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Unit test compile error when trying to reference method in controller class
I have a custom controller that I'm trying to write a unit test for.
In the unit test I'm trying to call the method in the controller that does the work - it runs a SOQL query to produce a list via a wrapper class on a vf page.
The compile error is 'Method does not exist or incorrect signature: SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut()'.
The error is on the line 'ResultList = SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut();'.
I think I just need a pointer on the syntax due to the added complexity of the method being tested returning a custom object.
Here's the controller class:
Here's the test class:
In the unit test I'm trying to call the method in the controller that does the work - it runs a SOQL query to produce a list via a wrapper class on a vf page.
The compile error is 'Method does not exist or incorrect signature: SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut()'.
The error is on the line 'ResultList = SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut();'.
I think I just need a pointer on the syntax due to the added complexity of the method being tested returning a custom object.
Here's the controller class:
public class SummariseQuotedWorks { private final Quote qte; public SummariseQuotedWorks(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.qte = (Quote)controller.getRecord(); } /* Use a wrapper class to store the aggregate values in a way that is accessible to Visualforce */ public class WISum{ public String Acct {get; set;} public String WorkItem {get; set;} public Decimal TotalCost {get; set;} public WISum(string a,string w,decimal c){ this.Acct=a; this.WorkItem=w; this.TotalCost=c; } } public List<WISum> WISumList = new List<WISum>(); public List<WISum> getWISumOut(){ system.debug('IAmHere'); String theAcct = ''; system.debug('1: qte: '+qte.id); AggregateResult[] AgR = [SELECT Account__r.Name AC, WorkItem__r.Name WI, sum(cost1__c) TC FROM Quoted_Work__c where Quote__c=:qte.Id group by rollup(Account__r.Name, WorkItem__r.Name)]; system.debug('QW AgR size: '+AgR.size()); for (AggregateResult WIRecs : AgR) { /* WISumList.add(new WISum((String) WIRecs.get('AC'), (String) WIRecs.get('WI'), (Decimal) WIRecs.get('TC'))); */ WISumList.add(new WISum((String) ((WIRecs.get('AC') == theAcct) ? '' : WIRecs.get('AC')), (String) (WIRecs.get('WI') == null && WIRecs.get('AC') == null ? 'Grand Total' : (WIRecs.get('WI') == null ? 'Subtotal' : WIRecs.get('WI'))), (Decimal) WIRecs.get('TC'))); theAcct = (String)WIRecs.get('AC'); } return WISumList; } }
Here's the test class:
@isTest private class SummariseQuotedWorksTest { @isTest static void test_method_one() { // Create Test Data: RecordType art = [select id,Name from RecordType where SobjectType='Account' and Name='Head Office' Limit 1]; Account a = new Account( Name='Mike', RecordTypeId=art.Id, Region__c='National', Status__c='Active', Type='Prospect', CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', Phone='1', Sage_Acc__c='1', Sage_Company__c='Water Sage', Division__c='Water'); insert a; RecordType crt = [select id,Name from RecordType where SobjectType='Contact' and Name like '%Contact%' Limit 1]; Contact ctct = new Contact( AccountId=a.Id, LastName='Smith', RecordTypeId=crt.Id, CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', Phone='1'); insert ctct; RecordType ort = [select id,Name from RecordType where SobjectType='Opportunity' and Name like '%Project%' Limit 1]; Opportunity opp = new Opportunity( Name='Mike', AccountId=a.Id, RecordTypeId=ort.Id, Type='New Business', LeadSource='Other', StageName='Present Quote', CloseDate=Date.valueOf('2015-12-31'), CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', Division__c='Water'); insert opp; Quote q = new Quote( Name='Mike', OpportunityId=opp.Id, Type__c='Project', Account_Manager__c='Mark Viner', Contact=ctct, Sage_Company__c='Water Sage'); insert q; Consumable__c consum = new Consumable__c ( Name='A Consumable', Active__c=TRUE, Price__c=1, Product_Code__c='A Code', Product_Description__c='A Description'); insert consum; Work_Item__c w = new Work_Item__c ( Name='A Work Item', Sample_Consumable__c=consum.Id); insert w; Quoted_Work__c QW = new Quoted_Work__c ( Account__c = a.Id, Quote__c= q.Id, WorkItem__c = w.Id, Assigned_Role__c = 'Technician', Duration_hrs__c = 1, Quantity__c = 1, Frequency__c = 'Annually'); insert QW; Covered_Consumable_2__c CC2 = new Covered_Consumable_2__c ( Site__c = a.Id, Quote__c= q.Id, Consumable__c = consum.Id, Quantity__c = 1); insert CC2; // Set current page so that controller picks up Quote Id: PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/worksSummary?Id='+q.Id); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); // Instantiate a new SummariseQuotedWorks object: Test.startTest(); SummariseQuotedWorks controller = new SummariseQuotedWorks(new ApexPages.StandardController(q)); List<WISum> ResultList = new List<WISUm>(); ResultList = SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut(); system.assertEquals(controller.WISumList[0].TotalCost.abs(),45); Test.stopTest(); } public class WISum{ public String Acct {get; set;} public String WorkItem {get; set;} public Decimal TotalCost {get; set;} } }
- Mike Arthur
- April 15, 2016
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Assigned Apps disappear from a Permission Set after packge installation on another org.
I added a custom application to my package, and added it to a permission set, which also goes with the package. But when the package gets installed on another org, the custom app is not in the assigned apps in the permission set. Is this a SF bug? To the best of my knowledge, it was working fine before. The package is managed, but is not on AppExchange yet.
