• Hussey786
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Hi All,

Please help me to develope a VF page with multiselet drop down with checkboxes in visualforce.

User-added image

Thanks in advance,


We are trying to make a callout to "https://support.breadwinnerhq.com/bwpayment/v1/accounts/00Db0000000b9t" from Salesforce. But, we are facing an exception:

System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching support.breadwinnerhq.com found.

The domain has a valid SSL certificate.

We have checked from SSL shopper: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html?submit=submit&hostname=support.breadwinnerhq.com)

But, still we are facing this issue.

We don't understand why is Salesforce not allowing us to make callouts to this domain when it has a valid SSL certificate and the browsers allow it.

Hi Friends,

I have installed JRE, JDK and configured Force.com properly in my system. I am trying to create a new project in my eclipse, but its throwing an error "Unable to fetch organization details  for "xzzx@gga.com"'.

Please help me how to avoid this error.


SFDC gurus,

I am new to SFDC and have implementaeda integration of our java web app. with SFDC. This integration is working fine on DEV sandbox and DEV server. But on staging we get the System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException.

The remote site setting is set to the proper url 'https://ccc.bbb.com and is active. The endpoint works fine when used in a browser.
Below is the exception that we see in logs. The same endpoint works fine in browser. Any ideas for solving this issue?


08:38:48.049 (49762000)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[16]|System.HttpRequest.setEndpoint(String)
08:38:48.049 (49813000)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[22]|System.Http.send(ANY)
08:38:48.049 (49891000)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[22]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=https://ccc.bbb.com/MyWebApp/getPrimary.htm?id=430783, Method=GET]
08:38:48.235 (235735000)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[22]|System.CalloutException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No name matching croc1-stg.toshiba-solutions.com found
08:38:48.235 (235854000)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[22]|System.Http.send(ANY)








I want to create standard new button for a custom object. Please tell me how can i do this.



Hi All,


I have one Custom object called Salary__c, this object was hidden(no access) for a user using profile.

But i want to show a salary__c record which was created by HR manager and shared(owned by that user) to that user.

It is possible? If yes, can u plz suggest me to achieve this.







Hi, I am trying to make a Apex callout but facing various errors in it. one of them below is 


System.CalloutException: IO Exception: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative names matching IP address xx.xx.xx.xxx found


Any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,