! Thanks in advance!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | public with sharing class CreateIO { DateTime nowDT=System.now(); String formatted=nowDT.format('dd_MM_yyyy'); private String getXmlString(JJSale__c a) { String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + '<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' + '<f href="https://cs9.salesforce.com/resource/1304098375000/IO_JJ"/>' + '<fields>' + '<field name="Acct Rep"><value>' + a.CreatedBy.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Ad Cost"><value>' + a.Ad_Price__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Address"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingStreet + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Advertiser"><value>' + a.Organization__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Bill to"><value>x</value></field>' + '<field name="City"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingCity + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Contact"><value>' + a.Contact__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Email"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Email + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Fax"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Fax + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 1"><value>' + a.Journal_Issue__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 2"><value>' + a.Page_Requested__c + ',' + a.Insertion_Notes__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Phone"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Phone + '</value></field>' + '<field name="State"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingState + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Todays Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Zip"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingPostalCode + '</value></field>' + '</fields><ids original="CB86FA72BFC7A2744D5052A67D1686EE" modified="C0A949601A5BB74AB94C1DAA08D65D2F"/>' + '</xfdf>'; return s; } public PageReference XFDFInit() { JJSale__c a = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, Ad_Price__c, Organization__r.BillingStreet, Organization__c, Organization__r.BillingCity, Contact__c, Contact__r.Email, Contact__r.Fax, Journal_Issue__c, Page_Requested__c, Insertion_Notes__c, Contact__r.Phone, Organization__r.BillingState, Organization__r.BillingPostalCode FROM JJSale__c WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; String xmlContent = getXmlString(a); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Body = Blob.valueof(xmlContent); attachment.Name = a.Organization__c + formatted + '.XFDF'; attachment.ParentId = a.Id; insert attachment; PageReference salePage = new PageReference('/' + a.id); salePage.setRedirect(true); return salePage; } } |
<apex:page showHeader="true" controller="CreateIO" action="{!XFDFInit}"> </apex:page>
- jaredbaker
- June 23, 2011
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Automatically link Task to Account
Our users are constantly forgetting to link tasks to both accounts and contacts. Those that remember hate doubling their work to do it. I've tried to write a trigger that would do the work for them, but I'm VERY new to the language (and object-oriented programming in general) and am having some troubles referencing the proper fields. I've coppied my current failed attempt below...maybe its not all a waste.
trigger AddOrgName on Task (before insert) { List<Task> newTask = [SELECT t.Who.name, t.Who.Account.Name, t.whatid FROM Task t WHERE t.WhatId = '' FOR UPDATE]; for (Task nt: newTask) { if(nt.WhatId == '') { nt.What = nt.Who.Account.Name; } } update newTask;}
- jaredbaker
- May 02, 2011
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JavaScript won't load when !{Account.BillingStreet} points to a two-line address.
I have the following code for pulling up driving directions from SalesForce. Works amazingly well as long as the address is on one line. When it's a two-line address, none of the script will load. I've tried putting the variable into a try/catch rule, but that doesn't solve the problem. Advice?
<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardstylesheets="false"> <script> // SOFTWARE BUG!!! MULTI-LINE ADDRESS AND PAGE LOADS W/O JAVASCRIPT! var currentLocation; function getLocation() { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } function showPosition(position) { try { var address = '{!Account.BillingStreet}' + '{!Account.BillingCity},' + '{!Account.BillingState}' + '{!Account.BillingPostalCode}'; var destination = address.split(' ').join('+'); } catch(err) { alert('Street address must be on one line to use this function.'); window.close(); } currentLocation = position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude; if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) { var URL = 'http://maps.apple.com/?saddr=' + currentLocation + '&daddr=' + destination; window.open(URL,'_parent'); } else { var URL = 'https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=' + currentLocation + '&daddr=' + destination; window.open(URL,'_parent'); } } function init() { document.write('<div style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;">loading...</div>'); getLocation(); } window.onload = new function() { init(); }; </script> </apex:page>
- jaredbaker
- January 10, 2013
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Problems with Email Trigger-Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject
I'm trying to write code to have the system send an email to a user when an administrator has added a comment to their activities. I want the trigger to only fire when an update has been made to this field. I am consistently getting the above error, but I assume there will be others when I resolve it. Please help!
trigger adminCommentEmail on Task (after update) {
List<Task> t = [SELECT Id, owner.Id, owner.Email, Subject,
ActivityDate, Administrative_Comments_Questions__c
FROM Task t];
if(t.Administrative_Comments_Questions__c != PriorValue(t.Administrative_Comments_Questions__c))
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {t.subject}; //error here
mail.setSubject('Administrator Comment on Your Activity');
mail.setPlainTextBody('A comment has been added to your activity. To view it, please click the following link: https://cs10.salesforce.com/'
+ t.Id);
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
- jaredbaker
- October 04, 2011
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Testing Error: Parent ID not getting set
I'm currently working to create a test class and am running into a brick wall. The test is returning an error after the first run and not iterating through. My error is:
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [ParentId]: [ParentId]
Class.saleIO.ioJJInit: line 336, column 9 Class.saleIOTest.IOTest: line 38, column 15 External entry point
The relevant code is below. What am I doing wrong?
