• vinaydasari
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I have a typical deployment scenario at my work place.
We have Perforce for Version control.
Here is the scenario:
A developer codes, customize or configure something in his dev org. He now checks in his changes to the version control repository called Perforce.
I have to do a automated deployment every night to query perforce for the latest changelist/Label dynamically and then deploy the changes to sandbox, prod etc. This one should be automated with no human interventions. Again this whole process of querying and then deploying should be automated. While querying i should be querying only the changed files based on a label or changelist and not all the files.
is there a way to handle this scenario and is there any reference for me to accomplish this?
Another question,
I have a folder that contains subfolders like objects, classes etc. can i do deployment using Ant migration tool without the package.xml file in it
Is the package.xml file really needed for any kind deployment.
This is a very critical req that has to be answered before noon. Please help me da.

Hi ,


I want to migrate the data from one developer org to another. I am using Apex Dataloader(Dataloader CLIq) for this.

My steps:

I have created processess for all the objects which or createable or updateable.(Both for export and upsert)


Then I used ANT to call all the EXPORTprocesses. This ANT call exported all the objects' data. It is successful. Now I have the data in CSV files.

Next I tried to call another ANT target to execute UPSERT processes. (Here all the locations of .sdl, .csv are given correct). When I run the process, It ended up giving all errors. None of the record is created or updated.


My question is: Is this possible to upsert all the objects(Which are either creatable or editable) in a single call?

What are the precautions need to be taken for a successful upsert?

What are the permissions I have to give while upserting (Im using system administrator profile in this case)?

Is there any order for the standard objects to be Upserted?



Vinay Kumar.



I'm trialling SaleForce for our company (specifically synching data via the API)... and in doing so am changing schema quite a bit.


At the moment, I'm having to manually log in and regenerate schema each time (and then have an automated process to convert this into C#)


I would like to automate the refresh of schema.... however, I cannot see how to authenicate programmatically to the page https://eu1.salesforce.com/soap/wsdl.jsp?type=*


I'm probably missing something obvious - can someone help?





I currently work for an organisation who have chosen to use SalesForce.


We have two sandboxes.


We wish to migrate the entire org from sandbox to the next on a night by night bases at midnight, so this must be a completely automated process.


We will be using Ant, which will load the Data Migration Tool to migrate the data, which will be scheduled at 12AM daily.


When migrating workflows, I get errors, because workflow objects have "User" inside them. For example, outbound messages have an "User to send as" field which stores the Username. Another example is in tasks, there is a "Assigned To" field which again stores a Username.


Heres where the problem lies. When trying to push workflows to the destination sandbox, it errors because the user exists in the source sandbox, and not the destination sandbox. Furthermore, the user cannot be pushed into the destination, because the users must be globally unique to the entire salesforce database.


The obvious answer is, touch up the xml files after the pull from source sandbox and before the push to destination sandbox. But this needs to be an automated process.


Does anybody have a solution for this? Or even an application that can/will touch up xml accordingly.