• Monikaallada
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this is my page 

here in which i will enter the values in the required fields in VFpage and insert the account with the help of apex class.


<apex:pageBlock Title="Add a new account" rendered="{!showresult}">
<apex:outputLabel for="a">AccountName: </apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputField value="{!details.name}" id="a"/>
BillingCity: <apex:inputField value="{!details.billingcity}"/>
AccountNumber: <apex:inputField value="{!details.Accountnumber}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="save" action="{!ad}"/>



This is my class 


Public class Accountdetails{

boolean showresult=true;

public Account getdetails() // after clicking the new button we get fields to create a new account those details set here

return b;

public pageReference ad()// after clicking the save button the insertion takes place.
insert b;
showresult = false;// the pageblock of the create account will be disable.
return null;



now please suggest me how to write test method for this.

I am not getting how to retrive the values from VF to test class.


Please any one can help me.

This is my test class

public class testAccountdetails
static testMethod void testAccountdetails()

Accountdetails ad = new Accountdetails();

List<contact> cn = ad.getcodetails();
for( contact c : cn){
System.assertEquals('Edna Fra',c.LastName);// here test must fail but no error.


Apex class:


public class Accountdetails

public String Aname;

public List<contact> getcodetails()

cc =[select name ,Email from Contact where Account.name=:Aname ];
return cc;


According to this i should get a test failure because in the system.assertEqual i gave a wrong contact name.

Instead of that test is success, 


Can any one please tell where the mistake is.



this my testclass.


private class testloadinginsamepage
   static testMethod void Mypage_test()

        Accountdetails  ad = new Accountdetails();

        String Aname ='GenePoint';
        System.assertEquals('GenePoint',Aname); // here success
        List<contact> cn = ad.getcodetails();
        List<Contact> cn1 = [select LastName from contact where Account.name = 'GenePoint' limit 1];
        System.assertEquals('Edna Fra',cn1[0].LastName);



This is my apex class.


public class Accountdetails 
    public String Aname {get; set;}
      public List<contact> getcodetails()
          cc =[select name ,Email from Contact where Account.name=:Aname ];
         return cc;



Can any one please tell me where i am doing the mistake. 





I am new to salesforce


Can any one help me out why this error while installation force IDE.



This is the Error

 JVM terminated Exitcode=1














Thanks in advance.







Can any one help me out

public class Ticket
    string[] StartP =new String[]{};
    string[] EndP = new String[]{};
    public integer b;
    public integer c;
    public integer z{get; set;}
     public integer BR;
    public integer a {get; set;}
    public String BS {get; set;}
   public PageReference submit()
       return null;
   public integer getnumber()
       return a;
   public List<selectOption> getitems()
       List<SelectOption> op1 = new List<SelectOption>();
       op1.add(new selectOption('Miyapur','Miyapur'));
       op1.add(new selectOption('Moosapet','Moosapet'));
       return op1;
   public List<selectOption> getitems1()
       List<SelectOption> op2 = new List<SelectOption>();
       op2.add(new selectOption('Bharatnagar','Bharatnagar'));
       op2.add(new selectOption('Moosapet','Moosapet'));
       return op2;
   public String[] getStartP()
       return StartP;
   public void setStartP(String[] StartP)
       this.StartP = StartP;
    public String[] getEndP()
       return EndP;
   public void setEndP(String[] EndP)
       this.EndP = EndP;
   public integer i{get; set;}
   public integer w{get; set;}
   public integer x{get; set;}
   public integer v {get; set;}
   public String MSg{get; set;}
    public Integer getScode()
   List<Place__c> p = new List<Place__c>();
        p =[Select Distance__c,BusStations__c from Place__c];
        for( List<Place__c> m : p)
           if(m.BusStations__c == EndP )
              i = integer.valueof(m.Distance__c  );
           for(List<Place__c> z : p)
            if(z.BusStations__c == Startp)
               w = integer.valueof(z.Distance__c);
             x = (i-w);
               }catch(System.Exception e)
                  System.debug('Exception occured: ' + e);
               return x;
    List<Place__c> q =new List<Place__c>();
    public List<Place__c> getEcode()
        q = [select Distance__c,BusStatoonCode__c from Place__c where BusStations__c =:EndP];
        return q;
    Public List<Place__c> getinfo()
        List<Place__c> k = [select Distance__c,BusStatoonCode__c from Place__c where BusStations__c =:StartP];
        return k;

this is my page 

here in which i will enter the values in the required fields in VFpage and insert the account with the help of apex class.


<apex:pageBlock Title="Add a new account" rendered="{!showresult}">
<apex:outputLabel for="a">AccountName: </apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputField value="{!details.name}" id="a"/>
BillingCity: <apex:inputField value="{!details.billingcity}"/>
AccountNumber: <apex:inputField value="{!details.Accountnumber}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="save" action="{!ad}"/>



This is my class 


Public class Accountdetails{

boolean showresult=true;

public Account getdetails() // after clicking the new button we get fields to create a new account those details set here

return b;

public pageReference ad()// after clicking the save button the insertion takes place.
insert b;
showresult = false;// the pageblock of the create account will be disable.
return null;



now please suggest me how to write test method for this.

I am not getting how to retrive the values from VF to test class.


