• tauhaka
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hi I have a situation like this : my vf page gets a list of users from the controller.I want to display user information in a pageblock table.number of fields which each user element has is not known,so the number of columns to be displayed in page block table is not known.


<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!userList}" var="myUser" id="table">
     <apex:column value="{!myUser.field1}" />
     <apex:column value="{!myUser.field2}" />
     <apex:column value="{!myUser.fieldn}" />

here the number of fields and their names(field1,field2.......fieldn.....) are to be determined dynamically. I am stuck,any idea will be of great help



Its early and my espresso has not yet kicked in, so forgive me this rudimentary question. What is the maximum number of records that a trigger will process at once? Assuming some sort of bulk update, what is the most I can expect to see in the Trigger.new list? Trying to code around some potential governor limit issues.