Opportunity a = [SELECT Id, Account.Id, Account.Owner.Name, Contact__r.Name, Account.BillingStreet, Account.Name,
Account.BillingCity, Contact__r.Email, Contact__r.Fax, Contact__r.Phone,
Account.BillingState, Account.BillingPostalCode, Category__c,
Notes__c, Display_Ad_Size_JJ__c, Display_Ad_Size_TR__c, Display_Ad_Size__c,
Art_Date__c, Art_Info__c, Bill_To__c, Insertion_Dates__c, Insertion_Dates_TR__c,
Amount, Color__c, New_Advertiser__c
FROM Opportunity
WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public PageReference ioJJInit()
String xmlContent = getJJXmlString(a);
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = 'JJ_' + a.Account.Name + '_' + formatted + '.xfdf';
attachment.ParentId = a.Account.Id;
attachment.Body = Blob.valueof(xmlContent);
insert attachment; /* line 336, location of the error */
PageReference orgPage = new PageReference('/' + a.Account.id);
return orgPage;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | @isTest private class saleIOTest { static testMethod void IOTest() { String [] jjSizes = new String[] {'1/16', '1/2 Horizontal', '1/2 Vertical', '1/4 Horizontal', '1/4 Vertical', '1/8 Horizontal', '1/8 Vertical', '3/4', '3/8', 'Full', 'Jr.', 'TOC', null}; String [] trSizes = new String[] {'1/6', '1/3 Vertical', '1/2 Horizontal', '1/2 Vertical', '1/4 Vertical', '2/3', 'Full', 'Double Truck', null}; String [] mpSizes = new String[] {'1/2 Horizontal', '1/2 Vertical', '1/3 Vertical', '1/4 Vertical', '1/8 Horizontal', 'Full', '1x1', '1x2', '1x3', '2x1', '2x2', '2x3', '3x1', '3x2', '3x3', null}; Date testDay = Date.parse('11/10/2011'); User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE name = 'Jared Baker']; Account testOrg = new Account (Name = 'Test', BillingStreet = '3580 Wilshire', BillingState = 'CA', BillingPostalCode = '90010'); insert testOrg; Contact testCon = new Contact (FirstName = 'Joe', LastName = 'Tester', Email = 'jotes@jewishjournal.com', Fax = '(213) 555-0789', Phone = '(213) 555-0790', Account = testOrg); insert testCon; Opportunity testOpp = new Opportunity (Name = 'Test Op', Owner = u, Account = testOrg, Contact__c = testCon.ID, Category__c = 'Rockin Test', Art_Date__c = testDay, Notes__c = 'notes test', New_Advertiser__c = true, Bill_to__c = 'Agency', StageName = 'Won', CloseDate = testDay, Color__c = 'One'); insert testOpp; System.debug('Organization ID=' + testOpp.Account.ID); for(Integer i = 0; i<13; i++) { testOpp.Display_Ad_Size_JJ__c = jjSizes[i]; update testOpp; if(testOpp.Display_Ad_Size_JJ__c != null) { System.debug('Organization ID=' + testOpp.Account.ID); PageReference jjRef = new PageReference('/apex/saleIO?id=' + testOpp.id); Test.setCurrentPage(jjRef); saleIO testJJIO = new saleIO(); testJJIO.ioJJInit(); } } testOpp.Notes__c = null; testOpp.New_Advertiser__c = false; testOpp.Bill_to__c = 'Advertiser'; testOpp.Insertion_Dates__c = '11/10'; update testOpp; } } |
- jaredbaker
- July 06, 2011
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Xfdf issues
So, I have the code running to create the .xfdf and attach it to the proper account. Everything looked perfect, until I went to open my file. Instead of the .xfdf opening and overlaying the online form, it instead downloads a new copy of itself. Is there an issue in my xlm? What am I doing wrong here. Below is the code, and I have verified the .xfdf's are coming out correctly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | public with sharing class CreateIO { DateTime nowDT=System.now(); String formatted=nowDT.format('MM-dd-yyyy'); private String getXmlString(JJSale__c a) { String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + '<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' + '<f href="https://na11.salesforce.com/resource/1300398748000/IO_JJ"/>' + '<fields>' + '<field name="Acct Rep"><value>' + a.CreatedBy.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Ad Cost"><value>' + a.Ad_Price__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Address"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingStreet + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Advertiser"><value>' + a.Organization__r.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Bill to"><value>x</value></field>' + '<field name="City"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingCity + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Contact"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Email"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Email + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Fax"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Fax + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 1"><value>' + a.Journal_Issue__r.