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shortkey help
I have a component with some field and what not on there, basically I am trying to get a button to click using Shift + c, I have setup the short key via the app. this is what i have in my Component and Script. the ID of my component is called theComponent and the page where I use the component, id is called thePage. when i hit Shift + C nothing happens.
sforce.console.addEventListener('SHIFT+C', function() {
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock mode="detail" id="pageBlockSection" rendered="{!!currentContact}" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="blockButtons">
<apex:actionStatus id="finishChangedNew" onstart="openPopUp()"/>
<apex:commandButton id="addContact" alt="Add Contact" value="Add Contact" action="{!addContact}" status="finishChangedNew" onclick="document.getElementById('{!$Component.thePage.externalComponentId.theComponent.theForm.contactId}').value = '';" />
<br></br>......etc. </apex:form>
sforce.console.addEventListener('SHIFT+C', function() {
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock mode="detail" id="pageBlockSection" rendered="{!!currentContact}" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="blockButtons">
<apex:actionStatus id="finishChangedNew" onstart="openPopUp()"/>
<apex:commandButton id="addContact" alt="Add Contact" value="Add Contact" action="{!addContact}" status="finishChangedNew" onclick="document.getElementById('{!$Component.thePage.externalComponentId.theComponent.theForm.contactId}').value = '';" />
<br></br>......etc. </apex:form>
- Swaggy B
- July 09, 2015
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ShortKey not working.
I have a component with some fields and what not on there, basically I am trying to get a button to click using Shift + c, I have setup the short key via the app. this is what i have in my Component and Script. the ID of my component is called theComponent and the page where I use the component, id is called thePage. when i hit Shift + C nothing happens.
sforce.console.addEventListener('SHIFT+C', function() {
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock mode="detail" id="pageBlockSection" rendered="{!!currentContact}" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="blockButtons">
<apex:actionStatus id="finishChangedNew" onstart="openPopUp()"/>
<apex:commandButton id="addContact" alt="Add Contact" value="Add Contact" action="{!addContact}" status="finishChangedNew" onclick="document.getElementById('{!$Component.thePage.externalComponentId.theComponent.theForm.contactId}').value = '';" />
<br></br>......etc. </apex:form>
sforce.console.addEventListener('SHIFT+C', function() {
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock mode="detail" id="pageBlockSection" rendered="{!!currentContact}" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="blockButtons">
<apex:actionStatus id="finishChangedNew" onstart="openPopUp()"/>
<apex:commandButton id="addContact" alt="Add Contact" value="Add Contact" action="{!addContact}" status="finishChangedNew" onclick="document.getElementById('{!$Component.thePage.externalComponentId.theComponent.theForm.contactId}').value = '';" />
<br></br>......etc. </apex:form>
- Swaggy B
- July 09, 2015
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Trigger to copy attachments when you clone opportunity
Trying to figure out somehelp on how I can copy the attachments when I clone a opportunity from the original opp. I created a field called Clone_Helper__c that has a workflow rule which evalutes true if it is blank and does a field up date to populate that field with the Orginal opp id.
right now I just have some test stuff in there to see if it would just make a new attachment.
Set<Id> OppsID = new Set<Id>();
for(Opportunity cloneOpp: Trigger.new){
if(cloneOpp.Clone_Helper__c != null){
Map<id,Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<id,Opportunity>([Select Clone_Helper__C From Opportunity Where Id IN :OppsId]);
List<Attachment> attachments = new List<Attachment>();
Attachment thisAttch = new Attachment();
thisAttch.Name = 'Unit Test Attachment';
Blob bodyBlob = Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');
thisAttch.body = bodyBlob;
thisAttch.parentId = ??
thisAttch.Description = 'ABC';
insert thisAttch;
right now I just have some test stuff in there to see if it would just make a new attachment.
