• clahav
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i want to create an html email template to which i can inject external dynamic content

i know that this can be done using 'merge parameters/fields' from SFDC objects but i want to inject external info to the email

i know that i can inject html into the email via apex but i would like to use html email templates for reuse and management

can this be done ?

anyone has an idea how?

can i retrieve email html template in runtime and inject external value into a specifc email instance using place holders or some othe method?



  • April 07, 2013
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request for auth token and fails

i am using a webservice request to trigger an auth request. the call back is handled by a different method in the same webservice.

firewall? trusted remote site?


webservice call trigger: https://localhost:8443/auth_example/beginauth

HttpPost("https://cs2.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token");//domain of sandbox


"client_id", "XXX"
"client_secret", "YYY"
"grant_type", "authorization_code"
"response_type", "code"

"redirect_uri", "https://localhost:8443/auth_example/auth/authcallback"//redirecturi is registered as remote site call back


what's am i missing?




request for auth token and fails

i am using a webservice request to trigger an auth request. the call back is handled by a different method in the same webservice.

firewall? trusted remote site?


webservice call trigger: https://localhost:8443/auth_example/beginauth

HttpPost("https://cs2.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token");//domain of sandbox


"client_id", "XXX"
"client_secret", "YYY"
"grant_type", "authorization_code"
"response_type", "code"

"redirect_uri", "https://localhost:8443/auth_example/auth/authcallback"//redirecturi is registered as remote site call back


what's am i missing?

