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Reference to lookup fields in formula by data upsert with Jitterbit
I try to upsert data from production to a dev sandbox. To have all lookup relations in the Sandbox, I need to define a cross reference formula to every lookup in production. For example if I have on an object lookup to account, I need the formula Customer__r.ExternalID__c. So I can map this field in Jitterbit and I have the relation in my sandbox
The problem is, when I have many lookups on an object I need to define also many formulas, and I cannot have more than 10 cross reference formulas on an object.
When I have many lookups to Account on one object, I cannot wrap them in a formula field and use this field by the mapping.
Does anyone have an idea?
- Petya
- October 07, 2013
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Automatically create account, opportunity and contact after incoming lead from the app exchange
Automatically create account, opportunity and contact after incoming lead from the app exchange
We are using custom objects for opportunity. We receive Leads in our system, when someone saves our app from the AppExchange.
We would like to convert immediately this leads to account, contact and opportunity (custom object).
Any ideas how to achieve this?
- Petya
- July 25, 2013
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Error message highlights panel by deployment
I try to deploy a change set and receive always the following error:
"Fields in highlights panel must be a subset of fields in detail section. Currently Field 1, Field 2, Field 2 fields are not in detail section"
What does this mean?? I don’t have highlights panel on my page layout, and I cannot configure it...
Totally frustrated with this deployment…
Any advices?
- Petya
- July 16, 2013
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Dashboard chart in visualforce page iFrame
I would like to add to my account page some dashboard charts. I defined a visualforce page and I added the image src of a dashboard chart to my visualforce page. I would like to add another 2 additional charts, but I don’t know how to add them in parallel... Now they are all vertical among each other.
<apex:page standardController="Account"> <apex:iframe src="https://cs7.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ChartServer?rsid=0FLM00000009w5D&ruid=00520000001Aiue&did=01Z20000000LSSY&s=8&fs=12&tfg=12&tfs=-16777216&explode=0&c=column&cs=2&title..." height="450" frameborder="false"/> <apex:iframe src="https://cs7.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ChartServer?rsid=0FLM00000009w7C&ruid=00520000001Aiue&did=01Z20000000LSSY&s=8&fs=12&tfg=12&tfs=-16777216&explode=0&c=column&cs=0&title..." height="450" frameborder="false"/> </apex:page>
Second question, if I wish to make the chart account specific, perhaps I need to clone my reports and add a filter for parameter pv0 and add them to another new dashboard. So I could use their img src and I would have the account specific chart. Is that correct? Or I need to use something like that and linkt direct to my report with filter?
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<c:ReportChart reportId="00Oi0000000SeCQ" pv0="{!Account.Name}" />
However I dont understand the second line "
Any ideas?
- Petya
- July 10, 2013
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Google Chart with formula
I made a formula using a google chart link.
+ SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(Margin_2012__c), ".","")+","
+ SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(Margin_2011__c), ".","")+","
+ SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(Margin_2010__c), ".","")
+"|1000000,1000000,1000000", "No Image available", 150, 450)
This is a chart, which shows the margin by year in comparison with the target. The last line shows the target for 3 years, always 1 Mio. I would like to add a field, to allow the user to define the annual target. How could I add the value from this additional field to my formula?
Now the user needs to change the target directly in the formula, for example when the target should be more than 1 Mio, the user must go to the formula and add the value to the last line. It could be simpler when he changes only the appropriate field on the UI and the value in the chart changes automatically.
When I change the last line to +"|My_Target1_field__c,My_Target2_field__c,My_Target3_field__c", "No Image available", 150, 450) I receive an empty chart and I have date in my target fields.
Any suggestions?
- Petya
- July 01, 2013
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Simple Google chart
How to create simple google chart and add it to the account page layout?
I need to take data from different custom objects, and analyze it directly on the account.
When I use the google chart app from app exchange, there are formulas and I don’t get what I want.
I found many article online but the most of them are too complicated for beginner, or they are appropriate for the Dashboard object
Any advices?
