• Dinesh Suggala 8
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I have 4 fields ranging in percentage and currency types (as shown below) that all will be required to contain a value prior to being saved. 

Can someone assist in creating the VR for this one? Thanks!

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I need to have a trigger to copy the value of a picklist from Account to its related Contacts (another custom picklist).
The requirement is only to be copied if in the Contact poage the picklist is empty.

I tried this trigger:
trigger UpdateContactRegione on Contact(before Insert, before Update) {

    for(Contact Cont: Trigger.new){

     Account acct = [select id,Regione__c from Account where Id=:Cont.AccountId];

       if(Cont.Regione__c == null)

          Cont.Regione__c= acct.Regione__c;



But it worksonly if I change the picklist in Contact and not viceversa.

Any suggestions?

Good afternoon,

I need help on how to disable a field of a standard screen that is not VisualForce. The action is conditional disable by default the field is enabled but I need to disable it in some conditions, it is the object Case Status field.

It is possible? if so, how?

Thank you.
Hello - I have tried few solutions ( trigger, process builder, lookup helper) based on what I have found online but no luck so far :/, so any help is appreciated. 

We have a custom object to enter  Incidents: c4g_Incident_Report__c
This object has a lookup field "Reporting Staff" that looks up in the "user" object: c4g_Reporting_Staff__c

Looking for a solution that will auto-populate, before insert, the lookup "Reporting Staff" field with the name of the current user creating the entry. 

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I have a simple class and i have writen a test class for it.
Test coverage alwayw shows 0 %,
I dont understand where i am ggoing wrong
public with sharing class test{
    public String temp{get;set;}
     public test(){
             temp = ' ';

public class testtest{
    static testMethod void tesTttest () {
        test t= new test ();
        t.temp = '';