• Katherine Stead
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I'm trying to create a workflow rule that sends out an email alert whenever a specifici field (Converted Date) has Todays' date. The chances are nothing will have been edited on the Account.  But I need an email alert to go out when that date is todays' date.  When a recorded is created or subsequently meets criteria. 

in the Rule Criteria:
Account: Converted Date EQUALS TODAY

is this correct; how would I get the email alert to fire?

I have a formula field that I need to fix.
current field:  Amount_Minimum__c / Contract_Terms__c

The Contract_Terms__ is an incorrect field and needs to be changed...here's the tricky part
The field I need to change it to is a picklist field
and to top it off it's not a numberical field.

Picklist values
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
etc up to 18 months. 

So basically I need help building a formula field that allows one field to be divided by the value in the picklist; but the picklist needs to be changed to a number.  I hope this makes sense; can anyone help?