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Apex List
for(jbbfc2__MaterialU__c mu :[select jbbfc2__Workorder__c,jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id, Name, jbbfc2__Material__r.jbbfc2__ProductCode__c,jbbfc2__Material__r.jbbfc2__UnitPrice__c,jbbfc2__quantity__c from jbbfc2__MaterialU__c where jbbfc2__Workorder__r.jbbfc2__Status__c ='Closed']) { System.debug('Workorder Id' + mu.jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id); System.debug('Material' + mu.Name); matList.add(mu); if(muMap.get(mu.jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id)==null){ muMap.put(mu.jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id, matList); } }
For matList.add(mu);
It's adding all the materials to the matList regardless which jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id it belongs too..How can i fix this? Right now i'm just adding all the records in the matList
- davidjbb
- August 23, 2012
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How can I rewrite the following so I don't run the soql in the for loop, however,
each Workorder has it's own material list of items.
for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo : workorderList){ materialUList = [select jbbfc2__Workorder__c, Name from jbbfc2__MaterialU__c where jbbfc2__Workorder__r.jbbfc2__Status__c ='Closed' AND jbbfc2__Workorder__c =:wo.id]; InvoiceObj invObjItem = new InvoiceObj(wo, wrMap, materialUList); this.invObjList.add(invObjItem); }
- davidjbb
- August 21, 2012
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Apex Scheduler
Hello Community
If I write an Apex Scheduler to create a bunch of records at X day at Y Time.
When these records are created. Who would be the ownership of the Records? ie. Created By and Modified would be..??
(If I did not set these fields)
Would it be the person who sets the Scheduled Job?
Thank you,
- davidjbb
- August 20, 2012
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Hello Community,
From my system.debug I got the following:
2012-08-17 17:16:00
I am trying to do a SOQL on DateTime i.e
where (jbbfc2__Start_Date__c >= :getFromDate() and jbbfc2__finished_date__c <= :getToDate())
However, my SOQL isn't taking into consideration of the dates and I believe it's the dateTime from getFromDate() and getToDate()
//Get From Date
public datetime getFromDate(){
System.debug('FROM DATE'+ controllerObject.Start_Date__c);
return this.fromDate = controllerObject.Start_Date__c;
How do I convert the DateTime to the following, so the query will work?
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
- davidjbb
- August 17, 2012
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Custom Button or Link + Javascript Behavior
Is there a way to create a javascript-custom button/link to popup a window of Custom VisualForce Pages that a user can select one and redirect them to that page?
Thank you
- davidjbb
- August 07, 2012
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I need help with the following setScale, not sure why it's not working. I need to be able to set certain number fields with trailing 0. In this case I need a trailing 4 decimal places even if it's 0
quantity__c is Number(18, 0) (I had it set to 14,4..nothing changed)
m.quantity__c = (m.quantity__c).setScale(4);
The value would appear as ie. 10.0
If m.quantity__c was a string field I believe the setScale(4) works but i dont want to create unnecessary fields..
- davidjbb
- August 07, 2012
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Apex Repeat
The example provided by Salesforce:
<!-- Page: --> <apex:page controller="repeatCon" id="thePage"> <apex:repeat value="{!strings}" var="string" id="theRepeat"> <apex:outputText value="{!string}" id="theValue"/><br/> </apex:repeat> </apex:page> /*** Controller: ***/ public class repeatCon { public String[] getStrings() { return new String[]{'ONE','TWO','THREE'}; } }
<span id="thePage:theRepeat:0:theValue">ONE</span><br/> <span id="thePage:theRepeat:1:theValue">TWO</span><br/> <span id="thePage:theRepeat:2:theValue">THREE</span><br/>
How can I code it in a way it'll show the following:
Instead of
<span id="thePage:theRepeat:0:theValue">ONE</span><br/>
I plan on doing an export on the VF page using contentType and will display the following
"sForce",,,"The Landmark @ One Market",,"San Francisco","CA","94087","US"
"1","00004757" ,"7-9-2012","7-9-2012","0.00","0.00"
"","1.0000","0.0000","0.00" Fieldworker Rate
I should be able to display the following above in the same format, spacing etc. The above would be considered one record so there will be multiple <salorder> </salorder> based off my data construction.
