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Field does not exist on product object
I am facing a strange problem. We have a Vendor_Vendor__c field in Product2 object which is lookup to Vendor object. When I am using that field in a tirgger, it complains that "Vendor_Vendor__c field not found in Product2 object" but I can clearly see that field being there. So, I tried to delete that field from Product2 object, but at that time it complained that it is being used in the same trigger.
It seems to be a case of oxymoron. Has anybody faced such problem earlier?
- bakul.patel
- January 20, 2017
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Different behaviors of same REST service
Case c = new Case (AccountId = '0019E000002pKMCQA2', description='est mgsg', Origin='Phone', Status='New'); insert c;
When I call this REST service from hurl.it, it works fine and creates case.
When I call this same REST service from different program, it fails. I get error Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, invalid parameter value: []
Pleaes note that all the field values are hard coded, so there is no chance of 2 clients providing different data to REST service.
Any help highly appreciated.
- bakul.patel
- December 09, 2016
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Calling metadata api using just session id
I have an apex class which class external service. This serivce is supposed to load some metadata when called.
I was thinking that I will pass user's session id to external service, and using just session id it will be able to call that metadata api. But after searching on net for hours, I didn't find any post which allows you to call metadata api just based on session id.
Isn't it possible?
If not possible, then what are the alternates I have?
How does apps like conga composer access salesforce data without asking for username and password? Do they do OAuth?
- bakul.patel
- August 29, 2016
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component not assigning values to inputFields in controller
<apex:outputLabel value="Field Name" for="fieldName"></apex:outputLabel> <apex:inputField value="{!newField.Name}" id="fieldName"/> <apex:outputLabel value="Field Type" for="fieldType"></apex:outputLabel> <apex:inputField value="{!newField.Type_of_Field__c}" id="fieldType"> <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!showValueField}" rerender="valuePanel"/> </apex:inputField>
public Case_Dynamic_Field__c newField {get;set;}After providing valule in newField.Name input field, when I change selection in Type_of_Field__c, which is a picklist, it triggers a apex controller function call. In that function, I am debugging newField. There I am getting no values assigned to Name and Type_of_Field__c, while I was expecting values in both fields as provided in browser.
I have ensured that immediate is not used anywhere.
<apex:pageMessages/> does not render any message.
There is no actionRegion used
- bakul.patel
- June 27, 2016
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Uploading a file using lightning component
var fileInput = document.getElementById("file1"); var file = fileInput.files;I get undefined in 2nd line.
Anybody has file uploading working through lightning?
- bakul.patel
- May 31, 2016
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Duplicate Lead Created
I have created a REST service and exposed it through a site to allow creation of lead when form is submitted. REST end point is .../service/apexrest/WebToLeadService
Due to few complexities we can't use web to lead form.
The REST serivce is working fine as such, but I am noticing a strange behavior.
After a lead is created, one more duplicate lead is created automatically. This duplicate's name is Organization name.
Does anybody have idea why Salesforce would create a duplicate lead on its own?
- bakul.patel
- March 30, 2016
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No access to products but use pricebook
I have a situation wherein I want to hide products from users but still let them use pricebooks (through apex).
I have a trigger to assign default pricebook to opportunity. But I get an insufficient priviledges error, which is I think because I have take away access to prdoucts (which takes away access to pricebooks).
Does anybody have suggestion to take away access on products but still let users use pricebooks?
- bakul.patel
- January 24, 2016
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HTTP Method 'GET' not allowed. Allowed are POST
I am gettig this error on my RestResource class. I have just one method defined with annotation @HttpPost.
When client application calls this rest service, we ensure that it is sending POST request, not GET.
But still Salesforce compalins saying that HTTP Method 'GET' not allowed. Allowed are POST
Has anybody faced this error? any thoughts?
- bakul.patel
- January 06, 2016
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Salesforce app external license management
Does anybody have idea how to manage licenses and cost outside salesforce LMA for your salesforce app?
I am in process of developing an app which has licnese model different from per user license and I would like to custom manage it.
- bakul.patel
- March 14, 2015
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Name link to custom VF page
I have a VF page for custom object, which is parent object to many other children objects.
These children objects have lookup field to parent object.
So, there when child record is created, name of parent record appears on the page layout.
When you click on that link, it takes you to standard layout of the parent object. Instead of that, I want to take user to custom VF page that we have developed for parent object.
Can anybody tell me how to do that?
- bakul.patel
- August 08, 2012
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Name link to custom VF page
I have a VF page for custom object, which is parent object to many other children objects.
These children objects have lookup field to parent object.
So, there when child record is created, name of parent record appears on the page layout.
When you click on that link, it takes you to standard layout of the parent object. Instead of that, I want to take user to custom VF page that we have developed for parent object.
Can anybody tell me how to do that?
- bakul.patel
- August 07, 2012
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Calling .Net webservice from apex code
We are building a managed package.
It calls a webserivice on .Net application and sends some data there (like name, phone, email etc)
While doing this call, we pass a token (which is generated in .Net application and stored in User object)
I have 2 questions:
1. When calling .Net webservice, do I need to encrypt just token Or we need to also encrypt the data we are sending
2. If we have to encryp the data also, when how do we make it available to end user of that data?
- bakul.patel
- June 14, 2012
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No access to products but use pricebook
I have a situation wherein I want to hide products from users but still let them use pricebooks (through apex).
I have a trigger to assign default pricebook to opportunity. But I get an insufficient priviledges error, which is I think because I have take away access to prdoucts (which takes away access to pricebooks).
Does anybody have suggestion to take away access on products but still let users use pricebooks?
- bakul.patel
- January 24, 2016
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Field does not exist on product object
I am facing a strange problem. We have a Vendor_Vendor__c field in Product2 object which is lookup to Vendor object. When I am using that field in a tirgger, it complains that "Vendor_Vendor__c field not found in Product2 object" but I can clearly see that field being there. So, I tried to delete that field from Product2 object, but at that time it complained that it is being used in the same trigger.
It seems to be a case of oxymoron. Has anybody faced such problem earlier?
- bakul.patel
- January 20, 2017
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Different behaviors of same REST service
Case c = new Case (AccountId = '0019E000002pKMCQA2', description='est mgsg', Origin='Phone', Status='New'); insert c;
When I call this REST service from hurl.it, it works fine and creates case.
When I call this same REST service from different program, it fails. I get error Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, invalid parameter value: []
Pleaes note that all the field values are hard coded, so there is no chance of 2 clients providing different data to REST service.
Any help highly appreciated.
- bakul.patel
- December 09, 2016
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Accessing Apex properties in Lightning Components
I am trying to build lightning components and I want to access the properties of an Apex controller in the components to display certain data. When try to display the values like in Visualforce (with added @AuraEnabled), it does not work. When I place the properties inside an inner class and create a method that has a return type as that inner class, then when I return a list of that class I can see the data. Bellow is the code which displays data, but I want to use it without an inner class and extra method to get that data. If anybody can help please let me know.
public with sharing class EmployeeAvailability {
public Decimal aetPerc {get;set;}
public Integer totalEmployeesToday {get;set;}
public Decimal budgetThisMonth {get;set;}
public Decimal averageMargin {get;set;}
public Object averageRate {get;set;}
public Integer illnessToday {get;set;}
public List<availableNextSixty> AvailableSixty{get;set;}
public Date DateAfterTwoMonths {get;set;}
public empAvailableInnerclass() {
public static empAvailableInnerclass getEmployeesDailyStatus(){
return innerCList;
JavaScript controller:
getFixedTable : function(cmp, event, helper) {
var table = cmp.get("c.getEmployeesDailyStatus");
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
} else if (state === "ERROR") {
alert('Error : ' + JSON.stringify(errors));
Lightning Component:
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.getFixedTable}"/>
<aura:attribute name="tabTable" type="EmployeeAvailabilityLightning"/>
<table id="fixedTab">
<th>Total employees today : {!v.tabTable.totalEmployeesToday}</th>
<th>Budget this month : {!v.tabTable.budgetThisMonth}</th>
<th>Average Margin : {!v.tabTable.averageMargin} %</th>
<th>Available next 60 days : {!v.tabTable.AvailableSixty.size}</th>
<th>Employee hours available today : {!v.tabTable.aetPerc} %</th>
<th>Illness Today: {!v.tabTable.illnessToday}</th>
- Aleksandar Aleksandar
- May 30, 2016
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No access to products but use pricebook
I have a situation wherein I want to hide products from users but still let them use pricebooks (through apex).
I have a trigger to assign default pricebook to opportunity. But I get an insufficient priviledges error, which is I think because I have take away access to prdoucts (which takes away access to pricebooks).
Does anybody have suggestion to take away access on products but still let users use pricebooks?
- bakul.patel
- January 24, 2016
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HTTP Method 'GET' not allowed. Allowed are POST
I am gettig this error on my RestResource class. I have just one method defined with annotation @HttpPost.
When client application calls this rest service, we ensure that it is sending POST request, not GET.
But still Salesforce compalins saying that HTTP Method 'GET' not allowed. Allowed are POST
Has anybody faced this error? any thoughts?
- bakul.patel
- January 06, 2016
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How to get the approver name into an HTML email?
This should be pretty easy but it's giving me bouts of grief.
I need to get the name of the person that approved a record into an HTML email template, as there are several possible approvers and they would all like to know who approved the record from an email sent on final approval/rejection, rather than logging into Salesforce (for various reasons - they'd like to know via email).
I tried using the LastModifiedBy name, which seems to be correct when I look at an approved record in the UI, but when I insert it in my email template as a field, it's blank when the approval/rejection takes place, and the email is sent-
Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
- kevin Carothers
- March 14, 2015
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Set field values on a task created by workflow. Trigger?
If the subject of the task created via workflow = 'Certified Receipt Req', I need to set the field Required__c to True, and the field From_Whom__c to 'USPS'.
Is this possible (i have to believe it is), and how?
Thank you!
- Kristen Hudgens 9
- March 14, 2015
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HttpRequest Callout to Azure Message Queue REST API
string storageKey = 'removedforprivacy'; Datetime dt = Datetime.now(); string formattedDate = dt.formatGMT('EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss') + ' UTC'; string stringToSign = 'POST\n\napplication/xml\n\nx-ms-date:' + formattedDate + '\n' + '/myqueue/testqueue/messages'; // Sign the request Blob temp = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(storageKey); Blob hmac = Crypto.generateMac('HMacSHA256', Blob.valueOf(stringToSign), temp); string signature = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(hmac); Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign)))); // This ends up being the exact same as the console app system.debug('SIGNATURE==>SharedKey myqueue:' + signature); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setMethod('POST'); req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/xml'); req.setHeader('x-ms-date', formattedDate); string authHeader = 'SharedKey myqueue:' + signature; req.setHeader('Authorization', authHeader); req.setEndpoint('https://myqueue.queue.core.windows.net/testqueue/messages'); req.setBody('<QueueMessage><MessageText>' + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf('This is a test from salesforce')) + '</MessageText></QueueMessage>'); system.debug(req); Http http = new Http(); try { HTTPResponse res = http.send(req); system.debug(res.toString()); system.debug(res.getStatus()); system.debug(res.getStatusCode()); } catch (system.CalloutException ce) { system.debug(ce); }I created a small .NET console app to verify how to create the request and the connectivity. Once that was working, I verified the signed signature used in the Authorization header is the same when created both in .NET and in Salesforce. Has anyone else came across this? Is there something you can see in the code I have written? Is there a way for me to capture the HttpRequest that is being posted by Salesforce (something similar to fiddler would be great)?
