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Is it possible to copy or retrive the list of opportunity products from an opportunity into a custom object? What i am trying to accomplish is create a custom object that represents a service agreement for a particular type of won opportunity. The idea being that once we win the opportunity with a new client then a custom service agreement object is created that is linked to that opportunity as well as a contract and some other custom fields that are formulas which pull info up from the opportunity and contract records. 

Problem is i would also like to pull up and copy all the diff products, their quantity, name, and price from the opportunity into the custom object but i cant seem to find a way to get to tht information from my custom object. I could re-create the products as another custom object and add those to the service agreement object but that seems cumbersome and redundent.
I have tried to create a formula field that retrieves the data but im assuming thaat because there could be multiple products asociated with an opportunity you cannot access that info in that way. 
Can anyone share an example with me on how i might go about getting this info.

Btw we are using Profesisonal edition and im not really a programmer so hopefully there is still a wayto do this without using custom code?
