• Mona Verma
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  • Member since 2016

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Just trying to implement dynamic add row feature on visualforce page. A page for Team details created on which (detail object) Player records are also capured. User can enter Team details and in Player section add 1 layer details. To add more players, click on Add Player buton. 
But as the Ad player button is clicked, the data from first row vanish. Issue is that list  (list of wraper inner class for player and record count)  used in apex:repeat for Players list on visualforce page is blank in Add() of controller. 

The detailed question with code and screenshot can be referred from url:
Just trying to implement dynamic add row feature on visualforce page. A page for Team details created on which (detail object) Player records are also capured. User can enter Team details and in Player section add 1 layer details. To add more players, click on Add Player buton. 
But as the Ad player button is clicked, the data from first row vanish. Issue is that list  (list of wraper inner class for player and record count)  used in apex:repeat for Players list on visualforce page is blank in Add() of controller. 

The detailed question with code and screenshot can be referred from url: