• Rajat Mahajan 28
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Hi All,

I cam across a scenario while making my functionality in lightning a managed package. 

Before having a namespace, my functionality was wrking fine where I was able to receive the attributes from another component in the init method perfectly fine when the component was dynamically created. 

this attributes stopped coming in child when I create a namespace

Any clues ?

I am facing a major challenge in prepopulating values in a custom lookup field from a URL (I am redirected to a new record standard page)

In the above URL : i am able to prepopulate the standard name field of account from the url param:

However, there is a custom field on account called convertedfromlead__c (which is a lookup to lead)
The above needs to be populated from:

Where : 
00NJ0000001x7yoMAA = Id field of Custom Field 
00QJ000000AQSUtMAP = Id field of lead record

The custom lookup field somehow does not get populated.
I had prepended the id with CF as indicated in some articles, however, did not work with or without that

Thanks in advance