• LGordonCRMEidq
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Hey developers. This is my first time posting, and the first Trigger I've put together. I've scoured the boards and documentation, so please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious; I just hit a wall. Here's the trigger I ended up with to try to assign new Contacts to the Account "Individual" if that field is left blank during entry:


	trigger SetDefaultAccount on Contact (before insert) {
    Account[] testAccount = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Individual' limit 1];
  if ( testAccount.size() == 0 ) {
//create Individual account
  testAccount = new Account[1];
  testAccount [0] = new Account(name='Individual');
  insert testAccount ;
    Account yacht = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Individual' limit 1];
    For (Contact nc:Trigger.new) {
        If (nc.AccountId == NULL)
            nc.AccountId = yacht.Id;}

It passes the following test, both in the Developer edition where I was working on it, and on the client's Enterprise edition where I deployed it:

public class testcontact {
    static testmethod void mytest1() {
        Contact c = new Contact(LastName='test lname');
        insert c;

When I add a new Contact in the Developer edition, the Trigger works great. However, when I tried adding a new Contact in the client's edition, I still received the error that the Account field had not been filled in. Any advice y'all have would make my day. Thanks!