• Jagan Reddy
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I created a new sandbox and tried to log into it.  I used my production password but it did not work.  When I try to have salesforce email me my new password setup routine I don’t receive the email.  My thought is that the email the new sandbox has is not my correct email.  It appends the name of my sandbox to the end of it.  I saw this before.  Our other admin could get into the last sandbox and fix my email for me, however he cannot get in this time.  Any ideas how to get around this salesforce bug?

This is jagan, i have 6 months of work experience as a salesforce developer.
with some financial problem my working company is shutdown temporarily.

i know for this experience there is no jobs, but i am able to do 2 years of work.

please please give me a chance and if there is any chance in your company,
please give me one chance.

i am a (Salesforce dev401 certified).

Please reach me if there is any chance.

The ideal candidate for the Salesforce Admin position will have previous administrative experience in an office environment, and a proactive, enthusiastic attitude to boot! Qualified candidates should submit a resume for immediate consideration tochristina@tech2resources.com Junior level admins welcome!
I'm a novice at Apex and VF development. I'm just trying to create a VF page that displays all contact records where a particular field equals a value from the current record, which is a contact record. 

My VF code is using this apex controller code. I am getting a blank back in the Subscriber_ID__c value. 

I'm surely missing a simple step in my code. Can anyone help?

public with sharing class ConciergeDisplayFamilyMembers

    public String subscriberID {get;set;}
    public List<Contact> Records {get; set;} 
    public ConciergeDisplayFamilyMembers()
        Records = 
            [SELECT Name,Gender__c,Subscriber_ID__c,Member_ID_suffix__c,Member_ID__c FROM Contact WHERE Subscriber_ID__c = :subscriberID]; 

public ConciergeDisplayFamilyMembers(ApexPages.StandardController sc)    
    subscriberID = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getparameters().get('Subscriber_ID__c');
I want to create pie chart account for owner having there accounts but it shows Invalid field 'Owner.name' error in aggregateResult..
Can anyone plz help to sort out?
public with sharing class Graph1 
 public List<PieWedgeData> getPieData1() {
        List<PieWedgeData> data = new List<PieWedgeData>();
        List<AggregateResult> groupedResults = [SELECT Owner.name, count(name)cnt
                                              FROM Account
                                              GROUP BY Owner.name];
        for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults)  {
            data.add(new PieWedgeData(String.valueOf(ar.get('Owner.name')),Integer.valueOf(ar.get('cnt'))));
    return data;

    // Wrapper class
    public class PieWedgeData {

        public String name { get; set; }
        public Integer cnt { get; set; }

        public PieWedgeData(String name, Integer data) {
            this.name = name;
            this.cnt = cnt;
Hi all,

I have 2 code test class below :
Date d = date.today();
        Disclosure_Claim_for_Payment__c dcp = new Disclosure_Claim_for_Payment__c(
            Disclosure_Obligation__c = doc.Id,
            Stakeholder__c = accountPerson.Id,
            Eligible_Claim_for_Payment__c = ecp.Id,
            RecordTypeId = listRecordType.get('Claim for Payment (Administration Fund)'),
            Payment_Term__c = '2nd Quarterly Payment',
            status__c = 'Closed',
            Cumulative_Maximum_Claimable_Amount__c = 100,
            Total_Claim_Amount__c = 100);


        Disclosure_Claim_for_Payment__c dcp = new Disclosure_Claim_for_Payment__c(
            Disclosure_Obligation__c = doc.Id,
            Stakeholder__c = accountPerson.Id,
            Eligible_Claim_for_Payment__c = ecp.Id,
            RecordTypeId = listRecordType.get('Claim for Payment (Administration Fund)'),
            Payment_Term__c = '2nd Quarterly Payment',
            status__c = 'Closed',
            Cumulative_Maximum_Claimable_Amount__c = 100,
            Total_Claim_Amount__c = 100);

The first code when I run test it is ok. But the second code it thrown exception field_custom_validation_exception. I see the code it is the same. Please help me why the second code thown exception although it is passed in sandbox but failed in production
Anyone Seen this on the validation rule trailhead? - Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Contact Must Be in Account Zip Code: []

I am New to Salesforce Development and strugling with the Code coverage for Apex Class which is used as an Extension in a Visualforce page.