Set<Id> OppsID = new Set<Id>();
for(Opportunity cloneOpp: Trigger.new){
if(cloneOpp.Clone_Helper__c != null){
Map<id,Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<id,Opportunity>([Select Clone_Helper__C From Opportunity Where Id IN :OppsId]);
List<Attachment> attachments = new List<Attachment>();
Attachment thisAttch = new Attachment();
thisAttch.Name = 'Unit Test Attachment';
Blob bodyBlob = Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');
thisAttch.body = bodyBlob;
thisAttch.parentId = ??
thisAttch.Description = 'ABC';
insert thisAttch;
- Swaggy B
- June 25, 2015
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Test Class Help http response
Hello I have a class that I am trying to get some test coverage from that is using a http response. Here is my class
public with sharing class APIApplicationUtility {
public static DTOApplication createApplication (DTOApplication reqApplication){
DTOApplication returnApplication = new DTOApplication();
String endPoint='http://hcscdn-dev.apigee.net/retailapi/v1-dev/application/application';
HttpRequest req=new HttpRequest();
String jsonBody = JSON.serialize(reqApplication);
//Where going to call the API here
HttpResponse r = OAuthUtility.InvokeService(req,false);
if (r == null){
DTOError er = new DTOError ('There was a problem with the Application service. Please call an administrator.');
return returnApplication;
String jsonStr = r.getBody();
system.debug('Quote Response: '+jsonStr);
//Deserialize JSON back to DTO class
returnApplication = (DTOApplication)System.JSON.deserialize(jsonStr, DTOApplication.class);
}catch (Exception e){
DTOError er = new DTOError(e.getMessage());
return returnApplication;
I wrote a mock also
global class TestApplicationAPIMock implements HttpCalloutMock {
global HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest req){
//Create a fake response
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
return res;
And here is the start of my test class
public class APIApplicationUtilityTest {
@isTest static void TestAPIApplication(){
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TestApplicationAPIMock());
APIApplicationUtility thisApp = new APIApplicationUtility();
HttpResponse r = APIApplicationUtility.createApplication();
Im having problems getting the method.
public with sharing class APIApplicationUtility {
public static DTOApplication createApplication (DTOApplication reqApplication){
DTOApplication returnApplication = new DTOApplication();
String endPoint='http://hcscdn-dev.apigee.net/retailapi/v1-dev/application/application';
HttpRequest req=new HttpRequest();
String jsonBody = JSON.serialize(reqApplication);
//Where going to call the API here
HttpResponse r = OAuthUtility.InvokeService(req,false);
if (r == null){
DTOError er = new DTOError ('There was a problem with the Application service. Please call an administrator.');
return returnApplication;
String jsonStr = r.getBody();
system.debug('Quote Response: '+jsonStr);
//Deserialize JSON back to DTO class
returnApplication = (DTOApplication)System.JSON.deserialize(jsonStr, DTOApplication.class);
}catch (Exception e){
DTOError er = new DTOError(e.getMessage());
return returnApplication;
I wrote a mock also
global class TestApplicationAPIMock implements HttpCalloutMock {
global HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest req){
//Create a fake response
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
return res;
And here is the start of my test class
public class APIApplicationUtilityTest {
@isTest static void TestAPIApplication(){
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TestApplicationAPIMock());
APIApplicationUtility thisApp = new APIApplicationUtility();
HttpResponse r = APIApplicationUtility.createApplication();
Im having problems getting the method.
- Swaggy B
- June 11, 2015
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lookup on opportunity fire a trigger
I have a lookup field that looks up to opportunity on the opportunity object, that is not firing a trigger. any thoughts???
