• Siddharth Birari.ax1164
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  • Eternus Solutions Pvt Ltd.

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We have been facing one issue while carrying out the Profile Deployment from Sandbox (Partial Copy) to the Production Environment. Below is the error which we are getting.

In field: field - no CustomField named Account.SalesforceCustomer found

We verified that the Account.SalesforceCustomer field does exist in the Source environment and not in the Production environment however it's not a Custom Field but a Standard Field.

Can anyone please let us know on which feature in Salesforce creates this Standard Field. Also, how to overcome this problem to ensure a seamless deployment.

I have been facing a wierd issue since last couple of weeks. I have a visualforce developed which is being displayed on Customer Portal (Not community). This page displays images which are stored in custom field of type rich text area.
The page displays 10 such images however the issue is for few of them it shows the following image instead of the actual image.

User-added image

The custom controller is defined with 'without sharing' and I verified in the debug log also that the data is being returned by the salesforce. Also, the sufficient field level and record level accessibitliy has been provided.

One thing I noticed is if I clear the cache of the page, then it displays the image protperly however I don't find it an appropriate solutions.

I would hightly appreciate any inputs/help on this issue.



In one of my production environment, I am still using Customer Portal (Not Community). 
Here, I have one visualforce page on customer portal on which I update one specific Account record.

This works perfectly fine when I log in to the customer portal with a user having profile 'Custom Overage High Volume Customer Portal'. A custom profile with access rights to udpate the Account record.

Now, I need to replicate the same use case in Test code. Hence I created first an Account reocrd and a User record with above given profile.
When I run my test code under the context of the created user, and perform update operation on Account record, it gives me an exception.

I don't have any clue why the test code is not working as expected whereas the actual execution is as desired.


Hi ,


I am new to VF and Apex Development and creating a sample application .

My requirements are as below .


- have to create a simple flight booking application where the user will select Source and Destination from the picklists on the VF page .


- Based on the user's selection , a SOQL needs to run on Apex Controller and return results on VF page that match the criteria.


- I am trying getter method but It is accepting only Custom Object data type . getting various errors .


Question :


Can I be enlighten on how picklist values be sent to controller that can be used as a string , which later can be used in a where clause !!



I am going through blog  http://vaibhav-deep.blogspot.in/2011/01/capture-approvalrejection-comments-in.html 

please help me in creating  the test class of the following class.


public class OpportunityApprovalHistoryController {
public String opptyId {get;set;}
public List<ProcessInstanceHistory> getApprovalSteps() {
if (opptyId != null) {
Opportunity quote = [Select Id, (Select TargetObjectId, SystemModstamp, StepStatus, RemindersSent, ProcessInstanceId, OriginalActorId, IsPending, IsDeleted, Id, CreatedDate, CreatedById, Comments, ActorId From ProcessSteps order by SystemModstamp desc) from Opportunity where Id = :opptyId];
return quote.ProcessSteps;
return new List<ProcessInstanceHistory> ();



i nave a schedule which is running.

Now i Want to Stop running Schedule using Apex class.


Any idea???






I have a datetime instance available with me.


I want to identify '3rd Thursday' for that Month which is represented by that datetime instance.


Just like '3rd Thursday', the combination can be any thing provided by the user,

say, "Last Saturday' Or '4th Monday' etc.


Please help

Thanks in advance



directly coming to the point,

i have developed one Visualforce page with standard controller as one of my custom object.

I have overriden 'New' and 'Edit' buttons of my custom object with this page.


In my custom object I have two lookup fields which has lookup filter on it.


Issue :  I am not facing any issue with 'New' button. i.e. on click of 'New' button my VF page opens up.


But on click of 'Edit' the page doesn't opens and erroneously error comes up as 'Internal Server Error'.

Again, if i remove the lookup filters from my lookup fields, the Edit button works as expected. The behaviour should be the same when lookup filter is applied, as it is my requirement.


Please sgguest.


Thanks in advance.




I want to use jquery.ajax method to send my request to an external service in Visualforce.

Have a look with my javascript &colon; 


contentType : 'application/json',
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
alert("textStatus : "+textStatus);
alert("status : "+XMLHttpRequest.status);


When this code execute, I receieve the response with error method:

textStatus : error

XMLHttpRequest.readyState : 0
XMLHttpRequest.status : 0


I don't  konw whether there are some error in my code, so does anyone have experiences about use jquery.ajax in Visualforce or how to post a request to an external service in Visualforce?