- Petya
- June 28, 2013
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Estimate how much time is spent in a record type
I have different record types and only if all conditions for example from the first record type are fulfilled, the user can go to the second record type. So I need to know how much time is spent in a record type.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
- Petya
- May 21, 2013
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Trigger question
I created trigger to accumulate value from custom object into his master object. I have a lookup relationship, cannot use master detail and rollup fields, so the trigger is one possibility. When I change in the custom object the value, which I want to assume on the master object, the appropriate field on the master object is not updated immediately from my trigger.
When I make small changes in the master object and save the record, the trigger works and the value is updated also on the master record.
I start with trigger CalculateTotalMargin on Account (before update)
How should I define my trigger, to have immediately update on the master record, when the detail record is changed?
Any Ideas
- Petya
- May 16, 2013
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Estimate the ordered products from customer in report
I am trying to define a report to find the number of customers buying m-number of products. I thought that I found solution, but it still doesn’t work correctly, so I need your help and ideas
I defined a summary report with Opportunities and Products; I defined rollup summary fields on the account and opportunity to get the number of ordered products from all opportunities from this account. My rollup summary field on the account calls “Ordered products” . I defined groups for number of ordered Product, Account name and Product Name
1 Ordered product | ||
Account A | ||
Product E | ||
2 Ordered products | ||
Account B | ||
Product C | ||
Product B | ||
Account C | ||
Product A | ||
Product D |
The Problem is, when an account has more opportunities with the same product
Opportunity 1: Product A and Product B
Opportunity 2: Product A and Product C
the customer will be visible in the group with 4 products, and not in the group with 3 products, where he belongs,
Any ideas for this problem?
- Petya
- February 06, 2013
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Create a task by appropriate status
I want to create a task by appropriate quote status. I have many record typs for my tasks, so when the quote has the status "example status" the task with record type "example record type" should be send to the opportunity owner.
Is there any simple way to do this.
- Petya
- January 21, 2013
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Convert record to another record type and take all values
I try to convert a record in another record type but I want to take all already entered values from the old record into the new one with the conversion.
II s there a simpler way to achieve this e.g. Button with URL link?
- Petya
- December 17, 2012
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Hide error message by custom button
I have a custom java script button. When I click on the button I am linked to a standard salesforce page and I have there required fields, which must be filled, and immediately after opening the page I see an error message "Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your data." How can I avoid/hide this error message? The user can already see, that some fields are required and if he doesn’t fill the fields, this error message can be showed, but not before.
Is there any smart way to achieve this?
- Petya
- December 13, 2012
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Formula question Route from user to the account
I try to show with formula the route between the user address and the account address.
If I define this as custom link it works, but if I use it in a formula not.
Here my formula:
HYPERLINK("http://maps.google.com/maps?q={!User.Address}+to:+{!Account.BillingAddress}" ,IMAGE( "https://eu1.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015D0000001l3gl", "image from Documents tab"))
Any ideas?
- Petya
- December 05, 2012
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Add filter to visual force page
I made a simple visual force page with information from another object. I need also to add a filter similar like the filter on standard list views. What is the simplest way to achieve this?
<apex:page sidebar="false">
<apex:enhancedList height="300" listId="00BD0000007A7sO" type="My Page"/>
- Petya
- November 14, 2012
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Visual force page as a page layout section
I try to implement a visual force page as a section part from custom object. The section should simple include questions and answers (picklist). I defined the following code, but I see the chatter window under the section and below on the salesforce page :) I dont know way.
The picklist should be edited only in edit mode, and now this is not possible with my code.
Any ideas?
So the chatter is not anymore on the visualforce page :) but I still cannot edit the picklists only in edit mode.
<apex:page standardController="Custom_Object_c"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockSection title="Checklist" columns="1" showHeader="false"> Is this your question? <apex:inputField value="{!Custom_Object_c.Answer_Question__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
- Petya
- November 06, 2012
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Auto populate custom fields on the opportunity with values from the account object
I need your advice to the following problem:
I have the Fields Owner and Responsible on the account and on the opportunity object. When I define an opportunity, I need to fill in these fields with the values from the Account automatically.