- davidjbb
- July 09, 2012
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Sandbox Environment - Beta Package
I've recently installed our app into the client's production environment. We first had the app in their sandbox environment for testing before installing into production, however, when I went to uninstall the beta package due to an update on our app i got the following error:
This extension depends on the package you are trying to uninstall. [Name]
Do we need to refresh the sandbox because we have already installed the package on production?
If so, can I uninstall it on the sandbox and install a brand new one?
- davidjbb
- July 09, 2012
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SelectList + Command Button
<apex:selectList value="{!company}" size="1" > <apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/> </apex:selectList>
Is there a way to merge the rerender + action from the command button into the Select List. Currently, the Button refreshes the service Calendar based on the selected option, but I want it refreshed based on whatever was selected on the picklist instead of using the button
the companyView method has the getItems method from the selected options.
<apex:commandButton rerender="serviceCalendarPanel"action="{!companyView}"value="Refresh Calendar"status="loadingStatus"/>
- davidjbb
- July 06, 2012
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SOQL + List.
Hello Community.
I have the following List.
List<jbbfc2__Fieldworker_Name__c> team = new List <jbbfc2__Fieldworker_Name__c>([Select Team__c From jbbfc2__Fieldworker_Name__c]);
I can't do Select Distinct for SOQL, so how can I remove all the duplicate Team__c. I need the values to be inserted into a List collection.
I'm not that great in coding, so go easy on me :)
Thank you,
- davidjbb
- July 03, 2012
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SQLof the Current User
Hello Community,
I want to retrieve the records of the custom/standard object of the current user.
In addition, what if for example I want to grab the records of the current user and their profiled organization. I.E Bob's profile has set Organization to "Rakio". I want to grab records that belong to Bob who is the current user logged in, and "Rakio"
Thank you,
- davidjbb
- June 27, 2012
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VF Page variable loop + Apex Class
Hi Community,
I need the startDate and finishDate to loop for each "ClosedWorkorders" in the VF page, not sure what to do. Please note I need the format of the VF page the way it is. I am planning to download the VF page as it is.
I could've done {!wo.jbbfc2__Start_Date__c} but its in date time format, either way.. I'm going to need a solution for looping startDate and finishDate for other similar code in the future
At the moment it's only picking up the date of one ClosedWorkorders
VF Page
<apex:repeat value="{!ClosedWorkorders}" var="wo" id="foreachworkorder" > {!startSales} {!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.Name},,,{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingStreet},,{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCity},{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingState},{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingPostalCode},{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCountry} {NUMBEROFDETAILLINES},{!wo.Name},{!startDate},{!finishDate},{!totalAmount},{!freightAmount} {!endSales} {!blank} <apex:variable var="count" value="{!1}"/> </apex:repeat>
Apex Class:
//Get Closed Work Orders between From and To Date public void setClosedWorkorders(){ this.ClosedWorkorders = [Select Name, CreatedDate, jbbfc2__Start_date__c, jbbfc2__Finished_Date__c, jbbfc2__Account__r.Name, jbbfc2__Account__r.Id, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCity, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingStreet, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingState, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingPostalCode, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCountry from jbbfc2__workorder__c where jbbfc2__Start_Date__c > :getFromDate() and jbbfc2__finished_date__c < :getToDate() and jbbfc2__status__c ='Closed']; } //Set the Start Date for each Work Order public void setStartDate(){ for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo: getClosedWorkorders()){ this.startDate= string.valueof((wo.jbbfc2__Start_Date__c).date()); //TODO change to month date year format } } //Get the Start Date for each Work Order public string getStartDate(){ return this.startDate; } public void setFinishDate(){ for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo: getClosedWorkorders()){ this.finishDate = string.valueof((wo.jbbfc2__Finished_Date__c).date()); //TODO change to month date year format } } public string getFinishDate(){ return this.finishDate; }
- davidjbb
- May 04, 2012
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VF Page variable loop + Apex Class
Hi Community,
I need the startDate and finishDate to loop for each "ClosedWorkorders" in the VF page, not sure what to do. Please note I need the format of the VF page the way it is. I am planning to download the VF page as it is.