- Swaggy B
- May 12, 2015
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Need help with getting a query out of a Loop
I have this trigger that i created but i am unable to figure out how to get the query out of the for loop, my trigger will run but i know it will hit some governer limits.
trigger AcceptJobAndCreateEmployee on Candidate_Application__c (after update) {
//This will be the list to add the new candidate
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
//Query for the Account Record Types
List<RecordType> rtypes = [Select name, id FROM RecordType WHERE sObjectType = 'Account' AND IsPersonType = True];
Map<String,String> accountRecordTypes = new Map<String,String>();
for(RecordType rt: rtypes){
for(Candidate_Application__c thisApplication: Trigger.new)
Candidate_Application__c oldApp = Trigger.oldMap.get(thisApplication.id);
Boolean AppFalse = oldapp.Job_Accepted__c;
Boolean AppTrue = thisApplication.Job_Accepted__c;
List <Candidate__c> newCandidates = [Select id, name FROM Candidate__C WHERE id =: thisApplication.Candidate__c];
if(!AppFalse && AppTrue)
if(newCandidates.size() > 0){
Account converted = new Account();
converted.RecordTypeid = accountRecordTypes.get('Person Account');
converted.LastName = newCandidates.get(0).Name;
converted.Phone = newCandidates.get(0).Phone__c;
insert accounts;
trigger AcceptJobAndCreateEmployee on Candidate_Application__c (after update) {
//This will be the list to add the new candidate
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
//Query for the Account Record Types
List<RecordType> rtypes = [Select name, id FROM RecordType WHERE sObjectType = 'Account' AND IsPersonType = True];
Map<String,String> accountRecordTypes = new Map<String,String>();
for(RecordType rt: rtypes){
for(Candidate_Application__c thisApplication: Trigger.new)
Candidate_Application__c oldApp = Trigger.oldMap.get(thisApplication.id);
Boolean AppFalse = oldapp.Job_Accepted__c;
Boolean AppTrue = thisApplication.Job_Accepted__c;
List <Candidate__c> newCandidates = [Select id, name FROM Candidate__C WHERE id =: thisApplication.Candidate__c];
if(!AppFalse && AppTrue)
if(newCandidates.size() > 0){
Account converted = new Account();
converted.RecordTypeid = accountRecordTypes.get('Person Account');
converted.LastName = newCandidates.get(0).Name;
converted.Phone = newCandidates.get(0).Phone__c;
insert accounts;
- Swaggy B
- March 05, 2015
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Hide search bar based on ProfileID in community
Hello I was trying to hide the search bar in the community based on the Id I have some Jquery that I am able to inject in the footer to get rid of the search bar but i am having problems doing it based on the profile Id.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Hide the top search box */
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
if('{!$User.Profile}' == 'Windstream Community User'){
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Hide the top search box */
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
if('{!$User.Profile}' == 'Windstream Community User'){
- Swaggy B
- February 24, 2015
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show Custom Related list from a Custom Object in a visualforce page that is in a community
Hello i am trying to show Custom Related list from a Custom Object in a visualforce page that is in a community. I believe i have everything right but the fields are not showing or retreiving anything for the last two page blocks here is my code
<apex:page controller="CommunityProjectController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
<apex:composition template="CommunityPageTemplate">
<apex:define name="bodyContent">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column headerValue="Project Name">
<apex:outputLink value="/apex/SMBCommunityProject?Projectid={!item.id}">{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Area__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project_Sub_Class__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Technical_Lead__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Primary_Contact__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="5">
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Contingency__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Invoiced__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget_Remaining__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!invoices}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputLink value="/apex//apex/printableinvoice?id={!item.id}" >{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Payment_Terms__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Due_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Total__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!changeOrders}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column value="{!item.name}" />
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Requested__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Approved__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Approval_Method__c}"/>
This class will handle grabbing a passed in projectid as a url parameter, then display the info
public with sharing class CommunityProjectController{
