• Allen Gardner
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How do I get a custom button to reference the latest pdf quote in a URL?  see my URL below so far, I need a variable so the latest quote pdf related to that opportunity is passed thorugh the button URL.

My button URL looks like this at the moment:

&doc_id=  ?????????????

Background or larger goal of the project:
I am creating a custom button to display on the opportunity detail that will send an email just like the email quote button on the quote detail page, but I want the opportunity to be automatically associated to the email not the quote, tha way I can pass opportunity field information in the email as well.  I want all the functionality of the "email quote" button, but on the opportunity detail page and to relate to the opportunity not the quote.  easiest/best way to accomplish this?
I'm having a problem with my login leaderboard report, I have some users who show up on the report as logging in 7 days a week, every 20 minutes. 
I know a lot of folks downloaded this app from the app exchange....anyone else have this problem and if so, what can I do to this report so it's capturing the correct information??? 
  • November 13, 2007
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