I could've done {!wo.jbbfc2__Start_Date__c} but its in date time format, either way.. I'm going to need a solution for looping startDate and finishDate for other similar code in the future
At the moment it's only picking up the date of one ClosedWorkorders
VF Page
<apex:repeat value="{!ClosedWorkorders}" var="wo" id="foreachworkorder" > {!startSales} {!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.Name},,,{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingStreet},,{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCity},{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingState},{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingPostalCode},{!wo.jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCountry} {NUMBEROFDETAILLINES},{!wo.Name},{!startDate},{!finishDate},{!totalAmount},{!freightAmount} {!endSales} {!blank} <apex:variable var="count" value="{!1}"/> </apex:repeat>
Apex Class:
//Get Closed Work Orders between From and To Date public void setClosedWorkorders(){ this.ClosedWorkorders = [Select Name, CreatedDate, jbbfc2__Start_date__c, jbbfc2__Finished_Date__c, jbbfc2__Account__r.Name, jbbfc2__Account__r.Id, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCity, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingStreet, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingState, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingPostalCode, jbbfc2__Account__r.ShippingCountry from jbbfc2__workorder__c where jbbfc2__Start_Date__c > :getFromDate() and jbbfc2__finished_date__c < :getToDate() and jbbfc2__status__c ='Closed']; } //Set the Start Date for each Work Order public void setStartDate(){ for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo: getClosedWorkorders()){ this.startDate= string.valueof((wo.jbbfc2__Start_Date__c).date()); //TODO change to month date year format } } //Get the Start Date for each Work Order public string getStartDate(){ return this.startDate; } public void setFinishDate(){ for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo: getClosedWorkorders()){ this.finishDate = string.valueof((wo.jbbfc2__Finished_Date__c).date()); //TODO change to month date year format } } public string getFinishDate(){ return this.finishDate; }
- davidjbb
- May 04, 2012
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Get InputField and Apex Class
Hi Community,
I'm looking to get a Apex Input Field on a VF page called, ex Page1
and use it for whatever I want in an Apex Class then output that Input field on Page 2
I'm not sure how to setup the Apex Class to grab the Input Field from Page one, manipulate the Input Field in the Apex Class, and then Display it on Page 2
- davidjbb
- May 03, 2012
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Test Method
Hi Guys,
I need help writing a test method without using "delete,insert, or update" in the test method.
The trigger activates another trigger that does a web call out so I want to make sure it doesn't
trigger AccToFieldworkerBD on Account (before delete) { set<String> setAccUser = new set <String> (); for (Account a :trigger.old){ if (a.teamlead__c==true) { setAccUSER.add(a.username__c); } } list <jbbfc2__Fieldworker_name__c> toDel = new list <jbbfc2__Fieldworker_name__c> ([select jbbfc2__username__c from jbbfc2__Fieldworker_name__c where jbbfc2__username__c in :setAccUser]); if (toDel.isEmpty() == false){ delete toDel; } }
- davidjbb
- May 03, 2012
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Test Method
Hi Guys,
I need help with the following. I have another trigger that's not listed below, which im writing a test method for. How do I send invokeGAE in the test method as false so it does not trigger the web service call out.
*note the code below are in a separate package, so in the test method how do I reference the invokeGAE
public with sharing class FieldworkerTriggerConstant {
public static boolean invokeGAE = true;
//Does a web service call out
trigger FieldworkerGAE on Fieldworker_Name__c (after insert, after update, after delete)
- davidjbb
- May 01, 2012
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Is there a way to create records of a object based on a certain time ? For example, if it's 12am the Work Order object will create X number(X number depends) of Work Orders based on the time? Any tips or feedback on how to get this going would be most appreciated.
- davidjbb
- April 04, 2012
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Picklist remove.
I need help removing all the picklist values from the following. I'm not sure how to do that. I want to be able to clear the selected picklist value then add a new one
jbbfc2__FieldworkersId__c = picklist field
mapWO = is a map
mapWO.get(v.id).jbbfc2__FieldworkersId__c = (remove all the values or unselect the value currently selected)
//add new value
mapWO.get(v.id).jbbfc2__FieldworkersId__c = v.Team_LeaderFWD__c;
- davidjbb
- April 04, 2012
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Test Case
What's a good way to write test cases for fields that you've created within a class.
i've created alot of fields that are used on a VF page..I've already used all the methods within the Test case, but Salesforce shows a red line on the bolded.
My test method is also used within the same class.
public with sharing class UMaterialController
private string test;
test = 'asdf';
public string getTest()
return test;
static testMethod void UMaterialControllerTest(){
- davidjbb
- April 02, 2012
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Trigger Update
I have the following trigger to update the Visit object based off of the Workorder object. There is a Visit lookup on the Workorder object. Thus, ..the code checks if the Id from Visit and Workorder matches - the trigger will update.
However, the trigger doesn't seem to fire.
