• Anu Raj.ax1269
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 I have created a manage package, in which I am displaying chatter feeds for login user. I want this feeds need to be displayed for only community user not for portal user, so i want to hide the component for portal users. So how can I identify is the loged in user is a community user or portal user.




I have created a Pdf in which have a table which have border css. But the table border get display only when it is a VF page the CSS is not working when VF page is renderAs="pdf". I want it to be displayed as VF page. Does there any way to get the solution.

My CSS & VF page:

    pageBlockCss {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-color: #000000;
    pageBlockCss tr {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: #000000;
    pageBlockCss td {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: #000000;
<table width="100%" class="pageBlockCss" >
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Consultant Name" /></b></td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Project" /></b> </td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Consultant Role" /></b> </td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Quantity" /></b> </td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Charge Rate" /></b> </td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Sub Total" /></b> </td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Taxes" /></b> </td>
        <td><b><apex:outputText value="Total" /></b> </td>
        <apex:repeat value="{!invLI_Con}" var="con" >




I am working on salesforce touch platform creating a hybrid app for android. I have import a SFDC touch app in eclipse but getting some package issue. I imported some needed packages to the project but the imported packages contain some other packages. When i import those the same thing happens it contain some other packages. So somebody please guide is their any way to get all the related packages into eclipse.





I want update cost  field in raw custom obj.All records need to be update when i update one record.


I wrote some code its not working properly



trigger costincr on Raw__c (before update) {

list<raw__c> raw= new list<raw__c>();
raw=[select id,name,cost__c,Exp_Date__c from Raw__c ];
cost_incr w=new cost_incr();



public class cost_incr{

    public void incr_method(raw__c[] raw){
    raw=[select id,name,cost__c,Exp_Date__c from Raw__c ];
        for(raw__c rec:raw)
        update raw;





 i have a error here  like===   AscDescOrderCls Compile Error: Illegal assignment from String to LIST<String> at line 33 column 16====


Please slove this error ..


plz help me 


public class AscDescOrderCls
public Integer i;
public List<String> lastValue{get;set;}
public List<String> fstName{get;set;}
public List<String> Descending{get;set;}
public AscDescOrderCls()
fstName=new List<String>();
Descending= new List<String>();
lastValue=new List<string>();


for(i =fstName.size()-1; i>=0;i--)
system.debug('Descending order'+lastValue);

I have a sobject TestStoring__c with one custom field Body__c.In after insert trigger on FeedItem ,  when i insert a record in 

TestStoring__c sobject,it is not getting inserted.I am also attaching the code below.




trigger Test on FeedItem (after insert) 
FeedItem[] f=Trigger.New;

TestStoring__c vv=new TestStoring__c();
insert vv;





public class TestTriggerClass
public static string flag;
public static void addFeedError(list<FeedItem> fi)
fi[0].adderror('Not Allowed');



If you have any solution please help me?Its urgent.please



Anil Meghnathi


   I am learning salesforce touch but I need to develop app in it. How can i develop a app in it ? 




   Can anybody tell me how to  migrate the custom objects fields etc into a dev env from sandbox.




I want to replace the value of a string. This is a integer but saved in string. Eg: i am getting the value as 123.345 the i need to get the value as 123 only. I want to replace value after . with '' but the issue is i don't know how many decimal place is coming after point. Please help me to solve this issue.





Im trying to create a class and VF page.Here i need to show some reports in google chart.Below mentioned is the class .

public class GoogleChartsController
public list<AggregateResult> lstAR = new list<AggregateResult>();

public GoogleChartsController()
lstAR = [SELECT  SUM(Almost_Overdue__c) AO ,SUM(Balance_Overdue__c) BO ,SUM(Total_Balance__c) TB ,Account_NameLookup__c from Invoice__c GROUP BY Account_NameLookup__c];
public list<OppClass> getResults()
list<OppClass> lstResult = new list<OppClass>();
for (AggregateResult ar: lstAR)
oppClass objOppClass = new oppClass(ar);
return lstResult;

class oppClass
public Double AO
{ get;set; }
public Double BO
{ get;set; }
public Double TB
{ get;set; }

public oppClass(AggregateResult ar)
//Note that ar returns objects as results, so you need type conversion here
AO = (Double)ar.get('AO');
BO = (Double)ar.get('BO');
TB = (Double)ar.get('TB');



<apex:page controller="GoogleChartsController" sidebar="false"> 
    <!-- Google API inclusion -->
    <apex:includeScript id="a" value="https://www.google.com/jsapi" />
    <apex:sectionHeader title="Google Charts + Javascript Remoting" subtitle="Demoing - Opportunities by Exepected Revenue"/>
    <!-- Google Charts will be drawn in this DIV -->
    <div id="chartBlock" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
        google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});
        // Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
        function initCharts() {         
          // Following the usual Remoting syntax
          // [<namespace>.]<controller>.<method>([params...,] <callbackFunction>(result, event) {...}
          // controller : GoogleChartsController
          // method : loadOpps
                 function(result, event){  
                     // load Column chart
                     var visualization = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chartBlock'));
                     // Prepare table model for chart with columns
                     var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
                     data.addColumn('number', 'AO');
                     data.addColumn('number', 'BO');
                     data.addColumn('number', 'TB');    
                     // add rows from the remoting results
                     for(var i =0; i<result.length;i++){
                        var r = result[i];
                        data.addRow([r.AO, r.BO, r.TB]); 
                    // all done, lets draw the chart with some options to make it look nice.