- Chad VanHorn
- October 07, 2014
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Using oAuth in Force.Com to access an External Application
The application is using 2-Legged oAuth so I am encoding the signature in RSA-SHA1. Despite this, I seem to keep getting the result "Invalid Signature". Can anyone tell me if I am missing essential formatting in my code below for using oAuth?
Any help is greatly appreciated. I have also modified the Consumer Key and Private Key from thier true values, but maintained thier Size and special characters for a reference.
Http h = new Http();
String consumer_key='A1BF9UW7HS67STUOW8HUMKWODSJUOS';
//Encoded PKCS8 Private Key
//Composed of Private Key Generated by OpenSSL
String secret_key='MIICXAIBAAKBgQDF9IiOjP0ZQcqGQ+Ut8K4Ug4vWe7' +
'M6TRF+ruvVv1CtMOfZVV3kvtJPaNAD/bBs8W5wVFD+' +
'tg+YhKL2nxkEKssdDNuyIOUa9OOQPbEBIjM7IJ8bRh' +
'3kycneA0GPuNQIB3n5leCeCZtg56OR2WC8udc2FklQ' +
'Jpvm0GWy+mvXC+DaewIDAQABAoGAce4+lgTROrMh88' +
'0JCVugy1G/3UYfyxLeb26hVFPASmE635DRrLgbrjFL' +
'qp4ZnvJwFa/1PxUWvso/3L9Or5ZNlmerHkdOdQhS3N' +
'aUxDlB0RsCV7kwRVhaJbwsBKL07bYHqHCB3BE97xoN' +
'Ak4ptsfEXYALeRnegSfpeq72fZGnYnECQQDrjPrfjH' +
'9n5C60AfYgotQW6F52kHB6posgzltuTWh8UMaZUVD+' +
'Td+mcDYIIlJnmG1qyL+v3Eu+CbBLDhY8HuXqNAbQCQ' +
'RQkwEl1wGbrnyLeaKNH9t1yYmYwm93K+Vu9jAkEA1y' +
'QCNs1A+IzbiUacbq1nzrstSzOdBCnLOeWBZRByqeYa' +
'r6awJBANN5TcPYlli6/ME/a11Pjo6jZq5ZGaqR+nX6' +
'JAeFJikDDPn/0yUicyV8d1OWJnZn8vxacvKIngsH6A' +
'IgiM+iJMkiYnpFOtQScTj3S7PNcfNVAlz5mXuwvppA' +
'pupU9KEU0h5iDRSXx/8UyUgHpcOWyKLewPp9FAnQyW' +
'AF1+U0HSECQBVzu8CVaK7keNdOhHSgIsvCEdjzzA1P' +
'd4uHbwGLObtCcxz2nwymQD4GZ8UMDZWLnX3/V2JbvQ' +
Long tmp=(System.now().getTime()/1000);
String encrypt_string = 'GET&https%3A%2F%2Fapi.xero.com%2Fapi.xro%2F2.0%2FContacts' +
'&oauth_consumer_key%3D' + consumer_key +
'%26oauth_nonce%3Dfef295f8188b8686fc922a66ec4fed2b' +
'%26oauth_signature_method%3DRSA-SHA1' +
'%26oauth_timestamp%3D' + tmp +
'%26oauth_token%3D' + consumer_key +
String algorithmName = 'RSA-SHA1';
String key = secret_key;
// Decode the key from base64 to binary
Blob privateKey = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(key);
Blob input = Blob.valueOf(consumer_key);
Blob signature = Crypto.sign(algorithmName, input, privateKey);
String signatureA = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(signature);
String signatureB = EncodingUtil.urlEncode(signatureA, 'UTF-8');
System.debug('~~~ '+ signatureA);
// Try to get access token
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint('https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Contacts' +
'?oauth_consumer_key=' + consumer_key +
'&oauth_nonce=fef295f8188b8686fc922a66ec4fed2b' +
'&oauth_signature=' + signatureB +
'&oauth_signature_method=RSA-SHA1' +
'&oauth_timestamp=' + tmp +
'&oauth_token=' + consumer_key +
// Send the request, and return a response
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
System.debug('~~~ '+res.getBody());
- James Grummell 9
- July 09, 2014
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SFDC Technical Architect with Dart experience - Remote
Our client requires a Salesforce.com Technical Architect for a new implementation. Duration is 6+ months. The location is remote with some travel to the client site in the Midwest or West Coast.