This is my code for the Controller Class. Can Someone PLease help me out on this so that I can use this information as a guide for my future development.
public class manualpaymentcntrl{
    public Payment__c ptxn{ get; set; }
    public Contact con { get; set; }
    public Batch_Processing__c bp {get; set;}
    public Campaign c {get; set;}
    public boolean bsbnull {get; set;}
public manualpaymentcntrl(ApexPages.StandardController std) {
    con=new Contact();
    ptxn=new Payment__c();
    ptxn.Batch_Processing__c = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Batch');
    ptxn.Campaign__c = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Cam');
public void obtaindetails() {
    for (Contact con : [select Name,FirstName,LastName,Email,AccountID,Phone,MobilePhone,Title, MailingStreet,MailingCity,MailingState,MailingCountry,MailingPostalCode,AAkPay_BSB_No__c,Account_No__c,Bank__c,Drawer__c from Contact where Id = :ptxn.Contact__c]){
        ptxn.FirstName__c = con.FirstName;
        ptxn.LastName__c = con.LastName;
        ptxn.Email__c = con.Email;
        ptxn.Account__c = con.AccountID;
        ptxn.Phone__c = con.Phone;
        ptxn.MobilePhone__c = con.MobilePhone;
        ptxn.Salutation__c = con.Title;
        ptxn.MailingStreet__c = con.MailingStreet;
        ptxn.MailingCity__c = con.MailingCity;
        ptxn.MailingState__c = con.MailingState;
        ptxn.MailingCountry__c = con.MailingCountry;
        ptxn.MailingPostalCode__c = con.MailingPostalCode;
        ptxn.BSB_No__c = con.AAkPay_BSB_No__c;
        ptxn.Account_No__c = con.Account_No__c;
                ptxn.Bank__c = con.Bank__c;
        ptxn.Drawer__c = con.Drawer__c;
                ptxn.Payment_Setting__c = 'a0m90000009Qwb4';
        ptxn.Payment_Type__c = 'a0o90000003Lhl2';
        ptxn.Bank_Deposit_Date__c = system.today();
        ptxn.Status__c = 'Receipting Start';
        ptxn.Transaction_Date__c = system.today();
        ptxn.Bank_Deposit_Account__c = '083-004-461061543' ;
        ptxn.Transaction_Type__c = 'Purchase';
    public void bankinfo(){
        if (ptxn.Method_of_Payment__c != 'Cheque'){
                ptxn.BSB_No__c = null;
            ptxn.Account_No__c = null;
                                ptxn.Bank__c = null;
                ptxn.Drawer__c = null;
            ptxn.BSB_No__c = ptxn.Contact__r.AAkPay_BSB_No__c;
            ptxn.Account_No__c = ptxn.Contact__r.Account_No__c;
                ptxn.Bank__c = ptxn.Contact__r.Bank__c;
        ptxn.Drawer__c = ptxn.Contact__r.Drawer__c;
    public PageReference save(){
    String baseURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
    String PageURL = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
    String wholeURL = baseURL+PageURL;
        for (Batch_Processing__c bp : [Select No_of_Transactions__c,Transaction_Count__c,Status__c from Batch_Processing__c where ID=:ptxn.Batch_Processing__c and Status__c != 'Completed']){
            insert ptxn;   
        PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/apex/custommanualpayment'+wholeURL);
        return reRend;
    PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/'+ptxn.Batch_Processing__c);
        return reRend;       
    public PageReference cancel(){
        PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/'+ptxn.Batch_Processing__c);
        return reRend;

Thanks in Advance....

Hi Gurus,

We would like to integrate salesforce with COnnective Mercury a business management software. Can anyone suggest any ways to do that?
We are ready to pay for any apps also if needed.


I have a scheduled class SendBirthdayCards_BatchJob that is setup within the Setup->Monitoring->Scheduled Jobs. It is set to run everyday at 9PM. It shows started and next scheduled run. When I just set it up, it ran emmideatelly. However it does not run on the next day, started and next scheduled dates are changed, but job was not run. I cannot see any records at all in APEX jobs list.

Can you help me to resolve the issue?
Thanks in advance.
I just want to set up Email-To- Case Functionality. I am working with Dev org. While setting up the Email-To-case, how to set the value for the fields Routing Name and Email address. Could I provide a simple gmail address, provided, I have created a contact with that email. Please let me know. Thanks.
I'm using Crystal Reports 2013 and SFDC as my datasource and receive an error message when trying to connect:
Login failed
HY000:INVALID_LOGIN:Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. [Databse Vendor Code: 58]

I am connecting to a sanbox, test.salesforce.com, and I have added the IP address of the server where Crystal Reports 2013 is installed to the sandbox trusted sites.  I have tried using just the password and password+token in the login credential and receive the error either way.
I use the same credentials to successfully login to Data Loader.