• Brock Elgart
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I noticed that triggers aren't allowed on OpportunityContactRole yet. Having triggers on OpportunityContactRole, CampaignMember, and the like is crucial to being able to enforce business processes end to end.

For example, I wrote a sample trigger that rolls up Opportunity Amounts to the primary Contacts on those Opps. This shows the revenue history for a Contact, and is really helpful to the groups I build databases for. But a person's OppContactRole can be deleted, changed, or added without triggering the code that will re-tally the Amounts, and the roll-ups will drift from the correct value.

If I can put a similar trigger on OppContactRole, it will be impossible for the tally to get out of date, as long as I've built two good triggers.

Apex is great stuff. Amazingly simple and powerful. Just wanted to pass on this initial thought.

