• jaysun
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I am trying to invoke 3rd party web-services from Salesforce using WSDL2APEX. The client has also shared a .p12 certificate which I need to use for client authentication while making web-service call from Salesforce along with username and password.

I converted above .pfx into base64 using openSSL and tried below:
stub.clientCert_x = 'base64encodedstring'; 
stub.clientCertPasswd_x = 'password used for importing .pfx (password used for protecting private key)'

I am not sure above password is same as keystore password. But this method is not working.

I converted .p12(.pfx) into .jks and imported the same in Salesforce and used below:
​stub.clientCertName_x = 'CertificateUniqueName';

Even above method didn't work. Tried the same with HTTP callouts, but no luck.

I am not sure where I am going wrong. I am getting response from the server that authentication certificate is missing, hence I believe that the callout is successful.

My client has used "GlobalSign Root CA" which is supported by Salesforce.

Please let me know if my approach is wrong. Should I first export .p12 into public and private keys and then use it ?
We spent several hours enabling our State & Country Picklist in the Sandbox environment. We are working this weekend to test everything in our live environment and have noticed the State & Country Picklist setting and integration codes did not come through with the change sets. Is there an 'easy' way to move these settings?
Here is the sample code from the getEnclosingPrimaryId function documentation:

<apex:page standardController="Case">
    <A HREF="#" onClick="testCloseTab();return false">
         Click here to close this primary tab</A>

    <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/20.0/integration.js"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function testCloseTab() {
            //First find the ID of the current primary tab to close it
        var closeSubtab = function closeSubtab(result) {
            //Now that we have the primary tab ID, we can close it
            var tabId = result.id;

Simple question: What does "return false" do ?

I've been working on an issue to open a subtab inside a primary tab by
clicking a apex commandButton. I have an onclick="openSubtabFunction()"  on
the button to trigger a function when clicked.

The issue was after the first click of the button, my subtab would not open.

Here is my action sequence:
- I click the commandbutton and the onclick function is triggered to open the subtab (tab opens fine)
- I close the subtab.
- I repeat step 1. Subtab doesn't open

All I did to fix the issue was change my onclick code to:

onclick="openSubtabFunction();return false"

And then, I can open the subtab repeatedly.

But, I just want to know what kind of difference "return false"

If anyone can explain, it would be appreciated very much.

Thanks, Chris

Is it possible to get record index using SOQL query?


record 1 - 1

record2- 2

record -n

I want to render the record number in pageblock table or data table.

is there a way to display record index using Apex or visualforce contorls?

I am currently limited to showing 20 rows on a pageBlockTable I have created in Visualforce.

Is there a way to increase this limit without creating a controller extension? I'm running professional edition.

In a pageblock table I want to render more than one records returned by statndardcontroller or extension controoler.

How can I specify the recordId or the record index in pageblock table?



sr no.                   name                  age              city

1)                          tom                   22               boston

2)                           jim                       33              ny

3)                         shaun                     34               LA


I can retrieve name,aga and city.. but my controller can not get record index

i.e 1 for Tom

2 for Jim

3 for shaun etc.

Is there any way to render dynamically in visualforce?



I created a web service in apex class.

Will this method be availble in both partner and enterprise wsdl?

I have downloaded both wsdl. I can not find either the method name ( webservice) or class ( global) when I integrated to .Net.

However, other methods like .. create, upsert , query are available & I can use them.

How can I restrict web service method to partner / enterprise wsdl?

what method is preferred / required for partner wsdl user to loginto salesforce?

I am using .Net for integration.


any thoughts will be helpful

Does anyone have a sample of Apex to workday?

WSDL2Apex creates the classes for me just fine but the Authentication class doesn't look complete, no password member.



We enter our vendor invoices into our system and we have issues with duplicate invoices being entered. I wanted to make the vendor invoice number field (text) unique BUT what if there was the same invoice number for more than on vendor? (believe me it does happen with vendors who have four or three digit invoice numbers.)


I then thought of a way to create a formula that would concatenate the vendor account code with the vendor invoice number. That would then be a very unique number. BUT I don't think that you can make formulas unique.


What can I do?