The changes on the Salesforce side is sent from a mobile that updates a field in the Workorder object. This has been tested. The field gets updated. (Date/time) I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong or why the trigger isn't being fired.
trigger WorkorderToVisit on jbbfc2__Workorder__c (before update, before insert) { set <Id> setWoId = new set <Id> (); for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo: trigger.new){ setWoId.add(wo.Visit__c); } map <Id, Visit__c> mapVisit = new map <Id, Visit__c> (); for(Visit__c v : [Select Id from Visit__c where Id in :setWoId]){ mapVisit.put(v.id, v); } list <Visit__c> UpdVisit = new list <Visit__c> (); for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo: trigger.new){ if(mapVisit.ContainsKey(wo.Visit__c) == true){// if WO Id is true then update the visit object mapVisit.get(wo.Visit__c).Customer_Notes__c = 'trigger works'; mapVisit.get(wo.Visit__c).Field_Notes__c = 'trigger works'; } else{ mapVisit.get(wo.Visit__c).Customer_Notes__c = 'trigger works'; mapVisit.get(wo.Visit__c).Field_Notes__c = 'trigger works'; } } if(UpdVisit.isEmpty()==false){ update UpdVisit; } }
- davidjbb
- April 01, 2012
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Apex List
for(jbbfc2__MaterialU__c mu :[select jbbfc2__Workorder__c,jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id, Name, jbbfc2__Material__r.jbbfc2__ProductCode__c,jbbfc2__Material__r.jbbfc2__UnitPrice__c,jbbfc2__quantity__c from jbbfc2__MaterialU__c where jbbfc2__Workorder__r.jbbfc2__Status__c ='Closed']) { System.debug('Workorder Id' + mu.jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id); System.debug('Material' + mu.Name); matList.add(mu); if(muMap.get(mu.jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id)==null){ muMap.put(mu.jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id, matList); } }
For matList.add(mu);
It's adding all the materials to the matList regardless which jbbfc2__Workorder__r.Id it belongs too..How can i fix this? Right now i'm just adding all the records in the matList
- davidjbb
- August 23, 2012
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How can I rewrite the following so I don't run the soql in the for loop, however,
each Workorder has it's own material list of items.
for(jbbfc2__Workorder__c wo : workorderList){ materialUList = [select jbbfc2__Workorder__c, Name from jbbfc2__MaterialU__c where jbbfc2__Workorder__r.jbbfc2__Status__c ='Closed' AND jbbfc2__Workorder__c =:wo.id]; InvoiceObj invObjItem = new InvoiceObj(wo, wrMap, materialUList); this.invObjList.add(invObjItem); }
- davidjbb
- August 21, 2012
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Hello Community,
From my system.debug I got the following:
2012-08-17 17:16:00
I am trying to do a SOQL on DateTime i.e
where (jbbfc2__Start_Date__c >= :getFromDate() and jbbfc2__finished_date__c <= :getToDate())
However, my SOQL isn't taking into consideration of the dates and I believe it's the dateTime from getFromDate() and getToDate()
//Get From Date
public datetime getFromDate(){
System.debug('FROM DATE'+ controllerObject.Start_Date__c);
return this.fromDate = controllerObject.Start_Date__c;
How do I convert the DateTime to the following, so the query will work?
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
- davidjbb
- August 17, 2012
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I need help with the following setScale, not sure why it's not working. I need to be able to set certain number fields with trailing 0. In this case I need a trailing 4 decimal places even if it's 0
quantity__c is Number(18, 0) (I had it set to 14,4..nothing changed)
m.quantity__c = (m.quantity__c).setScale(4);
The value would appear as ie. 10.0
If m.quantity__c was a string field I believe the setScale(4) works but i dont want to create unnecessary fields..
- davidjbb
- August 07, 2012
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Apex Repeat
The example provided by Salesforce:
<!-- Page: --> <apex:page controller="repeatCon" id="thePage"> <apex:repeat value="{!strings}" var="string" id="theRepeat"> <apex:outputText value="{!string}" id="theValue"/><br/> </apex:repeat> </apex:page> /*** Controller: ***/ public class repeatCon { public String[] getStrings() { return new String[]{'ONE','TWO','THREE'}; } }
<span id="thePage:theRepeat:0:theValue">ONE</span><br/> <span id="thePage:theRepeat:1:theValue">TWO</span><br/> <span id="thePage:theRepeat:2:theValue">THREE</span><br/>
How can I code it in a way it'll show the following:
Instead of
<span id="thePage:theRepeat:0:theValue">ONE</span><br/>
I plan on doing an export on the VF page using contentType and will display the following
"sForce",,,"The Landmark @ One Market",,"San Francisco","CA","94087","US"
"1","00004757" ,"7-9-2012","7-9-2012","0.00","0.00"
"","1.0000","0.0000","0.00" Fieldworker Rate
I should be able to display the following above in the same format, spacing etc. The above would be considered one record so there will be multiple <salorder> </salorder> based off my data construction.
