• KevinA.ax1880
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I am very new to APEX, and am trying different ways to raise an error to my users.  In the current situation, I am attempting to prevent a user from removing/clearing out a date field, once they have set a date. 


I received some help originally to manipulate child records, created in a class object which I have extended for some validation in which I have a custom exception working that raises an error to the user displayed at the top of the form.


The problem with this option (that I can see) is that it throws an exception with allot of additional language included.  I remember in my administration clas they mentioned raising errors attached to a specific field, but for the life of me cannot come up with a solution.


Does anyone have a specific example they could share that could be used as a validation step that raises a custom message on a specific field?


 - Thanks, Kevin

Hi, We are just getting started with SalesForce, and I am a developer proficient in .Net & SQL, I am having a hard time finding examples for updating child records of a custom object when it has it's status updated. I believe a trigger are what I am looking for, but the examples I am finding are all very generic. I would like some help in how to reference current the record's ID and how to perform an update of related child records. The two paradiagms I am familiar with are vb.net recordsets & SQL updates. I am literally starting with nothing: trigger trDeleteRelatedRecipients on Report_Package__c (after update) { } Any help would be greatly appreciated!