public Project__c thisProject {get;set;}
public List<Change_Order__c> changeOrders {get;set;}
public List<Invoice__c> invoices {get;set;}
public String thisProjectId {get;set;}
public CommunityProjectController()
//get our projectId parameter, use it to query for our project and set it to "thisProject"
thisProjectId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('projectId');
thisProject = [SELECT id, name, Area__c, Project_Sub_Class__c, Status__c, Technical_Lead__c, Primary_Contact__c,
Budget__c, Contingency__c, Total_Budget__c, Total_Invoiced__c, Budget_Remaining__c FROM Project__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
changeOrders = [SELECT id, Name, Status__c, Amount__c, Date_Requested__C, Date_Approved__c, Approval_Method__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE id =:thisProjectId];
for(Change_Order__c currentChangeOrder : changeOrders)
invoices = [SELECT id, Name, Invoice_Date__c, Payment_Terms__c, Invoice_Due_Date__c, Invoice_Total__c, Status__c, Project__c FROM Invoice__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
for(Invoice__c currentInvoice : invoices)
<apex:page controller="CommunityProjectController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
<apex:composition template="CommunityPageTemplate">
<apex:define name="bodyContent">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column headerValue="Project Name">
<apex:outputLink value="/apex/SMBCommunityProject?Projectid={!item.id}">{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Area__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project_Sub_Class__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Technical_Lead__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Primary_Contact__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="5">
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Contingency__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Invoiced__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget_Remaining__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!invoices}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputLink value="/apex//apex/printableinvoice?id={!item.id}" >{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Payment_Terms__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Due_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Total__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!changeOrders}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column value="{!item.name}" />
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Requested__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Approved__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Approval_Method__c}"/>
This class will handle grabbing a passed in projectid as a url parameter, then display the info
public with sharing class CommunityProjectController{
public Project__c thisProject {get;set;}
public List<Change_Order__c> changeOrders {get;set;}
public List<Invoice__c> invoices {get;set;}
public String thisProjectId {get;set;}
public CommunityProjectController()
//get our projectId parameter, use it to query for our project and set it to "thisProject"
thisProjectId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('projectId');
thisProject = [SELECT id, name, Area__c, Project_Sub_Class__c, Status__c, Technical_Lead__c, Primary_Contact__c,
Budget__c, Contingency__c, Total_Budget__c, Total_Invoiced__c, Budget_Remaining__c FROM Project__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
changeOrders = [SELECT id, Name, Status__c, Amount__c, Date_Requested__C, Date_Approved__c, Approval_Method__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE id =:thisProjectId];
for(Change_Order__c currentChangeOrder : changeOrders)
invoices = [SELECT id, Name, Invoice_Date__c, Payment_Terms__c, Invoice_Due_Date__c, Invoice_Total__c, Status__c, Project__c FROM Invoice__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
for(Invoice__c currentInvoice : invoices)
- Swaggy B
- December 17, 2014
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Allow Upload/Associate file attachment when sending an email.
Is there any type of way to send a email with an attachment and automaically have it attached to the Notes & Attachments section.
- Swaggy B
- August 21, 2014
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Help with custom Page, trying to display most viewed by all users
I have a custom knowledge page and I am trying to get the Most viewed by all users to show up like this.
Here is what I have as my controller
public with sharing class vfKeywordSearchController {
//Page Size
private Static Final Integer PAGE_NUMBER = 10;
//Search String used in ArticleList tag
public String searchstring { get; set; }
public vfKeywordSearchController() {
String qryString = 'SELECT Id, title, UrlName, LastPublishedDate, LastModifiedById FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE (PublishStatus = \'online\' and Language = \'en_US\')';
List<KnowledgeArticleVersion> articleList= Database.query(qryString);
maxSize = articleList.size() ;
//Keeps track of current page & max size of article list
Integer currentPage = 1;
Integer maxSize = 1;
// Returns whether we need to see previous button or not
public boolean getPrevRequired() {
