• abhishekshuklacs001
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Hi, I
Iam trying to apply standardSetController with MAP<string,String>.Getting following error

 Error: Constructor not defined: [ApexPages.StandardSetController].<Constructor>(MAP<String,String>)

Please assist me if we can use standardSetController with MAP<STRING,STRING> or LIST<STRING>


map<String,string> tempMap = New map<String,string>();
if (sscQueueMember==null){
size = 1;
sscQueueMember=new ApexPages.StandardSetController(tempMap);
return tempMap

I'll give certification exam this week. Please solve me these questions if you know

How does Salesforce enforce data access using role hierarchy?
a. Users are given access to the records owned by the users who are
below them in the role hierarchy
b. Users are given access to the records owned by the users who share
the same role in the role hierarchy
c. Users are given access to the records accessible by the users who are
below them in the role hierarchy
d. Users are given access to the records accessible by the users who are
above the role hierarchy


What will cause the analytic snapshots run to fail?
Please select three (3) choices.
a. The source report has been deleted
b. The target object has a trigger on it
c. The running user has been inactivated
d. The target object is a custom object
e. The source report is saved as matrix report




I am trying to call a Visualforce page from a custom list button.  I have done this successfully from a detail page button by creating a page using a standard controller for the detail object, selecting Visualforce page as the content source and then picking the page I wanted from the pull down list for content.
However, I can't seem to get this to work for a list button.  I pick the list button option on the custom button or link page, and pick visualforce page for the content source, but I don't get my visualforce page to appear in the content pull down list.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
As an adjunct question, should I be using the standard controller for the detail object being displayed at the top of the page or for the objects being referenced in the list (in the case I'm working on now, the objects in the list are the same object as the detail object and reference back to the detail object)? 
I understand that one of the benefits of using a visualforce page in this manner is that the id for the detail object is automatically passed to the visualforce page, thereby making data display easier on the detail page.  If a visualforce page can be invoked from a list button, what object id is passed?  That of the detail item at the top of the page?
Thanks in advance for your help,