• Jyothsna Reddy
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Hello everyone.

I am struggling with this problem Please anyone try to help me............
Have a glance on code.
Here I have two records having m.Fieldtype as Combo.so 2 times getItems() will be called right?
So, options (returntype of getItems()) will store 2nd time value .And these values will be displayed in two SelectList values

( I want both values should be different)
How can i get this..?

Visualforce Code
<apex:selectList value="{!inputFields[m.Id]}" size="1" rendered="{!if(m.FieldType__c == 'Combo'  ,true,false)}" >
      <apex:selectoptions value="{!items}" ></apex:selectoptions>

Controller Code:
   public List<SelectOption> getItems() {
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        for(Mapping__c map1:keylist){
                 comStr= map1.FieldValue__c;   
                 System.debug('comStr value is::::::::::'+comstr);
        for(String str1:strList1){
            options.add(new SelectOption(str1,str1));
        return options;

Hi all,
I have MappingObject -----> Fields are::::::::::::::FieldName__c,FieldCaption__c && FieldType__c

Here I am trying to  get the  records based on FieldType__c(like ::::text,textarea). If FieldType is text it will show textbox.I did this finally using rendered.But my problem is  after submitting I am not getting the entered value.How can I solve this.
I am not even getting any error.
Please find the below code.I thought problem is storing the values.
<apex:pageBlock id="box">
  <apex:repeat value="{!inputFields}" var="m">
    <apex:outPutLabel value="{!if(m.FieldType__c == 'Text',m.FieldCaption__c,'')}"/>         
    <apex:inputText value="{!inputFields[m]}" rendered="{!if(m.FieldType__c == 'Text' ,true,false)}" />
    <!--<apex:outPutLabel value="{!if(m.FieldType__c == 'Textarea',m.FieldCaption__c,'')}"/>         
    <apex:inputtextarea value="{!inputFields[m]}" rendered="{!if(m.FieldType__c == 'Textarea',true,false)}" /> -->
  <apex:commandButton action="{!submitFieldData}"  value="Submit" id="button" rerender="box"/> {!strList}

Controller Code:
public class repeatandsave {

    public List<String> strList { get; set; }

    public Map<String,List<String>> outputFields { get; set; }
    public Map<Mapping__c,String> inputFields { get; set; }
    public List<Mapping__c> mapList{get;set;}
    public String str{get;set;}
    public repeatandsave(){
       strList=new List<String>();
       inputFields=new Map<Mapping__c,String>();
       mapList=new List<Mapping__c>();
       mapList=[SELECT FieldCaption__c,FieldName__c,FieldType__c,Name from Mapping__c where formname__c ='empform1']; 
       for(Mapping__c map1:mapList){
          System.debug(':::::::::::+before ++'+map1);
       System.debug('::::::::::::'+ inputFields.keyset());
     public PageReference submitFieldData() {
        System.debug('Inside submit:::::::::::'+maplist); 
         for(Mapping__c  map1 : mapList){
            System.debug('::::::::::::map1 values are::::::::::'+map1);
            System.debug('Map values are:'+inputFields.get(map1));
            //System.debug('::::::::::::::map1values are :::::::::::::::'+outputFields.get(map1.FieldName__c));
        for(String str:strList){
            System.debug('Added Elements are ::::::'+str);
         System.debug('In submitt::::::::::::');
        return null;

Screen Shot::::::::::::

User-added image
Visualforce Code :
<apex:page controller="StringListEx" showheader="false" >
  <apex:form >
     <apex:pageblock >
        Name <apex:inputtext value="{!firVal}"/>
        code <apex:inputtext value="{!secVal}"/>
        Color <apex:inputtext value="{!thirdVal}"/>
        Class <apex:inputtext value="{!fourthVal}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Display" action="{!dislay}"/>
Apex/Controller Code :
public with sharing class StringListEx {

    public StringListEx (){
    public List<String> strLst;
    public String firVal { get; set; }
    public String secVal { get; set; }
    public String thirdVal { get; set; }
    public String fourthVal { get; set; }
    public PageReference dislay() {
        System.debug('First element value::::::::::::::'+firVal);
        System.debug('Second value::::::::::::::'+secVal);
        System.debug('Third value::::::::::::::::'+thirdVal);
        System.debug('Fourth value:::::::::::::::'+fourthVal); 
        return null;

While Adding values to array,I'm getting this error System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object  at line 17.
In debugging I am getting the values whatever I entered
.Then why it is showing Nullpointer exception

Hi all,

Here I am using Custom controller. 

Since there are 5  records in  mappingList  .It is showing 5 textboxes.How can I add the text entered in textboxes to List.
I am getting only the last value in controller.Here I dontknow how to add these values to array....
<apex:pageBlock >
    <apex:repeat value="{!mappingsList}" var="a">
         <apex:inputText value="{!textarray}" id="in"/><br/>
   <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!myaction}"/>

-----Please  attach  the printscreen----------
What is the SuperClass in apex ? In Java Object is super class.
one way of intializing/decalring an object is below
Object obj ;
public className(){
obj =new Sample();
other way is Sample sampObj=new Sample();

Now ,Comming to salesforce ,How can i declare the Object.
I know one way is Sample__c obj=new Sample__c();
I want to use super class while initializing.... 

I had written the IF Condition in VF page  as below
<apex:column value="{! If(m.Name=='sai' ,true,false) }"/>

But I am getting the " Error is in expression '{!If(m}' "evenI had given Correct syntax.

How can i solve this?