return currentPage > 1;
// Returns whether we need to see next button or not
public boolean getNextRequired() {
return currentPage * PAGE_NUMBER < maxSize;
//Returns current page number
public Decimal getCurrentPageNumber() {
return this.currentPage;
//action for next click
public PageReference next() {
if(maxSize > this.currentPage * PAGE_NUMBER) {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
return null;
//action for previous click
public PageReference previous() {
if(this.currentPage > 1)
this.currentPage = this.currentPage - 1;
return null;
Here is what I have as my controller
public with sharing class vfKeywordSearchController {
//Page Size
private Static Final Integer PAGE_NUMBER = 10;
//Search String used in ArticleList tag
public String searchstring { get; set; }
public vfKeywordSearchController() {
String qryString = 'SELECT Id, title, UrlName, LastPublishedDate, LastModifiedById FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE (PublishStatus = \'online\' and Language = \'en_US\')';
List<KnowledgeArticleVersion> articleList= Database.query(qryString);
maxSize = articleList.size() ;
//Keeps track of current page & max size of article list
Integer currentPage = 1;
Integer maxSize = 1;
// Returns whether we need to see previous button or not
public boolean getPrevRequired() {
return currentPage > 1;
// Returns whether we need to see next button or not
public boolean getNextRequired() {
return currentPage * PAGE_NUMBER < maxSize;
//Returns current page number
public Decimal getCurrentPageNumber() {
return this.currentPage;
//action for next click
public PageReference next() {
if(maxSize > this.currentPage * PAGE_NUMBER) {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
return null;
//action for previous click
public PageReference previous() {
if(this.currentPage > 1)
this.currentPage = this.currentPage - 1;
return null;
- Swaggy B
- July 17, 2014
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shortkey help
I have a component with some field and what not on there, basically I am trying to get a button to click using Shift + c, I have setup the short key via the app. this is what i have in my Component and Script. the ID of my component is called theComponent and the page where I use the component, id is called thePage. when i hit Shift + C nothing happens.
sforce.console.addEventListener('SHIFT+C', function() {
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock mode="detail" id="pageBlockSection" rendered="{!!currentContact}" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="blockButtons">
<apex:actionStatus id="finishChangedNew" onstart="openPopUp()"/>
<apex:commandButton id="addContact" alt="Add Contact" value="Add Contact" action="{!addContact}" status="finishChangedNew" onclick="document.getElementById('{!$Component.thePage.externalComponentId.theComponent.theForm.contactId}').value = '';" />
<br></br>......etc. </apex:form>
sforce.console.addEventListener('SHIFT+C', function() {
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock mode="detail" id="pageBlockSection" rendered="{!!currentContact}" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="blockButtons">
<apex:actionStatus id="finishChangedNew" onstart="openPopUp()"/>
<apex:commandButton id="addContact" alt="Add Contact" value="Add Contact" action="{!addContact}" status="finishChangedNew" onclick="document.getElementById('{!$Component.thePage.externalComponentId.theComponent.theForm.contactId}').value = '';" />
<br></br>......etc. </apex:form>
- Swaggy B
- July 09, 2015
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Test Class Help http response
Hello I have a class that I am trying to get some test coverage from that is using a http response. Here is my class
public with sharing class APIApplicationUtility {
public static DTOApplication createApplication (DTOApplication reqApplication){
DTOApplication returnApplication = new DTOApplication();
String endPoint='http://hcscdn-dev.apigee.net/retailapi/v1-dev/application/application';
HttpRequest req=new HttpRequest();
String jsonBody = JSON.serialize(reqApplication);
//Where going to call the API here
HttpResponse r = OAuthUtility.InvokeService(req,false);
if (r == null){
DTOError er = new DTOError ('There was a problem with the Application service. Please call an administrator.');
return returnApplication;
String jsonStr = r.getBody();
system.debug('Quote Response: '+jsonStr);
//Deserialize JSON back to DTO class
returnApplication = (DTOApplication)System.JSON.deserialize(jsonStr, DTOApplication.class);
}catch (Exception e){
DTOError er = new DTOError(e.getMessage());
return returnApplication;
I wrote a mock also
global class TestApplicationAPIMock implements HttpCalloutMock {
global HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest req){
//Create a fake response
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
return res;
And here is the start of my test class
public class APIApplicationUtilityTest {
@isTest static void TestAPIApplication(){
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TestApplicationAPIMock());
APIApplicationUtility thisApp = new APIApplicationUtility();
HttpResponse r = APIApplicationUtility.createApplication();
Im having problems getting the method.
