- Krishna Chaitanya Hota
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Escape & and replace with & in Syndication Feed URL
In Syndication Feed Detail: I am creating URL 'Mapping' as below
ft:"Jobs",fa:" ",et:jt__c,el:"https://xyz.secure.force.com/?jobIds="+Id+"+'&'+page=JobDetailPage&jobSite=default&p=Candidate",ec:"Job Title: "+jt__c+"<br>"+"Job Industry:"+ji__c+"<br>"+"Job Category: "+jc__c+"<br>"+"City: "+c__c+"<br>"+"State: "+st__c+"<br>"+"Salary: "+Sa__c+"<br>"+"Overall Experience: "+oe__c+"<br>"+"Job Description Rich: "+AVTRRT__Job_Description__c+"<br>Job Summary:"+AVTRRT__Job_Summary__c+"<br>Job Term:"+t__c,ect: "html"
When executing http://xyz.force.com/services/xml/JobFeed the URL
the link is generating the URL as below
href="https://xyz.secure.force.com/MMS__HMSLayout?page=JobDetailPage&JobSite=default&p=Candidate&jobIds=a0F1600000iLjEq" />
Here instaed of & I need only & .
Please let me know how to escape amp;
Thanks & Regards,
Krishna Chaitanya
- Krishna Chaitanya Hota
- July 16, 2015
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How to write the logic for time delay in Trigger?
There are two objects Contact and Custom Object. When ever we send Email from Email Services Email address along with Resume.
In Salesforce objects when the resume is parsing object the Picklist value will be New. In between the Picklist value will be In Process. When the Picklist Value changes to 'Done' the Contact gets created.
For this resume processing it will take around 5 minutes.
So would like to know if there is a workaround where the Trigger waits until the picklist values changes to done using time delay logic.
Thanks in advance!!
- Krishna Chaitanya Hota
- November 18, 2014
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How to write the logic for time delay in Trigger?
There are two objects Contact and Custom Object. When ever we send Email from Email Services Email address along with Resume.
In Salesforce objects when the resume is parsing object the Picklist value will be New. In between the Picklist value will be In Process. When the Picklist Value changes to 'Done' the Contact gets created.
For this resume processing it will take around 5 minutes.
So would like to know if there is a workaround where the Trigger waits until the picklist values changes to done using time delay logic.
Thanks in advance!!
- Krishna Chaitanya Hota
- November 18, 2014
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