• Robinrob
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Hi all. Thanks for reading.


My problem is this: i have a managed package installed on an org containing lots of useful classes and a couple of custom objects.


I have access to all of these classes & objects separately on another org, where I have written some other code utilising the useful classes and accessing the custom objects.


I now need to be able to deploy my code to the other org containing the managed package, by deploying only my classes.


I am unable to make the deployment because my classes cannot access the custom objects to start with.


Is there any way to acheive what i am trying to do?


Many thanks!



This is really bugging me!


I am trying to fill a <gd:recurrence> tag for a Google Calendar event XML feed, using a String created in apex like so:


    	Dom.Xmlnode node = event.getXMLRoot();
        Dom.Xmlnode child = null;
        node.setAttribute('xmlns:gd', GData.XMLNS_GD_ATOM);
        node.setAttribute('xmlns:gCal', GData.CALENDAR_ATOM);
        child = node.addChildElement('gd:transparency', null, null);
        child.setAttribute('value', GDataEntry.KIND_EVENT + '.opaque');
        child = node.addChildElement('gd:eventStatus', null, null);
        child.setAttribute('value', GDataEntry.EVENT_STATUS_CONFIRMED);
        child = node.addChildElement('gd:recurrence', null, null);
        String text = 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20120101\nDTEND;VALUE=DATE:20120101\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=Tu;UNTIL=20123101';



What i need in the XML output for the <gd:recurrence> tag is this:






What i get is this:




The XML terminates there. Should i be inserting something else for the newline? It is necessary to have newlines in the XML between the parameters of the <gd:recurrence> tag.



Thanks for your time!









I had a test class "TestRecordTypes" that is part of a managed package. I deleted the class because I wanted to move the test methods inside the controller that was being tested. This didn't work like I thought it would, so I wanted to restore the code from the deleted class, which I had saved locally.


There seems to be no way to overwrite or undelete the class. In Eclipse if I create a new class w/ the same nameI get prompted w/ "Duplicate Component Found," and it asks me if I want to overwrite the remote instance. If I choose "OK" I get a local class w/ the deleted code in it. When I save I get errors for the class and it's meta.xml file saying "Save error: Conflict found while preparing to save 'TestRecordTypes.' to server.  Remote instance has been updated since last save or sync.  Use the Synchronize Perspective to resolve the conflict." But the Synchronize with Server tool doesn't let me upload the code to the server. If I try to deploy the newly created class to the server I get an error "Class is deleted". The deleted class still shows up in the SF UI under Develop / Apex Classes but there doesn't appear to be any way to undelete the class.


So I appear to be stuck in that Twilight Zone episode where you walk down a street but always end up back where you started. Is this a "feature" or is there a way to restore the class?


thanks in advance,