public with sharing class APIApplicationUtility {
public static DTOApplication createApplication (DTOApplication reqApplication){
DTOApplication returnApplication = new DTOApplication();
String endPoint='http://hcscdn-dev.apigee.net/retailapi/v1-dev/application/application';
HttpRequest req=new HttpRequest();
String jsonBody = JSON.serialize(reqApplication);
//Where going to call the API here
HttpResponse r = OAuthUtility.InvokeService(req,false);
if (r == null){
DTOError er = new DTOError ('There was a problem with the Application service. Please call an administrator.');
return returnApplication;
String jsonStr = r.getBody();
system.debug('Quote Response: '+jsonStr);
//Deserialize JSON back to DTO class
returnApplication = (DTOApplication)System.JSON.deserialize(jsonStr, DTOApplication.class);
}catch (Exception e){
DTOError er = new DTOError(e.getMessage());
return returnApplication;
I wrote a mock also
global class TestApplicationAPIMock implements HttpCalloutMock {
global HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest req){
//Create a fake response
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
return res;
And here is the start of my test class
public class APIApplicationUtilityTest {
@isTest static void TestAPIApplication(){
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new TestApplicationAPIMock());
APIApplicationUtility thisApp = new APIApplicationUtility();
HttpResponse r = APIApplicationUtility.createApplication();
Im having problems getting the method.
- Swaggy B
- June 11, 2015
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Need help with getting a query out of a Loop
I have this trigger that i created but i am unable to figure out how to get the query out of the for loop, my trigger will run but i know it will hit some governer limits.
trigger AcceptJobAndCreateEmployee on Candidate_Application__c (after update) {
//This will be the list to add the new candidate
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
//Query for the Account Record Types
List<RecordType> rtypes = [Select name, id FROM RecordType WHERE sObjectType = 'Account' AND IsPersonType = True];
Map<String,String> accountRecordTypes = new Map<String,String>();
for(RecordType rt: rtypes){
for(Candidate_Application__c thisApplication: Trigger.new)
Candidate_Application__c oldApp = Trigger.oldMap.get(thisApplication.id);
Boolean AppFalse = oldapp.Job_Accepted__c;
Boolean AppTrue = thisApplication.Job_Accepted__c;
List <Candidate__c> newCandidates = [Select id, name FROM Candidate__C WHERE id =: thisApplication.Candidate__c];
if(!AppFalse && AppTrue)
if(newCandidates.size() > 0){
Account converted = new Account();
converted.RecordTypeid = accountRecordTypes.get('Person Account');
converted.LastName = newCandidates.get(0).Name;
converted.Phone = newCandidates.get(0).Phone__c;
insert accounts;
trigger AcceptJobAndCreateEmployee on Candidate_Application__c (after update) {
//This will be the list to add the new candidate
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
//Query for the Account Record Types
List<RecordType> rtypes = [Select name, id FROM RecordType WHERE sObjectType = 'Account' AND IsPersonType = True];
Map<String,String> accountRecordTypes = new Map<String,String>();
for(RecordType rt: rtypes){
for(Candidate_Application__c thisApplication: Trigger.new)
Candidate_Application__c oldApp = Trigger.oldMap.get(thisApplication.id);
Boolean AppFalse = oldapp.Job_Accepted__c;
Boolean AppTrue = thisApplication.Job_Accepted__c;
List <Candidate__c> newCandidates = [Select id, name FROM Candidate__C WHERE id =: thisApplication.Candidate__c];
if(!AppFalse && AppTrue)
if(newCandidates.size() > 0){
Account converted = new Account();
converted.RecordTypeid = accountRecordTypes.get('Person Account');
converted.LastName = newCandidates.get(0).Name;
converted.Phone = newCandidates.get(0).Phone__c;
insert accounts;
- Swaggy B
- March 05, 2015
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show Custom Related list from a Custom Object in a visualforce page that is in a community
Hello i am trying to show Custom Related list from a Custom Object in a visualforce page that is in a community. I believe i have everything right but the fields are not showing or retreiving anything for the last two page blocks here is my code
<apex:page controller="CommunityProjectController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
<apex:composition template="CommunityPageTemplate">
<apex:define name="bodyContent">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column headerValue="Project Name">
<apex:outputLink value="/apex/SMBCommunityProject?Projectid={!item.id}">{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Area__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project_Sub_Class__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Technical_Lead__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Primary_Contact__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="5">