 I used @remote action also.But values are not displaying in VF page.Do we need to used global in class?If yes where i need to give the global variable.Can anyone help me on this??


   I have custom object and account is lookup to my custom object field. I am able to retrieve account record value from the lookup field but I am getting the id of the record . I need to get the name of the record.

How can I achieve it?

for eg: The record name is Ac_record and is 123456609xya i am only getting id not the name of the record.


my code:

obj = select id, name, Location__c from customObj__c where id in: setId;
srting location = obj.Location__c;
location__c is lookup to Account



Please help me to solve this issue.





Hi All 


 Even i am remving soql statements from for loop it is giveing error 




Visualforce Error

System.LimitException: FConnect:Too many script statements: 200001

Error is in expression '{!Add}' in component <apex:page> in page fconnect:selected_products_underservice



External entry point


public with sharing class SelectedProductsunderservice
public String AgreementLineId;
public String Customer;
public String customerName;
Public List<Products__c> Products;
Public List<Product__c> customProducts;
public List<ProductsUnderService> ProductsUnderServiceList{get;set;}
List<Id> proIds = new List<Id>();
List<Id> iprodIds = new List<Id>();

public SelectedProductsunderservice ()
customProducts = new List<Product__c>();
Agreement_Line__c al=[select id,Agreement__r.Customer__r.name from Agreement_Line__c where id=:AgreementLineId LIMIT 10 ];

Products = [SELECT id,name ,Agreement_Line__c,Products_ID__c FROM Products__c WHERE Agreement_Line__c=:al.id LIMIT 10];

for(Products__c pro : Products)

customProducts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Product__c WHERE Id IN :proIds];

public List<ProductsUnderService> getProductsUnderService()
ProductsUnderServiceList=new List<ProductsUnderService> ();
List<Installed_Products__c> iproducts = [select Name,
Customer__c from Installed_Products__c where Customer__c=:customer AND Products__c IN:proIds limit 4];

For(Installed_Products__c ip :iproducts )
List<Products_Under_Service__c> Productserrvice =[select id,name,Installed_Productss__c from Products_Under_Service__c
where Agreement_Line__c=:AgreementLineId AND Installed_Productss__c IN:iprodIds LIMIT 10 ];

For(Installed_Products__c ip :iproducts )
integer i=0;
For(integer temp=0;temp<Productserrvice .size();temp++ )
if(Productserrvice[temp].Installed_Productss__c == ip.id)
ProductsUnderServiceList.add(new ProductsUnderService(ip));
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,+ 'There are no Installed Products for '+customerName+' Account'));
return ProductsUnderServiceList;

public PageReference Add()
//List<Products_Under_Service__c> listPus;
List<Products_Under_Service__c> listPus = new list<Products_Under_Service__c> ();
Products_Under_Service__c pus;
for(ProductsUnderService ip:ProductsUnderServiceList)
pus= new Products_Under_Service__c(Installed_Productss__c=ip.id,
Agreement_Line__c =AgreementLineId);
//insert Pus;

insert listPus;
PageReference p=new PageReference('/'+AgreementLineId);
return p;
public PageReference cancel()
PageReference p=new PageReference('/'+AgreementLineId);
return p;

public class ProductsUnderService
public Installed_Products__c con {get; set;}
public String id{get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get; set;}
//public String aggreementLine{get;set;}

public ProductsUnderService(Installed_Products__c ip)
con = ip;
selected = false;




<apex:page controller="SelectedProductsunderservice">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="id">
<apex:commandButton value=" Add " action="{!Add}" reRender="id"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" reRender="id"/>
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ProductsUnderService}" var="ip" id="table">
<apex:column headerValue="Action">
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!ip.selected}"/>

<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Products__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Description__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Serial_ID__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Asset_Tag__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Quantity__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!ip.con.Customer__c}"/>




Any help is Appriciated 


it's been some days now I havent been able to deploy a very simple trigger to server. Now it says that there is no coverage to deploy it (42% so far) whenever I try to deploy to server both my trigger and test class.

I am using Enterprise Edition for nonprofits and Force.com IDE version 25.

Before this problem, I was stuck by this problem described down here: (http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/General-Development/Unable-to-refresh-resource/td-p/205678/page/2
I managed this first problem reinstalling eclipse and force.com IDE, and switching workspaces to the same workspace, and the message error described above disapeared. 

