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my acctMap value is an Account sObject.  I am trying to put the sObject from List<Account> aNewList which is the collection from Trigger.new into this acctMap. How can I do this? I tried with the get.sObjectType method but it's not working





public static void updateContactOptOutSettings(List<Account> aNewList, List<Account> aOldList )
for(Integer i = 0; i < aNewList.size(); i++)
Map<Id, Account> acctsMap= new Map<Id, Account>();
if ( (aOldList.get(i).Email_Opt_Out__c != aNewList.get(i).Email_Opt_Out__c || aOldList.get(i).Email_Fax_Out__c != aNewList.get(i).Email_Fax_Out__c ||
aOldList.get(i).Do_Not_Call__c!= aNewList.get(i).Do_Not_Call__c ))

I am trying to compare the account recordtype name to the zone record type name from an Account sObject.  If it matches than further processing should be done.  I tried it this way but realzied the hard way that each object have their own record type id. What is the best way to match the record type name?



List<Zone__c> zList = [select recordtypeid from Zone_c];
List<RecordType> rtList = [select id, name from RecordType ];


for(Account a: aList)

if( a.recordtypeid ==zList.get(i).recordtypeid )


// some processing



I am trying to convert this contact sObject to a string to grab the first 5 characters of the zip and compare but keep getting an error of "method does not exist or incorrect signature. any ideas?


String bpc= String.valueOf(c.MailingPostalCode);


if(bpc.left(5)>= cList.get(i).zip)


 // more processing


I have a before insert and update trigger that updates the account.ownerid based on criteria that is met by matching the account.billing state to zone.state__c custom object. I created a try catch block to catch and exception and throw the error to a custom errorlog object.  But it doesn't  seem to catch it. Is this because a query exception is not considered a dml exception? alsoi have A method called getNumDMl(), does this method count all exceptions or just dml ones? I want to basically catch as many exceptions as possible and throw to error log. any advice would be great


catch (QueryException e)
Error_Log__c eLog = new Error_Log__c();
List<Error_Log__c> eLogList = new List<Error_Log__c>();
for (Integer iex = 0; iex < e.getNumDml(); iex++)
eLog.Description__c = e.getDmlMessage(iex);
insert eLogList;