• Mike Sheehan
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  • B&W Group USA

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Does anyone know if there is any plans or way to modify the 'Grouping' fields on a report when retrieved via the Reporting API?  i.e. with the Reporting API you can dynamically specify custom filters when requesting report data via POST by providing the 'reportFilters' JSON data with the request.  It would be awesome if you could also provide custom 'GroupingDown' or 'GroupingAcross' fields or sort orders etc with the request.  Any way to know if this is a feature that may one day be available?



I'm having trouble using #N/A to null out a date field using the Bulk API. I believe I was able to successfully do this using suggestions found on this forum just a week or two ago, but now the records in my batches fail with the following error:


<message>'#N/A' is not a valid value for the type xsd:date</message>
Everything I've read and seen says that that should work, and like I said, I believe I was successfully using it recently, but it seems like it stopped working.
I'm currently accessing the Bulk API via a perl script that talks to Salesforce over SOAP with WWW::Salesforce::Simple. Everything else seems to work exactly as intended, I'm just not able to null out these fields.
For an example, this is what the WSDL says about one of these fields:
<element name="Purchase_Date_SBI_SOE__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:date"/>
Can anyone help?