• Loran Saggu
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Is there no clean way to make the Template Footer in the Experience Builder stick to the bottom of the viewport on pages with little content?

Specifically, I am looking for a solution to the following requirements:
  • If the page does not have enough content to fill the height of the viewport, the footer should "stick" to the bottom of the viewport
  • If the page has enough content to fill the entire viewport, the footer should come after the main content - the footer should not overlap the content of the page.
  • The content is not a fixed height - the footer may change height depending on the display format (desktop, phone, etc.)
I have already reviewed and tested a number of suggested solutions, but these are not ideal as they cause the footer to overlap content, or they require the footer to be a fixed height:
  • https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/237281/how-to-make-sticky-footer-in-lightning-community
  • https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000A8lspSAB
Hello all,

I have tried numerous solutions and scoured multiple threads on this topic, but I cannot move past Step 5 in the Reports and Dashboards Specialist Superbadge. I feel confident in my solution, but I must be missing something because I keep seeing this:

Issue with Step 5

I have created a custom report type: Accounts with Contacts with or without Contact Hobbies. Here is my configuration:

Contacts by Hobby and Rating report setup

Can someone tell me how to solve this thing!?

Thank you.
Every time I click on 'Subscribe' there is no acknowledgement of a subscription, and I do not receive any updates when an account is created in my DE Org. Maybe my settings are incorrect somewhere?
Is there no clean way to make the Template Footer in the Experience Builder stick to the bottom of the viewport on pages with little content?

Specifically, I am looking for a solution to the following requirements:
  • If the page does not have enough content to fill the height of the viewport, the footer should "stick" to the bottom of the viewport
  • If the page has enough content to fill the entire viewport, the footer should come after the main content - the footer should not overlap the content of the page.
  • The content is not a fixed height - the footer may change height depending on the display format (desktop, phone, etc.)
I have already reviewed and tested a number of suggested solutions, but these are not ideal as they cause the footer to overlap content, or they require the footer to be a fixed height:
  • https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/237281/how-to-make-sticky-footer-in-lightning-community
  • https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000A8lspSAB
I have a Screenflow that has a lot of checkboxes in it. Im using Sections to group checkboxes together and have compoenent visability on them so they only show if I need them to. I set the Default value to False, but if the componenet doesent show it makes it null and it fails the Update of the record. 

I cannot use the Decision solution, to check if Null then change it the False because of the amount of checkboxes I have. 

Any Suggestions to make this work would be great!
I am not able to save my record. no error message is showing.
Here is my class.

public with sharing class ScheduleClass {
    public static Product_Schedule__c submitSchedule(String psRecordId, string psName, string psDescription){
        Product_Schedule__c psObj = new Product_Schedule__c();
        insert psObj;
        return psObj;
If I add the id of my record page it works but if I am trying to pass the id through my js file it is not working.
Here is my JS File:
import {LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
import submitSchedule from '@salesforce/apex/ScheduleClass.submitSchedule';
import {ShowToastEvent} from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ScheduleClass extends LightningElement {
    @track psObjName;
    @track psObjDescription;
    @api psRecordId;
    @track errorMsg;
        if(event.target.name == 'psName'){
        this.psObjName = event.target.value;
        if(event.target.name == 'psDescription'){
        this.psObjDescription = event.target.value;  
        this.psRecordId = result.Id;
        window.console.log('psRecordId ' + this.psRecordId);       
        const toastEvent = new ShowToastEvent({
            message:'Record created successfully',
          /*Start Navigation*/
            type: 'standard__recordPage',
            attributes: {
                psRecordId: this.psRecordId,
                objectApiName: 'Invoice_Schedule__c',
                actionName: 'view'
         /*End Navigation*/
    .catch(error =>{

What Am I doing wrong?

I would like to know if there is a way to open up third party app (say SAP BI Mobile App) directly from Salesforce1 Application.  I am able to open up the third party  app from an email link or a standalone webpage.  But I would like to know if there is any way to launch the third party app from Salesforce1.

Tried using Custom links but the URL schemes are not valid when someone tries to save them.  Not sure what approach should be good.

Thanks for looking into it.


Every time I click on 'Subscribe' there is no acknowledgement of a subscription, and I do not receive any updates when an account is created in my DE Org. Maybe my settings are incorrect somewhere?
I seem to have no clue what's wrong in the report which I created. As per the requirement - Summarize the report by Account Name, the contact’s Full Name, and show the Hobby Name." Here I do not understand Full Name, as in the report we only get First Name, Last Name.
The error says - 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Lightning Hobbies by Contact' report does not appear to have either the correct report type or (most likely) the correct columns.

I have summarized the report by Account Name, then by Last Name. Another column shown is Hobbies Name. The report filter is on Hobby Type (the bucket field) = Outdoor Activities and it is locked.

Does anyone know whats wrong?
How do I query the Territories that are associated with an Account?  I found another thread that mentioned the AccountShare object, but I don't see how that helps...

  • August 05, 2008
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I have a Screenflow that has a lot of checkboxes in it. Im using Sections to group checkboxes together and have compoenent visability on them so they only show if I need them to. I set the Default value to False, but if the componenet doesent show it makes it null and it fails the Update of the record. 

I cannot use the Decision solution, to check if Null then change it the False because of the amount of checkboxes I have. 

Any Suggestions to make this work would be great!