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Can we create Knowledge articles programatically using Apex code in salesforce?
I have used an inline VF page inside a standard detail page of an Sobject. The Inline VF page is taking more tiem to load even after the standard page is already loaded.

Please let me know if there is any approach to handle this delay in page load of Inline VF page. Basically the end user is not happy for the the time taking to load inline VF page 

Hi ,


I am trying to hide standard edit/delete button from standard detail page.


I tried using Jvascript and Jquery but none is working.






<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$j = jQuery.noConflict();



Please let me know if some thing needs to be changed in the above code, or let me know if any easy solution other than record types.






I am trying to pass values to varibles of a flow  named 'CallReasonSelectFlow' from vf page.

I am getting this error.  unexpected token: ':' at the interview attribute in the vf page.

i will be inserting this page as a related list..


my vf page:

<apex:page standardController="Contact_Program__c" extensions="VisualWorkFlowController" >
  <flow:interview name="CallReasonSelectFlow" buttonLocation="bottom" interview="{!CallReasonSelectFlow}" >
     <apex:param name="SelectedProgramId" value="{!ProgramId}"/>
     <apex:param name="SelectedProgramName" value="{!ProgramName}"/>



public with sharing class VisualWorkFlowController {
    public Flow.Interview.CallReasonSelectFlow CallReasonSelectFlow {get; set;}
    public Contact_Program__c contctProgObj;
    public Program__c ProgObj;
    public static String ProgramId{get;set;}
    public static String ProgramName{get;set;}
    public VisualWorkFlowController (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
                ------------------ my code for getting values..

Thanks in advance.

I am having an issue where I can get the picklists to filter etc in my custom VF (assign the recordtype to the object) but none of the fields are utilizing the default values set in the recordtype if I display the field. If I do not display the field, the defaults work just fine. Anyone know if or how this should work? is there anything special I need to do to make it happen?

Need suggestion regarding report creation.

While Creating reports in salesforce there seems to be record count mandatory on x axis or y axis( Which is to be a summary or Integer field).

Is there any way i can add two text fileds in both x axis and Yaxis.

Ex: In my requirement i need a report which display all the tasks name on xaxis and status of tasks on y axis.


Wasnt able to achieve this.

can anyone suggest me how to create this kind of report.



Thanks in advance.