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How to auto fill quote name field ?
Hi All,

There is a output text field in my VF page, the value of the text should be like this user1 Name (user1email@gmail.com), User2Name ( User2email@gmail.com).
the condition here is when there is no user2, filed value should be user1 Name (user1email@gmail.com)

I'm using the following condition 

<apex:outputText value="{!if({!EndUserName} != null && {!EndUserEmail} != null),{!ContactName} ({!ContactEmail}) {!EndUserName} ({!EndUserEmail}), {!ContactName} ({!ContactEmail}) }"/>

here endUsername = user2name, EndUserEmail = user2email.

but i'm getting an error : User-added image

Any suggestions how to implement this ?

Here i am trying to append "Updated"  to all of my accounts but no luck. 

public class INFSimpleBatchExp implements Database.Batchable<sobject> {
    public Database.QueryLocator start(database.BatchableContext bc )
        String query = 'select id, name from Account';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
    public void execute (Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Account> scope )
        for(Account acc : scope)
            acc.name = acc.name + 'updated';
    update scope;
    public void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc)

I am using following statemets in Developer console

INFSimpleBatchExp inF = new INFSimpleBatchExp();
Database.executeBatch(inF, 200);

Anyone kindly let me know where it went wrong?


Hi All,


I want to create a formula field whose value should be a copy of an opportunity product custom field. I was trying to find out opportunity product object name in the formula editor, but i am not finding.


Can any one help me to solve this, quick response will be highly appreciated.



Thanks & Regards,


Dear All,


I am requesting for a help to solve this problem.


In my visualforce page ( name : Reimbursement) i am having table which containg 4 columns in which user can enter a data. And along with this i am having a command link by name add row, if we click on the Add row link an another row will add to the row. Here there is no limit on number of rows for the table.


i having  a command button by the name proceed below the table, if we click on the button the entered details should appear  in the same format  in the other vf page( reimbusementreciever).


Kindly help me to solve this please.


For reference please find the below code:

--VF Page: Reimbursement---
<apex:page standardcontroller="Reimbursement__c" extensions="Reimbursementformcontroller">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Reimbursement Form"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Employee Details">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel >Name Of The Employee:</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:outputText > {!$User.FirstName}</apex:outputText>
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!reimburselist}" var="rlist">
<apex:column headerValue="Type">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Type__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Date">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Date__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Amount">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Approve Amount">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Approved_Amount__c}"/>
<apex:commandLink value="Add" action="{!add}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Proceed" action="{!proceed}"/>
-- Controller Code--
public with sharing class Reimbursementformcontroller {

public list<Reimbursement__c> reimburselist{get;set;}
public list<reimbursewrapper> reimbursewrapper {get;set;}
public Reimbursementformcontroller(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
reimburselist = new list<Reimbursement__c>();
reimburselist.add(new Reimbursement__c());
public Reimbursementformcontroller() {
reimburselist = new list<Reimbursement__c>();
reimburselist.add(new Reimbursement__c());
public void Add()
reimburselist.add(new Reimbursement__c());
public list<Reimbursement__c> getdisplay(){
list<Reimbursement__c> display = new List<Reimbursement__c>();
for(reimbursewrapper reim : reimbursewrapper)
return display;
public PageReference proceed()

PageReference np = new PageReference('/apex/Reimbursementformreciever');
return np;
public class reimbursewrapper{
public Reimbursement__c rr{get;set;}
public reimbursewrapper(reimbursement__c rei)
this.rr = rei;
--VF Page: ReimbusementReciever--
<apex:page controller="Reimbursementformcontroller" >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Working With Apex Data Tables (Confirmation)"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:outputText value="You have selected the following contacts for processing, are you sure?"/>
<apex:pageblock >
<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!reimburselist}" var="con" id="selectedContactsTable">
<apex:column value="{!con.Type__c}" headervalue="Full Name"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Date__c}" headervalue="Title"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Amount__c}" headervalue="Title"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Approved_Amount__c}" headervalue="Title"/>


Thank you.



Dear All,


I am requesting for a help to solve this problem.


In my visualforce page ( name : Reimbursement) i am having table which containg 4 columns in which user can enter a data. And along with this i am having a command link by name add row, if we click on the Add row link an another row will add to the row. Here there is no limit on number of rows for the table.


i having  a command button by the name proceed below the table, if we click on the button the entered details should appear  in the same format  in the other vf page( reimbusementreciever).


Kindly help me to solve this please.


