• DavidGant
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I'm trying to create a validation rule that will prevent a user from changing the stage of an opportunity to anything but 'Unqualified' unless one of the following criteria is true.
1. Division does not contain Payer, Marketing, HR
2. Score > 0
3. Business Type = Renewal
4. AOV = 0 or <= 20000

I thought I had it correct, but when I tested an oppty with the division of HR, score = 0 and AOV = 50k it passed and it shouldn't have.

Any help is appreciated.
Score__c > 0,
AOV__c <= 20000)))

I am new to Salesforce and our users are having difficulty identifying what contacts are in which accounts. Our Accounts will generally contain no more than 2 Contacts with "Student" RecordType.  My thought was to create a formula field on Account that is a string of all Contact names for that Account and add that to search layouts but I cannot find a way to do this.  Is this possible?  Ideas on a better way to handle it?
If possible via Apex, the end user should be able to add a value to the picklist. The user should also be able to select the record type too so that that picklist value gets tagged to the record type selected. (Multiple record type selection should be possible). I know there is a tooling API that can do this, but not sure if we can call the API using Apex. Off course, if it is Apex then UI would be VF

I have a report. I convert it in to summary. I group by date field and group by week.
I can see this field in the group bar but i dont see the date as a column.

Any suggestions ?
I would like some help with a fairly simple request: I have a process builder setup to run on opportunities. It works fine but only when the record is updated. I would like to have it run every day and execute if a field date on the record is matched to today's date. I don't want to set it to run in the future. Just an everyday event.
I tried forcing the execution with workflow rules updating a date field on the record but it doesn't work when the date is tomorrow or the following date. Nothing happens when the future date comes around.
Is there another trick I'm missing and I can't see a way to trigger this process builder?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I created a Flow with a script to collect data for new Cases that come into our Volunteer Hotline at a nonprofit. The script works fine. The next step is to create a new button or override the current default New case button in the Case object to launch the Flow. I created the Visualforce page for this and it does what it should in preview mode, so great, good there. Now I want either to override the current NewCase button or create a new button using the Visualforce page (prefer to override as being the best approach since it will change the default button on all pages in Case or Contact records that need to go to the Flow script), but when I go to create the button or override the current button, when I click the Visualforce radio button and the dropdown next to it to select the Visualforce page --None-- is all that comes up, no listing for the Visualforce page. I can't seem to get past this so it connects the Visualflow page . Can anybody tell me the solution? Is it a permissions based issue? I am the Admin, and do have Development Mode checked on my User Details.  
Hello, I'm doing the Trailhead "Learn CRM Essentials" trail and I've gotten to the Service Cloud section (Part 4). The screenshots on Trailhead look NOTHING like what is showing up on my Developer Sandbox Salesforce instance. The UI here: https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/service_basics/service_basics_intro

doesn't look like the standard UI and it also doesn't look like the Lightning UI. I went to "Call Center" as instructed in the module. Thanks!
In my app there are Two users having same profile and Permission Sets. I have enabled chatter feeds on custom object and also there are several feeds/comments in chatter of that object. When we generate a custom chatter feed report one user out of these two users can see feeds body in report while other one is not. I am wondering why this is happening, please help me what things/permission I can check for this second user?
I want to write a validation rule in which it only applies for a certain record type and a certain status, but then only applies if one of two other fields aren't a certain value.  Here's what I have and it's not working when I test.  It seems to be the last part that's not picking up correctly.

RecordTypeId = "012320000009ect", 
I have a parent-child relationship between Contacts and the custom object "Staff Page". A staff page holds our staff information for a given year.

I would like to create a field on the Staff Page that counts the number of other staff pages from previous years that meet a certain criteria to determine when additional pay is awarded. I know I can do this with a roll-up summary on the Contact page to have a live look at the number of qualifying Staff Pages, but I would like for each Staff Page to show the correct number up to that point. For example a 2012 staff page would show the number 2 if that staff member qualified in 2009, 2011 and 2013.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
Hi All,

I have created a community and assigned members to it. Assigned members can access the community after login. This is fine.

Now, I want to have a guest access to my community, that means without login user can access my community, Is this possible?

Hi All,
Can some one please explain "why do we need after update trigger when we can do everything in before upadte triger in sales force"
Thans in advance
Ho do we get all the approver id's from each aproval step in approval process ?

We have there are 250 active approval processes are in the system . we need to extract the all the approvers names or id's related to each step in for each approval process.  Is there any way to extract all the approvers list.  It priority..

Thanks in Advance!!!
Hey guys,

I'm looking to have a flow that can update a record based on it's name, if that record doesn't already exist, it should create it.

This is what I have so far at a high level, it updates records but won't create new ones.


I am working with a nonprofit developing a script in their case management system using Flow. This has worked very well, and I have been able to build a script that meets the demands of the Program Manager who runs their volunteer hotline. I do have some questions though that I cannot seem to find the answers to online. I have predominantly used picklists and multi-select picklists to capture the various answers to questions the volunteer hotline reps will be asking tenants that call in with questions, and the picklists and multi-selects map fine to the Case Object, but where I am having difficulty is with this, when I add a screen where I want to use a text field, text box, currency or number field from the Add a Field tab I do not see those materializing in the Case object custom fields list This is my first time using Flow, and I cannot seem to find answers anywhere online. Are there extra steps involved in connecting mapping these to the Case Object?

My second question is in the creation of a button to fire the script when creating a new case. Ideally I would like the hotline rep to be able to push a Create New Case button and in doing so be taken to the script so they can launch into the scripted questions, and go through the script to completion and save the case. Does anyone have a solution for this, and if so can someone help me out with solving this issue. 
I created a case clone using visual flow and a custom buttom.  How do I get the cloned case to display.  Obviously I need to get the clone case ID in the retURL=/{!Case.Id}.  I am not sure how I capture that in the Flow.
Hello Guys
am new to Apex code. I would like a trigger to prevent members of a profile from deleting  a change. I have come up with this code but i get an error. Could you help me refine it.
trigger RestrictDelete on BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c (before delete) {

String ProfileId = UserInfo.getProfileId();  
for (Change_Request a : Trigger.old)      
     a.addError('You cannot delete this record!');

Hello guys.I have a problem and dont know how to solve it.What i need to make is to split account creation page in 3-4 visualforce pages.Now i created the first page and linked it with a second page with a button.But now the problem is when i press the "next" button on the first page account is created, and the fields in the second page are not recorded anywhere when i push the "next" button(on the second page). I dont know how to update the account that was created on the first page with the values that i enter in the second page so here is the code:
this is my custom controller:
public class SetupWizard {
public Account account {get;private set;}
    public SetupWizard(){
        Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
        account = (id == null) ? new Account() : 
            [SELECT Name, Phone, Industry FROM Account WHERE Id = :id];
    public PageReference save() {   
                upsert account;
                }catch(exception e){
                PageReference page = new Pagereference('/apex/AddressInformation');
            return page;
and this is the first visualforce page:
<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="SetupWizard" tabStyle="Account">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Account Information" >
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
                <apex:inputField value="{! Account.name }" />
                <apex:inputField value="{! Account.phone}" />
                <apex:inputField value="{! Account.industry}" />
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
            <apex:commandButton value="Next" 
                                    action="{! save }"/>    
So how to make when press the next button on the second page it updates the account created on the first page with the records that are eneterd on my second page.Any help would be nice thx.