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 2"><value>' + a.Page_Requested__c + ', ' + a.Insertion_Notes__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Phone"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Phone + '</value></field>' + '<field name="State"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingState + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Todays Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Zip"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingPostalCode + '</value></field>' + '</fields><ids original="CB86FA72BFC7A2744D5052A67D1686EE" modified="C0A949601A5BB74AB94C1DAA08D65D2F"/>' + '</xfdf>'; return s; } public PageReference XFDFInit() { JJSale__c a = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, Ad_Price__c, Organization__r.BillingStreet, Organization__r.Name, Organization__r.BillingCity, Contact__r.Name, Contact__r.Email, Contact__r.Fax, Journal_Issue__r.Name, Page_Requested__c, Insertion_Notes__c, Contact__r.Phone, Organization__r.BillingState, Organization__r.BillingPostalCode FROM JJSale__c WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; String xmlContent = getXmlString(a); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Body = Blob.valueof(xmlContent); attachment.Name = a.Organization__r.Name + '_' + formatted + '.XFDF'; attachment.ParentId = a.Organization__r.Id; insert attachment; PageReference orgPage = new PageReference('/' + a.Organization__r.id); orgPage.setRedirect(true); return orgPage; } } |
- jaredbaker
- June 28, 2011
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XFDF Creation, Problem making button
I've gotten it working, made a button, it is attaching the file properly and everything. But now, when I go to open the .xfdf file, it just downloads another copy, or get stuck in a loop without ever opening the form. Now what!?
I am trying to create a button that will call a Visualforce page which calls the below code to make a .xfdf file. For whatever reason, it won't let me make a button. What am I doing wrong? Any help is HUGELY appreciated! Thanks in advance!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | public with sharing class CreateIO { DateTime nowDT=System.now(); String formatted=nowDT.format('dd_MM_yyyy'); private String getXmlString(JJSale__c a) { String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + '<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' + '<f href="https://cs9.salesforce.com/resource/1304098375000/IO_JJ"/>' + '<fields>' + '<field name="Acct Rep"><value>' + a.CreatedBy.Name + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Ad Cost"><value>' + a.Ad_Price__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Address"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingStreet + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Advertiser"><value>' + a.Organization__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Bill to"><value>x</value></field>' + '<field name="City"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingCity + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Contact"><value>' + a.Contact__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Email"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Email + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Fax"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Fax + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 1"><value>' + a.Journal_Issue__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="INSERTION DATES AND NOTES 2"><value>' + a.Page_Requested__c + ',' + a.Insertion_Notes__c + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Phone"><value>' + a.Contact__r.Phone + '</value></field>' + '<field name="State"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingState + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Todays Date"><value>' + formatted + '</value></field>' + '<field name="Zip"><value>' + a.Organization__r.BillingPostalCode + '</value></field>' + '</fields><ids original="CB86FA72BFC7A2744D5052A67D1686EE" modified="C0A949601A5BB74AB94C1DAA08D65D2F"/>' + '</xfdf>'; return s; } public PageReference XFDFInit() { JJSale__c a = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Name, Ad_Price__c, Organization__r.BillingStreet, Organization__c, Organization__r.BillingCity, Contact__c, Contact__r.Email, Contact__r.Fax, Journal_Issue__c, Page_Requested__c, Insertion_Notes__c, Contact__r.Phone, Organization__r.BillingState, Organization__r.BillingPostalCode FROM JJSale__c WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; String xmlContent = getXmlString(a); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Body = Blob.valueof(xmlContent); attachment.Name = a.Organization__c + formatted + '.XFDF'; attachment.ParentId = a.Id; insert attachment; PageReference salePage = new PageReference('/' + a.id); salePage.setRedirect(true); return salePage; } } |
<apex:page showHeader="true" controller="CreateIO" action="{!XFDFInit}"> </apex:page>
- jaredbaker
- June 23, 2011
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Automatically link Task to Account
Our users are constantly forgetting to link tasks to both accounts and contacts. Those that remember hate doubling their work to do it. I've tried to write a trigger that would do the work for them, but I'm VERY new to the language (and object-oriented programming in general) and am having some troubles referencing the proper fields. I've coppied my current failed attempt below...maybe its not all a waste.
trigger AddOrgName on Task (before insert) { List<Task> newTask = [SELECT t.Who.name, t.Who.Account.Name, t.whatid FROM Task t WHERE t.WhatId = '' FOR UPDATE]; for (Task nt: newTask) { if(nt.WhatId == '') { nt.What = nt.Who.Account.Name; } } update newTask;}
- jaredbaker
- May 02, 2011
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