Hi All


I know we can wirte code as <apex:inputField required="true"/> to make this field required highlight and checking.


Can we make code same style for other component? such as <apex:selectList>, <apex: inputText>


I wrote as <apex:selectList required="true"/>, but no required highlight on visualforce page.


Anyone can help me?




I've noticed that using multiple operators with CONTAIN functions ( : ) instead of OR functions and using CASE statements instead of nested IF statements can have a big impact on reducing formula compile sizes.  


What are some other things for reducing compile sizes?



I have a requirement to send my SFDC Reports/Dashboards through email.

Preferably reports/dashboards should be in email body itself.


For sending emails, I have my own web service, which sends the email.


Seeking for some ideas, how to do it.


Thanks in advance.

Hi all,


I have developed a workflow with Time-Dependent Workflow Actions to send Emails.


There are no issues at all in execution of Workflow, but the thing is I want to configure the recipients in my Time-Dependent Workflow Actions (Email Alert).


Email Recipients to be configured


1) Record Owner

2) Immediate Manger of Record Owner in Role hierarchy

3) Immediate Manger of person(user) referred at point 2

and in Role hierarchy and so on


So far i am able to configure the recipient to Record Owner only


I tried with configuring recipient to 'Role' but in that case all the users assigned to that role receive the mail, which is not required.


Please help


Thanks in Advance


I'm having a problem finding the right syntax for a pretty simple SOQL query.


So i have a basic query


Select Time_Clock__r.Team_Member_Employee__c FROM Time_Record__c where Id='xxxx'


which will return the Contact Id. Now I need to get the User associated with that contact. I've tried


SELECT Id from User where ContactId in (Select Time_Clock__r.Team_Member_Employee__c FROM Time_Record__c where Id='a0D3000000CiPAk')




SELECT Id from User where ContactId = (Select Time_Clock__r.Team_Member_Employee__c FROM Time_Record__c where Id='a0D3000000CiPAk')


I can't seem to find the correct syntax to achieve this. I'd appreciate any help.



I ran into storage space issues on my Full Sandbox. On inspecting Storage Usage, I found that Task records were taking up  the bulk of storage. There are around 100 K Task records. Also when I run  the query  - Select count() from Task - it returns zero records. So my assumption is that all of these tasks are archived.


 I need to delete these archived Tasks, but I 'm running into road blocks. These are the approaches I have tried -


  1. Mass Delete option from the UI. This will delete 250 records in one shot. This is going to be very cumbersome considering I have 100k records
  2. Wrote a Batch Apex class to delete tasks. But am unable to retrieve archived Tasks. The query  - 'Select Id from Task  limit 50000 all rows'  - always returns zero records. I read that queryAll( ) is the way to go to retrieve archived records, but is there a way to use queryAll in a Batch Apex class?
  3. DataLoader - this seems to be the fastest way to delete records, in combination with the Bulk API. But the same problem of retrieving archived tasks exists here too.  There are zero rows exported I export Task using this tool. I read somewhere that archived records can't be exported using DataLoader ?

What are the alternatives that I have ? Please advise.







I am trying to get the required field setup for a inputText. I have tried methods provided but they do not provide the same feel.

<apex:outputLabel style="font-weight:bold" value="Company Name" for="companyName"/>
	<div class="requiredInput">
                   	<div class="requiredBlock"></div>
                                     <apex:inputText style="height:20px;width:200px" id="companyName" value="{!companyName}" required="true"/>

 Any pointers on how I can get the required block style for this.






I know that you can use the PartnerNetworkRecordConnection object to push opportunities through a connection.  


But how do you trigger through Apex the receipt / acceptance of a pushed Opportunity? 


I'm working my way through the documentation searching for what I need, but hopefully someone here knows where I can find it or the answer that I am looking for.

Windows Vista
IE 7
The offline edition 2.0 is failing when when I hit the Empty Briefcase button. Everything else works fine. It syncs perfectly, etc.
Error message is:
Please restart Force.com Connect for Offline using your Desktop shortcut. Alternative, select Start | All Programs | Salesforce.com | Offline Edition 2.0
I have called support and they were very patient, but the issue is unresolve. They have escalated it to tier 2 support, but I figured I'm not the first to encounter this problem.
In case it's related, I'll add that the Office Edition is also not working because the DLL are not registering correctly. Security issue?