Now I am stuck by this coverage problem: 
*** Deployment Log *** 
Result: FAILED 
Date: August 21, 2012 2:44:43 PM BRT 

# Deployed From: 
Project name: IDS 
Username: cjmarchi1@uol.com.br 
Endpoint: www.salesforce.com 

# Deployed To: 
Username: cjmarchi1@uol.com.br 
Endpoint: www.salesforce.com 

# Deploy Results: 
File Name: classes/PreencheNomeContaEmContatoClass.cls 
Full Name: PreencheNomeContaEmContatoClass 
Action: UPDATED 
Result: SUCCESS 
Problem: n/a 

File Name: package.xml 
Full Name: package.xml 
Action: UPDATED 
Result: SUCCESS 
Problem: n/a 

File Name: triggers/PreencheNomeContaEmContato.trigger 
Full Name: PreencheNomeContaEmContato 
Action: UPDATED 
Result: SUCCESS 
Problem: n/a 

# Test Results: 

Run Failures: 
CMSConsoleActionsController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
CMSFoldersController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
CMSForceConsoleController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
CMSForceSetupController.t1 System.AssertException: Assertion Failed 
CMSSiteDetailController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
contentblockcomponentController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
FormItemIncludeController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
FriendlyURLs.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
HomePageController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
PageBrowserController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
pageController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
PageItemEditExtension.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
PageItemIncludeController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
PreviewPageController.t1 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
TestCMSForceTriggers.t2 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
TestCMSForceTriggers.t3 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
TestCMSForceTriggers.t4 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
TestCMSForceTriggers.t5 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
CleanupUnusedContentBlockItems A cobertura do teste do Apex selecionado Trigger é de 0%. São necessários pelo menos 1% de cobertura do teste 
PreventFolderOrphans A cobertura do teste do Apex selecionado Trigger é de 0%. São necessários pelo menos 1% de cobertura do teste 
PreventTemplateOrphans A cobertura do teste do Apex selecionado Trigger é de 0%. São necessários pelo menos 1% de cobertura do teste 
SetAsHomePage A cobertura do teste do Apex selecionado Trigger é de 0%. São necessários pelo menos 1% de cobertura do teste 
SetHomePageSiteId A cobertura do teste do Apex selecionado Trigger é de 0%. São necessários pelo menos 1% de cobertura do teste 
PreventActiveWebFormDelete A cobertura do teste do Apex selecionado Trigger é de 0%. São necessários pelo menos 1% de cobertura do teste 
A cobertura média do teste em todas as classes e acionadores do Apex é de 42%, pelo menos 75% de cobertura de teste são necessários. 

The code for my trigger:
trigger PreencheNomeContaEmContato on Contact (before insert) { 
for(Contact a : Trigger.New) 
a.AccountId = '001E000000JKUmr'; 

The code for my test class:

private class PreencheNomeContaEmContatoClass { 

static TestMethod void PreencheNomeContaEmContatoMethod(){ 
string test0Value = 'testeeeeeeee12345'; 
Contact testObj = [Select Name, AccountId from Contact where Name = :test0Value]; 
System.assertNotEquals(testObj, null); 

private static void insereContato(String field2Value) 

Contact obj = new Contact(); 
obj.LastName = field2Value; 
insert obj; 



Hi All,


Could you help me with the following piece of code :




if(acclst.size()>0) {

for(Account acc:acclst) {

//Check if Account have contact/Opportunity associated with it
opplst = [select Id,AccountId from Opportunity where AccountId =:acc.Id];
conlst = [select Id from Contact where AccountId in:acc.Id];

if(opplst.size()==0&&conlst.size()==0) {
* If Account do not have the contacts and opportunities associated to it
* then add those account Ids in the set

else {




The problem : I am running this through a trigger, and since a query should not be in loops i am hitting TOO MANY SQL QUERY exception. Could you please have a look at the code and modify it to make it work for me ?


Your help will be really appreciated,




I need to write test class for wrapper class coverage.


public without sharing class OppController {
    public OppController() {

private class wrapOpp {
        public Integer index { get; set; }
        public Opportunity opp {get; set;}
        public String error {get; set; } 
        public List<SelectOption> allEquipments {
            get {
                List<SelectOption> Equipments = new List<SelectOption>();
                Equipments = OppUtil.allEquipmentOptions;
                return Equipments;
        public List<SelectOption> allNotifyDates {
            get {
                List<SelectOption> NotifyDates = new List<SelectOption>();
                if(opp.Property__c != null) {
                    NotifyDates = OppUtil.allNotifyDateOptions.get(opp.Equipment__c);
                return NotifyDates;

    private wrapOpp(Integer ndx, Opportunity o, String err) {
            index = ndx;
            opp = o;
            error = err;           


  TEST CLASS (wrapper line)
 public class testOppclass{


 public static testmethod void TestOppMethod(){

  OppController.wrapperOpp Wrapvar = new OppController.wrapperOpp();





When I declare a variable I am getting error message as

" Type not visible ; OppController.wrapperOpp" on the line "OppController.wrapperOpp Wrapvar = new OppController.wrapperOpp();"


Please help me in identifying the issue.