With workflow it is not possible to make this. The fields are lookup fields to the User object.
I suppose this is possible with trigger.
Does anyone have advices and experiences with similar topic?
- Petya
- October 31, 2012
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International Mapping using Google Maps
I installed the app "International Mapping using Google Maps" and it works great so far.
Is it also possible to estimate the account route with this app and to find all near accounts on one route?
I also found two other apps for this topic: Geopoint and TourManager.
There is another free app "Find Account nearby", which solves this problem, but unfortunately it is not available for internet explorer…
Any Ideas and help will by appreciate.
- Petya
- October 22, 2012
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Custom summary formula in Report
I need to find the Maximum from all values in a Report column with custom summary formula... but I don’t know how to ignore the grand total in my column...
Any ideas?
- Petya
- July 10, 2012
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Formula Question
I try to make a formula to check for a Multiselected Picklist Field, how long a value was selected e.g. my Picklist Value is “Problem not solved” and I want to estimate the time to the next status e.g. *Problem solved", and save this value in another field with workflow.
Any advices?
- Petya
- July 05, 2012
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Define automatically custom object, when the opportunity stage is changed
I try to find the best solution for the following problem:
I have a custom object with Master-Detail relationship to opportunity. If the Opportunity reached a stage "qualified", the user have to fill in the custom object.
Now if I reach the qualified stage, I have to open this custom object and if I try to close without to fill in, I cannot., because the fields are mandatory and dependent from the stage.
But If I have the qualified Stage already, I could define immediately to enter the mandatory field in my custom object, or when this object does not exist, the user must create it, when the stage is qualified.
Any Ideas?
- Petya
- July 02, 2012
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Automatically create account, opportunity and contact after incoming lead from the app exchange
Automatically create account, opportunity and contact after incoming lead from the app exchange
We are using custom objects for opportunity. We receive Leads in our system, when someone saves our app from the AppExchange.
We would like to convert immediately this leads to account, contact and opportunity (custom object).
Any ideas how to achieve this?
- Petya
- July 25, 2013
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Error message highlights panel by deployment
I try to deploy a change set and receive always the following error:
"Fields in highlights panel must be a subset of fields in detail section. Currently Field 1, Field 2, Field 2 fields are not in detail section"
What does this mean?? I don’t have highlights panel on my page layout, and I cannot configure it...
Totally frustrated with this deployment…
Any advices?
- Petya
- July 16, 2013
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Google Chart with formula
I made a formula using a google chart link.
+ SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(Margin_2012__c), ".","")+","
+ SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(Margin_2011__c), ".","")+","
+ SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(Margin_2010__c), ".","")
+"|1000000,1000000,1000000", "No Image available", 150, 450)
This is a chart, which shows the margin by year in comparison with the target. The last line shows the target for 3 years, always 1 Mio. I would like to add a field, to allow the user to define the annual target. How could I add the value from this additional field to my formula?
Now the user needs to change the target directly in the formula, for example when the target should be more than 1 Mio, the user must go to the formula and add the value to the last line. It could be simpler when he changes only the appropriate field on the UI and the value in the chart changes automatically.
When I change the last line to +"|My_Target1_field__c,My_Target2_field__c,My_Target3_field__c", "No Image available", 150, 450) I receive an empty chart and I have date in my target fields.
Any suggestions?
- Petya
- July 01, 2013
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Simple Google chart
How to create simple google chart and add it to the account page layout?
I need to take data from different custom objects, and analyze it directly on the account.
When I use the google chart app from app exchange, there are formulas and I don’t get what I want.
I found many article online but the most of them are too complicated for beginner, or they are appropriate for the Dashboard object
Any advices?