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Contingency__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Invoiced__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget_Remaining__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!invoices}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputLink value="/apex//apex/printableinvoice?id={!item.id}" >{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Payment_Terms__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Due_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Total__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!changeOrders}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column value="{!item.name}" />
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Requested__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Approved__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Approval_Method__c}"/>
This class will handle grabbing a passed in projectid as a url parameter, then display the info
public with sharing class CommunityProjectController{
public Project__c thisProject {get;set;}
public List<Change_Order__c> changeOrders {get;set;}
public List<Invoice__c> invoices {get;set;}
public String thisProjectId {get;set;}
public CommunityProjectController()
//get our projectId parameter, use it to query for our project and set it to "thisProject"
thisProjectId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('projectId');
thisProject = [SELECT id, name, Area__c, Project_Sub_Class__c, Status__c, Technical_Lead__c, Primary_Contact__c,
Budget__c, Contingency__c, Total_Budget__c, Total_Invoiced__c, Budget_Remaining__c FROM Project__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
changeOrders = [SELECT id, Name, Status__c, Amount__c, Date_Requested__C, Date_Approved__c, Approval_Method__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE id =:thisProjectId];
for(Change_Order__c currentChangeOrder : changeOrders)
invoices = [SELECT id, Name, Invoice_Date__c, Payment_Terms__c, Invoice_Due_Date__c, Invoice_Total__c, Status__c, Project__c FROM Invoice__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
for(Invoice__c currentInvoice : invoices)
<apex:page controller="CommunityProjectController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
<apex:composition template="CommunityPageTemplate">
<apex:define name="bodyContent">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column headerValue="Project Name">
<apex:outputLink value="/apex/SMBCommunityProject?Projectid={!item.id}">{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Area__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project_Sub_Class__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Technical_Lead__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Primary_Contact__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!thisProject}" var="item" columns="5">
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Contingency__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Budget__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_Invoiced__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Budget_Remaining__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!invoices}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputLink value="/apex//apex/printableinvoice?id={!item.id}" >{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Payment_Terms__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Due_Date__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Invoice_Total__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Project__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!changeOrders}" var="item" columns="6">
<apex:column value="{!item.name}" />
<apex:column value="{!item.Status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Amount__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Requested__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Date_Approved__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Approval_Method__c}"/>
This class will handle grabbing a passed in projectid as a url parameter, then display the info
public with sharing class CommunityProjectController{
public Project__c thisProject {get;set;}
public List<Change_Order__c> changeOrders {get;set;}
public List<Invoice__c> invoices {get;set;}
public String thisProjectId {get;set;}
public CommunityProjectController()
//get our projectId parameter, use it to query for our project and set it to "thisProject"
thisProjectId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('projectId');
thisProject = [SELECT id, name, Area__c, Project_Sub_Class__c, Status__c, Technical_Lead__c, Primary_Contact__c,
Budget__c, Contingency__c, Total_Budget__c, Total_Invoiced__c, Budget_Remaining__c FROM Project__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
changeOrders = [SELECT id, Name, Status__c, Amount__c, Date_Requested__C, Date_Approved__c, Approval_Method__c FROM Change_Order__c WHERE id =:thisProjectId];
for(Change_Order__c currentChangeOrder : changeOrders)
invoices = [SELECT id, Name, Invoice_Date__c, Payment_Terms__c, Invoice_Due_Date__c, Invoice_Total__c, Status__c, Project__c FROM Invoice__c WHERE id =: thisProjectId];
for(Invoice__c currentInvoice : invoices)
- Swaggy B
- December 17, 2014
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