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Hello Guys & Gals,
I thought I'd throw this out to the community as something that others might find useful.
I've had to implement this a number of times now - as no doubt some of you have already seen - there is no related list to show the opportunity contact roles for a 'contact'
This S-Control provides pretty much the same functionality.
Any suggestions to improve this are welcome... let me know if you find this useful.
Ben :)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"  "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<link href="/dCSS/Theme2/default/common.css" type="text/css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv"  rel="stylesheet" >
<link href="/dCSS/Theme2/default/custom.css" type="text/css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv"  rel="stylesheet" >

<script src="/soap/ajax/10.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script>
function Init() {

   //             Developed March 2008   
   //               by Ben Ingram                    
   //           beningram@hotmail.com              
   //  May be re-used or altered so long as the credit remains :)                                              
   //  This s-Control for salesforce.com provides  
   //  visibility of all oportunities for which a  
   //  contact is listed as an Opportunity Contact 
   //  To Implement this s-Control:
   //    1. Add a new s-Control of type HTML
   //    2. Insert this code (all) into the HTML Body of the new Control
   //    3. Name the control something appropriate such as 'Contact_Opportunity_Roles'
   //    4. Edit the appropriate page layout for 'Contacts'
   //    5. Create a 'new section' to contain this inline s-control
   //       I recommend immediately preceding the related list area
   //    6. Drag the s-control from the list on the right into your new section
   //    7. Set the properties of this s-control to set the height = 100
   //    8. Enjoy :)


    // Query the SOQL to return the related OpportunityContact records, along with the parent Opportunity details as required
    var SearchString="Select Id, ContactId, Role, IsPrimary, OpportunityId, Opportunity.Name, Opportunity.StageName From OpportunityContactRole Where ContactId = '{!Contact.Id}' ";
    var queryResults = sforce.connection.query(SearchString);
    var queryRecords = queryResults.getArray('records');
    var txtOutput = ""

    if (queryRecords.length > 0){
      // Rows returned, so first setup the column headers (hard coded - potentially revise this)
      var txtOutput = "<table class='list' width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
      txtOutput = txtOutput + "<tr class='headerRow' height=20>";
      txtOutput = txtOutput + "<th nowrap>Opportunity</th>";
      txtOutput = txtOutput + "<th nowrap>Stage</th>";
      txtOutput = txtOutput + "<th nowrap>Role</th>";
      txtOutput = txtOutput + "<th nowrap>Is Primary</th></tr>";

      // Next Loop through the result array (row by row)
      for (var i = 0; i < queryRecords.length; i++) {

        // queryRecord = the Current row within the array
        var queryRecord = queryRecords[i];

        // OppRecord = the sub array row containing the linked Opportunity details
        var OppRecord = queryRecord.get("Opportunity");

 // Now build the results output row by row 
        txtOutput = txtOutput + "<tr class='dataRow' onmouseover=hiOn(this) onmouseout=hiOff(this)>";
        txtOutput = txtOutput + "<td class='datacell'><a href='/"+ queryRecord.get("OpportunityId") +"' target=_parent>" + OppRecord.get("Name") + "</a></td>";
        txtOutput = txtOutput + "<td> "+ OppRecord.get("StageName") + "</td>";
        txtOutput = txtOutput + "<td> "+ queryRecord.get("Role") + "</td>";

 // Display the standard grid checkbox image (checked or unchecked as appropriate)
          txtOutput = txtOutput + "<td><img src='/img/checkbox_checked.gif' alt='Checked' width='21' height='16' class='checkImg' title='Checked' /></td></tr>";} else {
          txtOutput = txtOutput + "<td><img src='/img/checkbox_unchecked.gif' alt='Not Checked' width='21' height='16' class='checkImg' title='Not Checked' /></td></tr>";
        } // end if (queryRecord.get("IsPrimary")=="true")
      } //end of array loop

     // Get rid of ugly white box by filling the gap with empty space 
     if (queryRecords.length == 1){
 txtOutput = txtOutput + "</table>&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;";
     if (queryRecords.length == 2){
 txtOutput = txtOutput + "</table>&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;";
     if (queryRecords.length > 2){
 txtOutput = txtOutput + "</table>"; 
    } else { 
      // there were no rows returnd from the SOQL query - so build a message to inform the user that this contact is not related to any opportunities
      txtOutput=txtOutput + "<font face = 'Verdana' size = '2'>This Contact has no specified Opportunity Contact Roles</font><br> &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br>";
  // Substitute the div mainBody contents for the generated HTML content
  document.getElementById("mainBody").innerHTML = txtOutput;

  catch (error)


<body class='account' onload="Init();" >
  <div class="bPageBlock secondaryPalette" style="border-top:0px; border-bottom:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
    <div id="mainBody"  class=pbBody style="margin-right:0px">