• Sunmisola Sanusi-Towolawi
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I'm attempting to complete the module "Enable Communities and Learn About Additional Features."  The challenge is fairly simple: "For this challenge, create a community using the Napili template. Keep in mind that the URL you choose will be set in stone for the org. Create a community named Cloud Kicks with url value cloudkicks (url: /cloudkicks)."

However, when I enable "cloudkicks" as the URL, it tells me that it already exists. Option 1: check challenge (because it's done, right?) gave me a series of errors. So then I tried "Cloud Kicks" and "/cloudkicks") and nothing. Tried cloudkicks2 and got "already exists" error. Finally chose cloudkicks999, knowing better, but still, and got things enabled. But, of course, now the challenge won't accept. So ... what do I do?
I'm having all sorts of problems trying to complete the challenge for the sharing rules section of this module. I feel like I have everything setup properly but still get this error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Sharing Set is not setup with proper Case access. Please check the requirements.

Sharing set name is "Share cases with customers"
Applies to Profiles: Customer Community User
Access Granted: Case - User:Account = Case:Account - Read/Write

What am I missing


trying to complete the challenge, I have the following error:
The "Customer Community User" for the contact "Edna Frank" is not created properly.

More info, hope this helps finding the problem:
The contact exist, in Admin > Users> User license is "Customer Portal Manager Standard", when I try to change it to "Customer community" i'm getting the error "cannot upgrade from or downgrade to LPU"
The contact is assigned to the account "Customers", there is a case associated to it, with Contact Name = Edna Frank
I created the Sharing Set Settings and configured the access (User:Account = Case:Account, Read/Write). The community is active.
Oddly enough, I cannot log in as Edna Frank.
If I'm trying to create a new user, I receive the following error: "Your request cannot be processed at this time. The site administrator has been alerted.
The account associated with this portal has no owner". The created account is "Customers" and I double checked, i'm the owner of this account.
I've received a message "Customers registration accountId parameter value is not valid."

Any idea or clues on how to solve this ?
I am completely lost and confused on this challenge and I dont know how to fix it. Every time I try to add Edna Frank as an external user it says "An account owner must be associated with a role to enable portal users or transfer portal users to his or her account." Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

In this challenge, you set up the external sharing model, create a sharing set, and create a customer community user. First, set up the external sharing model with Case set to private. Then, enable Customer Portal settings, and create a sharing set titled Share cases with customers for the Customer Community User Profile. In this sharing set, grant customer community users read and write access to the case object for all cases associated with their account.
Ensure that your DE org user has a role assigned.
Create a customer community user from Edna Frank's contact record. (Your DE org should already have a contact record for Edna Frank. If it doesn't, create a new contact with first name Edna and last name Frank.)
Ensure that the account associated with Edna Frank has cases associated with it.
Ensure that sharing set mapping is set to User:Account = Case:Account.