• Katherine Rowe
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Can you reference a custom setting in a process builder process? For example, upon insert of a new Account, take the value in textfield1, look it up in the custom setting, take the corresponding field value in the cusotm setting, and write it back to textfield1.
Can someone help me with the for loop I'm trying to put in my trigger?

I want to use a custom setting to hold mapping for a field. For example, if the user selects the Industry field as "Utilities & Water", then I want the trigger to go to the Custom Setting to find the appropriate value for that industry and put it in the field LOB, which in this example would be "Utilities & Communications". I started off not using a loop, and just using getInstance(), like below but then I realized some of my industry values are more than 40 characters which won't work with the Custom Setting name field.
trigger MapLOBTrigger on Account (before update, before insert) {

     for(Account a1: Trigger.new){
         if(MappingLOB__c.getInstance(a1.Industry) != null){

So now I have tried added a custom field called Industry on my custom setting to use instead of the name field. But I think I've been told I can't use getInstance() and I have to instead use getAll() and a loop to sort through all the values in the Custom Setting? Maybe a List?

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I am writing a trigger for Accounts that I only want to run when the Account is created via data.com, as opposed to: the user through the GUI, the user through API.

How can I write my trigger to detect whether the account is coming from data.com or not? Is there a "best practice" way of doing this?
I've got the following trigger working, to map the value of an industry to a different industry:
trigger MapDataCOMIndustry on Account (before insert, before update) {
    for(Account a1: Trigger.new){
           a1.industry='Emergency Services';

Now I have to do that for a long list of industries, see below. What is the best way to write this in the trigger? Can I use something like a "case" method? Or does it need to be a bunch of else if statements?
trigger MapDataCOMIndustry on Account (before insert, before update) {
    for(Account a1: Trigger.new){
           a1.industry='Emergency Services';
        else if(a1.industry=='Agriculture'){
           a1.industry='Agriculture & Fisheries';
        else if(a1.industry=='Apparel'){
        else if(a1.industry=='Banking'){

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Flow newbie here, need some guidance. I figure I've got the basics working, now I need to design it for various situations.

Goal: When opportunity ownership is transfered and the "Keep Opportuntiy Teams" box is selected, then I want the flow to automatically delete the opportunity team member for the previous owner. Because we have Splits enabled, the owner is always added as an opporutnity team member. And as soon as the owner becomes the previous owner, I want the corresponding team member to be automatically deleted. For example, Joe owns the opp, Joe and Mary are team members. The opp is transfered to Bob, and the desired result should be that Bob and Mary are the only team members.

So far, I've got a single step in my flow that deletes the team member nicely. But it only works when "Keep Opportunity Teams" is selected. If I don't select "Keep Opportunity Teams", then the flow throws an error. Presumably because the team member has already been deleted and the flow doesn't know what to do? I'm not sure how to modify my flow to deal with this.

After I get that sorted out, then I need to make sure it can delete any splits it needs to. 

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I need a trigger that will throw an unhandled exception. I'm new to writing triggers, can someone help me whip one up? I'm testing the emails that SF sends out to the last modified user on the trigger, when there is an unhandled exception.

It can be really simple. I just want to be able easily fire the trigger in SF and for it to throw an unhandled exception. 

So apparently when there's an unhandled exception in a trigger, SF always sends an email to the person who is the Last Modified By person on the trigger/class? My question is, can we stop it from emailing anyone at all?

Disclaimer: Salesforce Admin here, not a developer. 

The reason I don't want it to try and send an email is, we have Email Deliverability set to System Only in our test and dev environments. And sometimes when an action leads to a trigger failing, the error displayed is about the "NO_MASS_MAIL_PERMISSION" instead of the underlying cause. If I turn Email Deliverability to All Emails, then a more relevant error message then shows in its place, and we can then figure out the problem and deal with it. The triggers I'm referring to are in a managed package, so rewriting the trigger to perhaps handle exceptions better is not in our control. So for now, I want to see if we can simply stop SF from trying to email anyone at all...

When unhandled Apex exceptions occur, emails are sent that include the Apex stack trace and the customer’s org and user ID. No other customer data is returned with the report. Unhandled exception emails are sent by default to the developer specified in theLastModifiedBy field on the failing class or trigger.

What Happens When an Apex Exception Occurs?

Error when Email Deliverability is set to System Only
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Error when Email Deliverability is set to All Emails
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I'm getting the following error everytime I click the "Add/Remove..." button on the Metadata Components window in Eclipse. Is there something I can fix to make it stop giving me this message?
Package Manifest Content Warning

Exception happened when resolving component type(s), so no component will be added to package manifest editor for these types.
See log for detail exception messages.

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I'm not a developer, so I don't know much about eclipse. I'm using eclipse as a way to download the reports my users are using. So I can see what columns and criteria they're using. I just need to be able to pull this information from Salesforce, I won't be pushing any changes from Eclipse back to Salesforce.
I only had one user in my dev environment, the kind you can sign up for for free, and I seem to have locked myself out. How do you unlock yourself when you're the only user?