- Volodymyr
- April 26, 2017
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Unit test compile error when trying to reference method in controller class
I have a custom controller that I'm trying to write a unit test for.
In the unit test I'm trying to call the method in the controller that does the work - it runs a SOQL query to produce a list via a wrapper class on a vf page.
The compile error is 'Method does not exist or incorrect signature: SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut()'.
The error is on the line 'ResultList = SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut();'.
I think I just need a pointer on the syntax due to the added complexity of the method being tested returning a custom object.
Here's the controller class:
Here's the test class:
In the unit test I'm trying to call the method in the controller that does the work - it runs a SOQL query to produce a list via a wrapper class on a vf page.
The compile error is 'Method does not exist or incorrect signature: SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut()'.
The error is on the line 'ResultList = SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut();'.
I think I just need a pointer on the syntax due to the added complexity of the method being tested returning a custom object.
Here's the controller class:
public class SummariseQuotedWorks { private final Quote qte; public SummariseQuotedWorks(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.qte = (Quote)controller.getRecord(); } /* Use a wrapper class to store the aggregate values in a way that is accessible to Visualforce */ public class WISum{ public String Acct {get; set;} public String WorkItem {get; set;} public Decimal TotalCost {get; set;} public WISum(string a,string w,decimal c){ this.Acct=a; this.WorkItem=w; this.TotalCost=c; } } public List<WISum> WISumList = new List<WISum>(); public List<WISum> getWISumOut(){ system.debug('IAmHere'); String theAcct = ''; system.debug('1: qte: '+qte.id); AggregateResult[] AgR = [SELECT Account__r.Name AC, WorkItem__r.Name WI, sum(cost1__c) TC FROM Quoted_Work__c where Quote__c=:qte.Id group by rollup(Account__r.Name, WorkItem__r.Name)]; system.debug('QW AgR size: '+AgR.size()); for (AggregateResult WIRecs : AgR) { /* WISumList.add(new WISum((String) WIRecs.get('AC'), (String) WIRecs.get('WI'), (Decimal) WIRecs.get('TC'))); */ WISumList.add(new WISum((String) ((WIRecs.get('AC') == theAcct) ? '' : WIRecs.get('AC')), (String) (WIRecs.get('WI') == null && WIRecs.get('AC') == null ? 'Grand Total' : (WIRecs.get('WI') == null ? 'Subtotal' : WIRecs.get('WI'))), (Decimal) WIRecs.get('TC'))); theAcct = (String)WIRecs.get('AC'); } return WISumList; } }
Here's the test class:
@isTest private class SummariseQuotedWorksTest { @isTest static void test_method_one() { // Create Test Data: RecordType art = [select id,Name from RecordType where SobjectType='Account' and Name='Head Office' Limit 1]; Account a = new Account( Name='Mike', RecordTypeId=art.Id, Region__c='National', Status__c='Active', Type='Prospect', CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', Phone='1', Sage_Acc__c='1', Sage_Company__c='Water Sage', Division__c='Water'); insert a; RecordType crt = [select id,Name from RecordType where SobjectType='Contact' and Name like '%Contact%' Limit 1]; Contact ctct = new Contact( AccountId=a.Id, LastName='Smith', RecordTypeId=crt.Id, CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', Phone='1'); insert ctct; RecordType ort = [select id,Name from RecordType where SobjectType='Opportunity' and Name like '%Project%' Limit 1]; Opportunity opp = new Opportunity( Name='Mike', AccountId=a.Id, RecordTypeId=ort.Id, Type='New Business', LeadSource='Other', StageName='Present Quote', CloseDate=Date.valueOf('2015-12-31'), CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', Division__c='Water'); insert opp; Quote q = new Quote( Name='Mike', OpportunityId=opp.Id, Type__c='Project', Account_Manager__c='Mark Viner', Contact=ctct, Sage_Company__c='Water Sage'); insert q; Consumable__c consum = new Consumable__c ( Name='A Consumable', Active__c=TRUE, Price__c=1, Product_Code__c='A Code', Product_Description__c='A Description'); insert consum; Work_Item__c w = new Work_Item__c ( Name='A Work Item', Sample_Consumable__c=consum.Id); insert w; Quoted_Work__c QW = new Quoted_Work__c ( Account__c = a.Id, Quote__c= q.Id, WorkItem__c = w.Id, Assigned_Role__c = 'Technician', Duration_hrs__c = 1, Quantity__c = 1, Frequency__c = 'Annually'); insert QW; Covered_Consumable_2__c CC2 = new Covered_Consumable_2__c ( Site__c = a.Id, Quote__c= q.Id, Consumable__c = consum.Id, Quantity__c = 1); insert CC2; // Set current page so that controller picks up Quote Id: PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/worksSummary?Id='+q.Id); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); // Instantiate a new SummariseQuotedWorks object: Test.startTest(); SummariseQuotedWorks controller = new SummariseQuotedWorks(new ApexPages.StandardController(q)); List<WISum> ResultList = new List<WISUm>(); ResultList = SummariseQuotedWorks.getWISumOut(); system.assertEquals(controller.WISumList[0].TotalCost.abs(),45); Test.stopTest(); } public class WISum{ public String Acct {get; set;} public String WorkItem {get; set;} public Decimal TotalCost {get; set;} } }
- Mike Arthur
- April 15, 2016
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