- Petya
- June 28, 2013
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Estimate how much time is spent in a record type
I have different record types and only if all conditions for example from the first record type are fulfilled, the user can go to the second record type. So I need to know how much time is spent in a record type.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
- Petya
- May 21, 2013
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Trigger question
I created trigger to accumulate value from custom object into his master object. I have a lookup relationship, cannot use master detail and rollup fields, so the trigger is one possibility. When I change in the custom object the value, which I want to assume on the master object, the appropriate field on the master object is not updated immediately from my trigger.
When I make small changes in the master object and save the record, the trigger works and the value is updated also on the master record.
I start with trigger CalculateTotalMargin on Account (before update)
How should I define my trigger, to have immediately update on the master record, when the detail record is changed?
Any Ideas
- Petya
- May 16, 2013
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Convert record to another record type and take all values
I try to convert a record in another record type but I want to take all already entered values from the old record into the new one with the conversion.
II s there a simpler way to achieve this e.g. Button with URL link?
- Petya
- December 17, 2012
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Hide error message by custom button
I have a custom java script button. When I click on the button I am linked to a standard salesforce page and I have there required fields, which must be filled, and immediately after opening the page I see an error message "Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your data." How can I avoid/hide this error message? The user can already see, that some fields are required and if he doesn’t fill the fields, this error message can be showed, but not before.
Is there any smart way to achieve this?
- Petya
- December 13, 2012
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Add filter to visual force page
I made a simple visual force page with information from another object. I need also to add a filter similar like the filter on standard list views. What is the simplest way to achieve this?
<apex:page sidebar="false">
<apex:enhancedList height="300" listId="00BD0000007A7sO" type="My Page"/>
- Petya
- November 14, 2012
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Visual force page as a page layout section
I try to implement a visual force page as a section part from custom object. The section should simple include questions and answers (picklist). I defined the following code, but I see the chatter window under the section and below on the salesforce page :) I dont know way.
The picklist should be edited only in edit mode, and now this is not possible with my code.
Any ideas?
So the chatter is not anymore on the visualforce page :) but I still cannot edit the picklists only in edit mode.
<apex:page standardController="Custom_Object_c"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockSection title="Checklist" columns="1" showHeader="false"> Is this your question? <apex:inputField value="{!Custom_Object_c.Answer_Question__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
- Petya
- November 06, 2012
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Auto populate custom fields on the opportunity with values from the account object
I need your advice to the following problem:
I have the Fields Owner and Responsible on the account and on the opportunity object. When I define an opportunity, I need to fill in these fields with the values from the Account automatically.
With workflow it is not possible to make this. The fields are lookup fields to the User object.
I suppose this is possible with trigger.
Does anyone have advices and experiences with similar topic?
- Petya
- October 31, 2012
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Define automatically custom object, when the opportunity stage is changed
I try to find the best solution for the following problem:
I have a custom object with Master-Detail relationship to opportunity. If the Opportunity reached a stage "qualified", the user have to fill in the custom object.
Now if I reach the qualified stage, I have to open this custom object and if I try to close without to fill in, I cannot., because the fields are mandatory and dependent from the stage.
But If I have the qualified Stage already, I could define immediately to enter the mandatory field in my custom object, or when this object does not exist, the user must create it, when the stage is qualified.
Any Ideas?
- Petya
- July 02, 2012
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If a value is reached the 0, don't allow any negative values
I try to define a formula, which counts every time if a condition is true -1 backwards. I don’t want to have any negative values, if i reached 0, I want to stay by 0 and don’t want to count to -1, -2 ... and so on.
This is my formula
IF( ISNULL(Counter__c) ,0, Counter__c - 1)
The problem is that with this formula I stil have negative values.
Any Ideas?
- Petya
- June 29, 2012
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Master-Detail Relationship
I made a custom object with a Master-Detail Relationship to its Parent Object Opportunity.
I want to see automatically the Opportunity-Name by this Custom Object, but I can’t see it.
Any Ideas?
- Petya
- May 07, 2012
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