For reference please find the below code:


--VF Page: Reimbursement---
<apex:page standardcontroller="Reimbursement__c" extensions="Reimbursementformcontroller">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Reimbursement Form"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Employee Details">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel >Name Of The Employee:</apex:outputLabel>
<apex:outputText > {!$User.FirstName}</apex:outputText>
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!reimburselist}" var="rlist">
<apex:column headerValue="Type">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Type__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Date">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Date__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Amount">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Approve Amount">
<apex:inputField value="{!rlist.Approved_Amount__c}"/>
<apex:commandLink value="Add" action="{!add}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Proceed" action="{!proceed}"/>
-- Controller Code--
public with sharing class Reimbursementformcontroller {

public list<Reimbursement__c> reimburselist{get;set;}
public list<reimbursewrapper> reimbursewrapper {get;set;}
public Reimbursementformcontroller(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
reimburselist = new list<Reimbursement__c>();
reimburselist.add(new Reimbursement__c());
public Reimbursementformcontroller() {
reimburselist = new list<Reimbursement__c>();
reimburselist.add(new Reimbursement__c());
public void Add()
reimburselist.add(new Reimbursement__c());
public list<Reimbursement__c> getdisplay(){
list<Reimbursement__c> display = new List<Reimbursement__c>();
for(reimbursewrapper reim : reimbursewrapper)
return display;
public PageReference proceed()

PageReference np = new PageReference('/apex/Reimbursementformreciever');
return np;
public class reimbursewrapper{
public Reimbursement__c rr{get;set;}
public reimbursewrapper(reimbursement__c rei)
this.rr = rei;
--VF Page: ReimbusementReciever--
<apex:page controller="Reimbursementformcontroller" >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Working With Apex Data Tables (Confirmation)"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:outputText value="You have selected the following contacts for processing, are you sure?"/>
<apex:pageblock >
<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!reimburselist}" var="con" id="selectedContactsTable">
<apex:column value="{!con.Type__c}" headervalue="Full Name"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Date__c}" headervalue="Title"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Amount__c}" headervalue="Title"/>
<apex:column value="{!con.Approved_Amount__c}" headervalue="Title"/>



Thank you.








Dear All,


Can we change current profile permissions with triggers.


I mean a user Prakki is assaigned by a profile xxx which consists of custom object permisions Read,create,edit,delete.


Now with the help of trigger can i change custom object permissions to read.


Thank you.



Dear All,


I am strggling to solve this scenario, if any one helping me on this i will be greatful to them.


We are having various users and an custom object called Vehicle it containing many pick list fields, some text fields too currently all the users having modify all permission on this object. In the user object we had created a check box filed.

If the check box in the user object is unchecked, users should not enter any values to the pick list filed, means for all the users Vehicle object pick list fields should changed to read only. I would like to clear only picklist fields should be read only, on remaining fields user can do any operation.


If check box is checked then modify all permission on the vehicle object should effect. 


It's very urgent,


Thank you.



Dear All,


I am strggling to solve this scenario, if any one helping me on this i will be greatful to them.


We are having various users and an custom object called Vehicle it containing many pick list fields, some text fields too currently all the users having modify all permission on this object. In the user object we had created a check box filed.

If the check box in the user object is unchecked, users should not enter any values to the pick list filed, means for all the users Vehicle object pick list fields should changed to read only. I would like to clear only picklist fields should be read only, on remaining fields user can do any operation.


If check box is checked then modify all permission on the vehicle object should effect. 


It's very urgent,


Thank you.



Dear All,


We had created a custom check box in the user object, as per the check box value ( checked/ Un checked),   

i would like to restrict the user to not to enter values in the pick list fields.


If the pick list value is checked then user can enter values to the pick list fields. If it is unchecked, then i should restrict him.


Any one can help me in this scenario.


Promt responses will highly appriciated.


Thank you




Dear All,


We had created a custom check box in the user object, as per the check box value ( checked/ Un checked),   

i would like to restrict the user to not to enter values in the pick list fields.


If the pick list value is checked then user can enter values to the pick list fields. If it is unchecked, then i should restrict him.


Any one can help me in this scenario.


Promt responses will highly appriciated.


Thank you





Dear All,


We are having a custom object called vehicle, which consists of 10 picklist fields. Now i would like to restrict the users to not edit or not to enter new pick list values to all these picklist fileds. how to achieve this..??


Can anyone help me to solve this..


Thank you.
