• Mike Papper
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Is it possible to integrate svn with the Force.com IDE? On the Mac.


No instructions on developer.force.com seen relavent to this (the instructions I see are for Eclipse (for force.com) on windows).


Is it possible to integrate svn with the Force.com IDE? On the Mac.


No instructions on developer.force.com seen relavent to this (the instructions I see are for Eclipse (for force.com) on windows).


Hi All,


I have a pagelayout for case which contains inline visualforce page. In that page I am storing a cookie. When I see cookies in FF I get values as follows:

Host:  c.ap1.visual.force.com

Path: /

Name: test

Value: testvalue


Now when I try to access this cookie in my controller which is extension of the above page by following command:

Cookie myCookie = ApexPages.currentPage().getCookies().get('test');

and then try to debug value of this cookie by:



I get null, though I am having a value stored in it which is shown in FF.


After doing a thorough analysis, I came up with the conclusion that for setting cookie domain name is required and if the domain value is blank(not specified), its access is defaulted to the site from where it is set.And also I cannot set the cookie with the domain name of Case Page Layout as salesforce has not given permissions to get values of parent page. Also I have hardcoded the value of domain name while setting cooke, the cookie doesnt sets in this case. :(



That's why I am not able to access this cookie from my controller as it takes cookies from currentPage()


Any expertise who has faced this earlier and has a solution to it would help me a lot and also would be Highly Appreciated. There has to be a workaround for this.


If you have a solution/thought/suggestion, please contact me on Skype, Id :lakshman.sfdc or provide here.

Thank you!


