• mbegoun1.390645665260556E12
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I need to replicate data for specific user and found that AccountShare object doesnt support getDeleted method.

Is there a way to know to which accounts user lost access since some timestamp?
we have an sqlite db on user's device and would like to replicate accounts available for a user. Initial replication is not a problem - just select all accounts via API. But after initial replication lot of changes may happen when user can lose and get access to accounts.So these changes should be replicated in local DB.
I understand that AccountShare object could be used to see which accounts are shared (had been shared) by a user, but this object doesn't support getUpdated/Deleted methods.

So how can i replicate changes in account sharing for a user?

there're layouts with fields, sections, dependencies, rules, which can be created in SF and then distributed to standadard SalesForce1 mobile app which makes a great advantage of flexibility and scalability.

As this standard app works only online and cannot be customized (right?) i would like to develop my own app with full offline capabilities.

Is there any possibility to sync SF layouts/visualpages etc (and related fields and rules) into a custom mobile app? any API or SDK class supports that download and parse?