- 3+ years of Salesforce.com experience
- 2 implementations as a lead/architect
- Extensive integration experience - legacy and 3rd party systems with Salesforce.com
- Utilize Google Dart or Web App development
- Must have some experience with Google Dart
To learn more about this role, please contact Dimple at dimple@rune2e.com or 678-533-4477.
RunE2E is a leading provider of integrated IT consulting, workforce and technology solutions. We offer BI, CRM, HCM and Cloud consulting and contingent workforce services to give IT departments greater expertise and more resources. Our technology solutions from leading business software and cloud infrastructure partners help companies of all sizes harness data, increase revenue and enhance efficiency.
- RunE2E
- September 12, 2013
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- otbuild
- November 03, 2012
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MD5 Security issue with webservice
The requirement is authentication between webservice and salesforce.
I have created webservice in .net which is import and export data in excel sheet.
i have built one page which has list of salesforce user in .net, it will display in salesforce(for that i used web tab).
if administrator select one of user from the list and save it.it will save userId,Username and new generated security token in sql server and update that security token in according user record in salesforce.
when salesforce user request the webservice it will check with username and token.whether this user has permission or not and preceed further.
I am getting this issue, when i request webservice from salesforce.
Insecure Storage of Sensitive Data Vulnerability
If your application copies and stores sensitive data that originated at salesforce.com, you should take extra precaution. Salesforce.com takes threats to data that originated at their site very seriously, and a data breach or loss could jeopardize your relationship with salesforce.com if you are a partner.
If you must store passwords (including non-Salesforce passwords), note that storing them in plaintext or hashed (such as with the MD5 function) makes your application vulnerable to mass user exploitation if an attacker can get access (even just read-only access) to your database (such as through stealing a backup tape or SQL injection). Although a successful SQL injection or data exposure attack is a huge problem in itself, if the attacker can recover passwords from the data, they cantransparently compromise user accounts on a mass scale.
My question is,
if i convert username and token before saving into the sql server, it will solve my problem..?
i would like to inform that, i am using lead data in webservice..
This data also i want to convert it into the mdf before import or export in excel sheet..?
Please help me, to solved this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Nilesh Badrakiya
- NileshAspire
- June 04, 2012
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Test Deployment Result [invalid field name:bucketfield_97340085]
just like to ask if am i missing some items when doing the changeset deployment?
im having an error in deploying a report having a bucketfield
thanks in advance,
- Mj12
- May 02, 2012
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Batch Apex and VF Page getContentasPDF() - Help
I am trying to write a batch apex job that will cycle through a list of records..
For each record, I need to get the VF Document related to it as a PDF and email it as an attachment.
The PDF always comes across as blank. I know I must bemissing something small because the exact same code works in a static apex class......
Can someone please help me resolve this?
Note: the code attached just attaches the file to the object for testing purposes...
this is the execute method. Everything else works except the actual PDF is empty
Map<ID,MYOBJECT__c> mFSA = New Map<ID,MYOBJECT__c>((MYOBJECT__c[])(database.query(query))); PageReference pr; blob pdf; For(FSA__c f : mFSA.values()){ pr = New PageReference('/apex/ReportPDF?id=' + f.id ); pdf = pr.getContentAsPDF(); Attachment a = New Attachment(); a.body = pdf; a.parentID = f.id; a.Name = 'FSA.pdf'; insert a; }
- Starz26
- March 21, 2012
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'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/:Envelope' but found ':html'
hello Experts,
I m facing same problem. Please help me out
Web service callout failed: Unexpected element. Parser was expecting element 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/:Envelope' but found ':HTML'
Thank in advance.
- AnkurIteng
- February 08, 2012
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