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Hi all,


I have been tasked with finding out if the wsc-22.jar and the generated partner.jar are thread-safe.

We are building an application in Java that will be having multiple threads accessing the partner connection variable and sending queries/updates/creates to SalesForce.

I have found the documentation on the limits, so the limits of 10 query cursors and for concurrent requests (calls) with a duration of 20 seconds or longer:

However nothing really on if the code is thread-safe.


Any help in finding an answer to this would be greatly appreciated.





Hi all,


I have been tasked with finding out if the wsc-22.jar and the generated partner.jar are thread-safe.

We are building an application in Java that will be having multiple threads accessing the partner connection variable and sending queries/updates/creates to SalesForce.

I have found the documentation on the limits, so the limits of 10 query cursors and for concurrent requests (calls) with a duration of 20 seconds or longer:

However nothing really on if the code is thread-safe.


Any help in finding an answer to this would be greatly appreciated.





Hello Everyone,


I am trying to update accounts page layout with a custom link.  I managed to create a custom link which is great.  Now I am able to retrieve the page layout through retrieve call.  Which gives a zip file,  is there a way I could update the layout through the Metadata API?  So far I have tried this,


     Layout co = new Layout();



        LayoutSection layoutSection = new LayoutSection();



        layoutSection.setLabel("Custom Links");

        LayoutColumn layoutColumn = new LayoutColumn();

        LayoutItem[] layoutItemList = new LayoutItem[1];

        LayoutItem layoutItem = new LayoutItem();


        layoutItemList[0] = layoutItem;


        LayoutColumn[] layoutColumnList = new LayoutColumn[1];

        layoutColumnList[0] = layoutColumn;


        LayoutSection[] layoutSectionList = new LayoutSection[1];

        layoutSectionList[0] = layoutSection;



        UpdateMetadata updateMetadata = new UpdateMetadata();


        updateMetadata.setCurrentName("Trial");   // co.getFullName(); 


This code leads to the following exception



Error message: Layout must contain an item for required layout field: Name

The object state is Error


What am I missing here.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Ananth Chellathurai




   Right now I am using Developer edition (trial) and i want to create custom field (Text Area) in Accounts section using a web service call. Can anyone help me in this. Thanks

Raj S
  • October 12, 2008
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