• Wassim Ghannoum
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Hi All,

I am trying to write a query that export all the data of leads (the data that we need to export is available under (App Setup -> Customize -> Leads -> Fields), i am able to export some fields, but when trying to access some fields i am getting an SQL Error:

(No such column 'Address' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.)

this is the list of the fields that we need to export using our php code:

- Address

- AnnualRevenue

- Campaign

- Company

- CreatedBy

- Jigsaw

- Industry

- LastModifiedBy

- LastTransferDate

- Owner

- RecordType

- NumberOfEmployees

- Rating

- Title

- Correlation_Data

- CorrelationID

- ProductInterest

- Financial_Product

- IB

- iContact_Contact_Id

- Lead_Number

- Lead_Source_Details

- Lead_Type

- Web_to_x_Lead

- Web_to_x_form_id

- Preferred_Communication

- Round_Robin_ID

- Trading_Softwae

- VIP_Customer

- Web_Source

I appreciate your help