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Matrix Report - calculation based on picklist values
Hi Team,
I am working on building a opportunity matrix report which would show picture of quota, pipeline and target achieved.
We are using custom build forecast function and hence we are not able to use the standard forecast reports. We have 5 stages in opportunity cycle and also created a opportunity record type with 6th stage value as quota to assign quota for all salesrep. SO here is what i am looking for. The matrix report i am using is first grouped by sales rep and then by stage. so for each sales rep, the report shows the numbers by each stage (stage 1 to stage 6).
Now i would like to add some calculation, for example stage 6 - stage 5 (quota - closed won) and it should show the number for each sales rep and then finally the overall one. is it possible to configure without custom coding?
- rameshvpsg
- May 22, 2013
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Validation rule error message on my custom VF page
I have a VF page to enter monthly revenue along with comments and added validation rule to make comment mandatory if revenue is modified. How to populate the validation rule error message in my custom VF top section. Below is my VF page. Please suggest.
<apex:page standardController="Price_Book__c" tabStyle="Price_Book__c"
sidebar="false" extensions="MultipelRevenueEditFee" >
<apex:panelGroup rendered="{!Price_Book__c.Checkbox__c==false}" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save & Return to Forecast" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Save & Return to Opportunity" action="{!return1}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
<table width="100%">
<th width="1%" align="left"></th>
<th width="15%" align="left"><h1 style="font-size:12pt">FINANCE</h1></th>
<table width="100%">
<td width="8%"><b>Service Family</b></td>
<td width="8%"><b>Record Type</b></td>
<td width="8%"><b>App Name</b></td>
<td width="10%"><b>Date</b></td>
<td width="8%"><b>Forecast</b></td>
<td width="20%"><b>Comments</b></td>
<apex:repeat value="{!rev}" var="revenue">
<apex:repeat value="{!price}" var="p">
<td width="8%"><apex:outputField value="{!p.FTE_Based_Services__c}"/></td>
<td width="8%"><apex:outputField value="{!p.RecordTypeId}"/></td>
<td width="8%"><apex:outputField value="{!p.Related_FTE_Service__c}"/></td>
<td width="10%"><apex:inputField value="{!revenue.Date__c}"/></td>
<td width="8%"><apex:inputField value="{!revenue.Total_Value_by_Forecast__c}" style="width:90pt"/></td>
<td width="20%"><apex:inputField value="{!revenue.Comments__c}"/></td>
- rameshvpsg
- December 05, 2012
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Hi, I would like to do an analysis on who is really using the system. How much time they spend in system daily, how many records they create or modify and how many pages they view etc., could any one suggest option to achieve this.
Ramesh V
- rameshvpsg
- November 16, 2012
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Integrating outlook with Mac
Hi Team, is there any app which could help integrating salesforce with outlook for Mac users. Please suggest. Thanks
- rameshvpsg
- November 15, 2012
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Roll up opportunity amount to contact roles
Hi, I have an requirement to roll up opportunity amount to all contacts linked through contact roles for an opportunity. Do any one have solution for this.
Ramesh V
- rameshvpsg
- November 14, 2012
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SQL Error
I am using below trigger part of before update trigger on parent object to roll up amount from child object. This works fine for few records, but throws out too many soql queries error.
Please guide me how i can bulkify this trigger.
Note: revenue_schedule__c is the parent object and training_sechedule__c is the child object.
for (revenue_schedule__c revenueschvar : trigger.new)
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT SUM(amount__c)amt FROM training_schedule__c WHERE Revenue_Schedule__c = :revenueschvar.id];
revenueschvar.FTE_Revenue__c =(decimal)groupedResults[0].
- rameshvpsg
- November 14, 2012
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Roll up opportunity amount to contact roles
Hi, I have an requirement to roll up opportunity amount to all contacts linked through contact roles for an opportunity. Do any one have solution for this.
Ramesh V
- rameshvpsg
- November 14, 2012
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SQL Error
I am using below trigger part of before update trigger on parent object to roll up amount from child object. This works fine for few records, but throws out too many soql queries error.
Please guide me how i can bulkify this trigger.
Note: revenue_schedule__c is the parent object and training_sechedule__c is the child object.
for (revenue_schedule__c revenueschvar : trigger.new)
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT SUM(amount__c)amt FROM training_schedule__c WHERE Revenue_Schedule__c = :revenueschvar.id];
revenueschvar.FTE_Revenue__c =(decimal)groupedResults[0].
- rameshvpsg
- November 14, 2012
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Opportunity roll up to all Contact Roles
Hi All,
I had a requirement of adding the oppporunity amount to all of its contact roles. if the contact role added the opportunity, the amount of opportunity has be added to a field "Achieved" on contact Object. The contact might be a contact role on multiple opportunities. If the contact role has been removed from td the opportunity, the respective amount to be subtracted from Achieved field of Opportunity object.
Please do let me know how can i get the solution. I appreciate all of your responses with code or any recommendations.
Also i have attached a screenshot for better understanding and any other solution based on the image.
- Marella
- August 01, 2012
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Send email alert to notify users after 90 days of inactivity
I am looking for a solution to automatically send an email alert to users who have not logged in to SF in the past 90 days (based on thier last login history field. I attempted a workflow/email alert but the User object is not available as a selection. Please help!
- CJ413121
- March 29, 2011
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Validation Rules & VF Pages
I'm trying to render validation rule error messages on my visual force pages. Does anyone know how this can easily be done?
From what I'm reading, I need to recreate the validation rules in an extension? (is that true!!?)
Hoping for an easier approach!
- marcusaurelius
- December 21, 2009
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Calculate the Total Opportunity Amount for the Associated Contact Record
I would like to calculate the total amount of all child opportunities associated with the parent contact.
If a contact record has 2 opportunies, one with an amount of $20 and one with an amount of $50, i would like the contact record to have a field reflect the total of $50.
Below is the code i have so far.
trigger TestBed on Opportunity (after insert, after update){
//The list returns all the name of the contacts and the opportunity id and opportunity amount associated with that
List<Contact> contax = [SELECT Contact.Name, (Select Opportunity.Id, Opportunity.Amount From Contact.Opportunities) From Contact Where Contact.AccountId != Null];
// Loop through the contacts and update their Opportunity Total field.
for(Contact c : contax){
c.c_Opportunity_Total__c = contax.size();
// Update the database
update contax;
I would think it would be as easy as summing up the Opportunity.Amount.
c.c_Opportunity_Total__c = Sum(contax.Opportunity.Amount)
But that is not possible in this environment. Apparently the query fields associated with the list cannot be referenced. Or can they?
My questions are:
1.) With the above code, how can i reference the SOQL field Opportunity.Amount, and sum the total results of that query's findings for that field? Then add that total to the Contact record.
2.) Where can i find information about how to use math methods with SOQL?
Thanks so much for your help, so far i've spent hours trying to research this on my own with no luck. Newbie here.
- Reppin__505
- April 30, 2009
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