Please any one can help me.

This is my test class

public class testAccountdetails
static testMethod void testAccountdetails()

Accountdetails ad = new Accountdetails();

List<contact> cn = ad.getcodetails();
for( contact c : cn){
System.assertEquals('Edna Fra',c.LastName);// here test must fail but no error.


Apex class:


public class Accountdetails

public String Aname;

public List<contact> getcodetails()

cc =[select name ,Email from Contact where Account.name=:Aname ];
return cc;


According to this i should get a test failure because in the system.assertEqual i gave a wrong contact name.

Instead of that test is success, 


Can any one please tell where the mistake is.



this my testclass.


private class testloadinginsamepage
   static testMethod void Mypage_test()

        Accountdetails  ad = new Accountdetails();

        String Aname ='GenePoint';
        System.assertEquals('GenePoint',Aname); // here success
        List<contact> cn = ad.getcodetails();
        List<Contact> cn1 = [select LastName from contact where Account.name = 'GenePoint' limit 1];
        System.assertEquals('Edna Fra',cn1[0].LastName);



This is my apex class.


public class Accountdetails 
    public String Aname {get; set;}
      public List<contact> getcodetails()
          cc =[select name ,Email from Contact where Account.name=:Aname ];
         return cc;



Can any one please tell me where i am doing the mistake. 


Hi all,

   I have a picklist .This picklist contains some account id. and some account id(its a text filed).When this value exist in that particular picklist ,that value populated first and remaining values come as usual. Any one can u please help me this.......











Thanks in advance.

Can any one help me out

public class Ticket
    string[] StartP =new String[]{};
    string[] EndP = new String[]{};
    public integer b;
    public integer c;
    public integer z{get; set;}
     public integer BR;
    public integer a {get; set;}
    public String BS {get; set;}
   public PageReference submit()
       return null;
   public integer getnumber()
       return a;
   public List<selectOption> getitems()
       List<SelectOption> op1 = new List<SelectOption>();
       op1.add(new selectOption('Miyapur','Miyapur'));
       op1.add(new selectOption('Moosapet','Moosapet'));
       return op1;
   public List<selectOption> getitems1()
       List<SelectOption> op2 = new List<SelectOption>();
       op2.add(new selectOption('Bharatnagar','Bharatnagar'));
       op2.add(new selectOption('Moosapet','Moosapet'));
       return op2;
   public String[] getStartP()
       return StartP;
   public void setStartP(String[] StartP)
       this.StartP = StartP;
    public String[] getEndP()
       return EndP;
   public void setEndP(String[] EndP)
       this.EndP = EndP;
   public integer i{get; set;}
   public integer w{get; set;}
   public integer x{get; set;}
   public integer v {get; set;}
   public String MSg{get; set;}
    public Integer getScode()
   List<Place__c> p = new List<Place__c>();
        p =[Select Distance__c,BusStations__c from Place__c];
        for( List<Place__c> m : p)
           if(m.BusStations__c == EndP )
              i = integer.valueof(m.Distance__c  );
           for(List<Place__c> z : p)
            if(z.BusStations__c == Startp)
               w = integer.valueof(z.Distance__c);
             x = (i-w);
               }catch(System.Exception e)
                  System.debug('Exception occured: ' + e);
               return x;
    List<Place__c> q =new List<Place__c>();
    public List<Place__c> getEcode()
        q = [select Distance__c,BusStatoonCode__c from Place__c where BusStations__c =:EndP];
        return q;
    Public List<Place__c> getinfo()
        List<Place__c> k = [select Distance__c,BusStatoonCode__c from Place__c where BusStations__c =:StartP];
        return k;

i currently want to access mobile number of a user from feeditem i came across the above error ,how can i access it

  suggest me.the code was executed but we share something in chatter that time  the above error is came







  • June 26, 2012
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I am facing problem in installing Force.com IDE for Eclipse 3.3.x .


As per steps mentioned for  Force.com IDE Installation for Eclipse 3.3.x

I am facing problem at step 3 which is


Add the Force.com IDE Remote Site:

1. Launch Eclipse, and then click Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.

2. Select "Search for new features to install" and click "Next".

3. Add the Force.com IDE Remote Site:

Click "New Remote Site". The New Update Site dialog opens.
Set the Name to "Force.com IDE" and the URL to "Link: ", then click OK.
Select “Europa Discovery Site” and "Automatically select mirrors”, then click “Finish”. Eclipse will search the selected sites for the required plugins.
here at "Link:" =  "http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/" link nothing is there except a redirection link to Force.com IDE Installation for Eclipse 3.3.x  is there

thats why Eclipse Update Manager is showing error as follow :

Network connection problems encountered during search.

  Network connection problems encountered during search.
  Unable to access "http://download.eclipse.org/releases/europa".
    Error parsing site stream. [Premature end of file.]
    Premature end of file.
    Error parsing site stream. [Premature end of file.]
    Premature end of file.
  Unable to access "http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/".
    Error parsing site stream. [Premature end of file.]
    Premature end of file.
    Error parsing site stream. [Premature end of file.]
    Premature end of file.

Can anybody help me to get Force.com paltform installed.

Thanking in advance.



  • November 11, 2009
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