• emale999
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I have to write a script to synchronize some data in salesforce with our MIS. This should be done when new records are inserted or existing records are edited on both sides. Therefore I have a new field Synced__c which holds the timestamp of the last synchronisation with our MIS.
To get all changed records wouldn't be any great problem for someone who knows SQL (and really isn't a problem in our MIS):

select [...] where SystemModstamp > Synced__c

Unfortunately this doesn't work in salesforce because I cannot use fieldnames on the right side of logical statements - I was told that in another thread and the solution was to use an Apex Trigger to set Synced__c = null when the record was modified so that I can write

select [...] where Synced__c = null

So I prepared the whole synchronisation skripts tested it in my testaccount and when I wanted to go live it doesn't work because we have a "Professional Edition+API" which doesn't support Apex Triggers. **bleep**!

After being miffed for two months with the support which only has the solution to upgrade to a Developer Account I'm opening that thread (should have done that before!). Has anyone an idea how to get this working WITHOUT upgrading to a Developer Account?
Parameters are:
- Select all records that have been modified since they were synchronized the last time
- Timestamp of synchronisation ist stored per record in Synced__c
- Synced__c will be updated from my script when synchronized - that works anyway

This thing is getting me mad...
Can anyone provide info on how to get the php toolkit to escape ampersands in the account name? 

I am having the same problem as this post but can't find any info on what needs to be changed.

I'm using the sample login.php that comes with the php developer toolkit 1.1, it works fine to edit account unless they have an ampersand in the company name, in which case I get this error when i try to update:

There was a problem with your login: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

This problem is happeneing for all accounts with an ampersand, not just ones that start with one.  If anyone can help i'd appreciate it.

I'm using the default developer account and php toolkit 1.1.