- davidjbb
- July 09, 2012
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Sandbox Environment - Beta Package
I've recently installed our app into the client's production environment. We first had the app in their sandbox environment for testing before installing into production, however, when I went to uninstall the beta package due to an update on our app i got the following error:
This extension depends on the package you are trying to uninstall. [Name]
Do we need to refresh the sandbox because we have already installed the package on production?
If so, can I uninstall it on the sandbox and install a brand new one?
- davidjbb
- July 09, 2012
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SelectList + Command Button
<apex:selectList value="{!company}" size="1" > <apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/> </apex:selectList>
Is there a way to merge the rerender + action from the command button into the Select List. Currently, the Button refreshes the service Calendar based on the selected option, but I want it refreshed based on whatever was selected on the picklist instead of using the button
the companyView method has the getItems method from the selected options.
<apex:commandButton rerender="serviceCalendarPanel"action="{!companyView}"value="Refresh Calendar"status="loadingStatus"/>
- davidjbb
- July 06, 2012
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SOQL + List.
Hello Community.
I have the following List.
List<jbbfc2__Fieldworker_Name__c> team = new List <jbbfc2__Fieldworker_Name__c>([Select Team__c From jbbfc2__Fieldworker_Name__c]);
I can't do Select Distinct for SOQL, so how can I remove all the duplicate Team__c. I need the values to be inserted into a List collection.
I'm not that great in coding, so go easy on me :)
Thank you,
- davidjbb
- July 03, 2012
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Get InputField and Apex Class
Hi Community,
I'm looking to get a Apex Input Field on a VF page called, ex Page1
and use it for whatever I want in an Apex Class then output that Input field on Page 2
I'm not sure how to setup the Apex Class to grab the Input Field from Page one, manipulate the Input Field in the Apex Class, and then Display it on Page 2
- davidjbb
- May 03, 2012
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Test Method
Hi Guys,
I need help writing a test method without using "delete,insert, or update" in the test method.
The trigger activates another trigger that does a web call out so I want to make sure it doesn't
trigger AccToFieldworkerBD on Account (before delete) { set<String> setAccUser = new set <String> (); for (Account a :trigger.old){ if (a.teamlead__c==true) { setAccUSER.add(a.username__c); } } list <jbbfc2__Fieldworker_name__c> toDel = new list <jbbfc2__Fieldworker_name__c> ([select jbbfc2__username__c from jbbfc2__Fieldworker_name__c where jbbfc2__username__c in :setAccUser]); if (toDel.isEmpty() == false){ delete toDel; } }
- davidjbb
- May 03, 2012
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Picklist remove.
I need help removing all the picklist values from the following. I'm not sure how to do that. I want to be able to clear the selected picklist value then add a new one
jbbfc2__FieldworkersId__c = picklist field
mapWO = is a map
mapWO.get(v.id).jbbfc2__FieldworkersId__c = (remove all the values or unselect the value currently selected)
//add new value
mapWO.get(v.id).jbbfc2__FieldworkersId__c = v.Team_LeaderFWD__c;
- davidjbb
- April 04, 2012
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Test Case
What's a good way to write test cases for fields that you've created within a class.
i've created alot of fields that are used on a VF page..I've already used all the methods within the Test case, but Salesforce shows a red line on the bolded.
My test method is also used within the same class.
public with sharing class UMaterialController
private string test;
test = 'asdf';
public string getTest()
return test;
static testMethod void UMaterialControllerTest(){
- davidjbb
- April 02, 2012
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Auto Number (Display Format) + Trigger
I have a trigger that creates a new record in another object.
The Name field is an autonumber with a display format of R-{0000}
This needs to display into another field of the other object. However, when that record is created the field is generated with the autonumber but not the display format of R-{0000}.
Any ideas on how I can still show the display format?
- davidjbb
- March 21, 2012
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