• Shenwei Liu
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Calling the SforceService Login method is fine using my SF account and password plus the security token for previous versions of the API, such as using the Enterprise WSDL having this line: <soap:address location="https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/21.0" />.

I downloaded the new Enterprise WSDL which is the version 32 with the login address "https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/32.0". Calling the API login method using the same account and password plus token failed. The error message is "INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out."

I'm using the C# code to access the API.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I’m doing the prototypes of my company’s SF app which needs to load bulk data to SF using the API calls daily. I’m using my developer account to test the data loading and have created a custom object with about 40 fields on SF site. I have downloaded my enterprise WSDL and will use .NET code to call the API methods. The initial data load process will insert about 50K rows to the SF custom object/table. Loading process for every day is just inserting some small number of new rows and updating some existing rows.
My company would also like to use our internally developed application, not other tools, to export/import initial data sets. Is there any problem if I send the bulk data set containing 50K records with 40 fields to SF using the API Upsert call? Are there any performance and permission issues? I need to confirm these before I make the API call. Thanks.
My company has apps integrated with the Salesforce SOAP API. I’m doing some major upgrade for moving the apps from the Oracle Service Bus to .NET WCF Services. I’m just working on the dev environment now. The existing accounts are server location based (no security token is needed). For my prototype work, after successfully calling API functions with .NET code using my personal Salesforce developer account, I need to make API calls from my local machine using the company’s Salesforce development accounts. Note that I cannot login to the Salesforce.com with browsers using any company’s Salesforce development account. How can I make such API calls work from my local dev machine? Please suggest all possible approaches so that I can escalate the issue to high-level management teams for a solution. Thanks.
Calling the SforceService Login method is fine using my SF account and password plus the security token for previous versions of the API, such as using the Enterprise WSDL having this line: <soap:address location="https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/21.0" />.

I downloaded the new Enterprise WSDL which is the version 32 with the login address "https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/32.0". Calling the API login method using the same account and password plus token failed. The error message is "INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out."

I'm using the C# code to access the API.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
My company has apps integrated with the Salesforce SOAP API. I’m doing some major upgrade for moving the apps from the Oracle Service Bus to .NET WCF Services. I’m just working on the dev environment now. The existing accounts are server location based (no security token is needed). For my prototype work, after successfully calling API functions with .NET code using my personal Salesforce developer account, I need to make API calls from my local machine using the company’s Salesforce development accounts. Note that I cannot login to the Salesforce.com with browsers using any company’s Salesforce development account. How can I make such API calls work from my local dev machine? Please suggest all possible approaches so that I can escalate the issue to high-level management teams for a solution. Thanks.
I just generated a new enterprise wsdl from the Sandbox which has the new api version 32.

On the login call:

SforceService sforceSession = new SforceService();

it is generating the following error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn[]' to 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn'
error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn[]' to 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn'
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn' to 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn[]'
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn' to 'xxx.ListViewRecordColumn[]'

It works fine is I use the previous wsdl. Did the object change?
