• Dmitriy Gribanov
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I am getting error as below in Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Challenge #8

The Lightning Knowledge app doesn't have the ability to view either or both: recently-visited primary tabs or subtabs.

Could any one please suggest me?

I am having trouble with the above Trailhead module.

Here is my Challenge:
Create a custom list view
Lance Park, one of Ursa Major Solar’s sales reps, wants to see a list of opportunities that are in the late stages of negotiation or have high probability to close, or both. Step into Lance’s shoes and make that happen.
  • Use the App Launcher to open the Sales app
  • Create a list view for opportunities named High Probability Opportunities
  • Let all users see the list view
  • The list should show only opportunities whose stage is Proposal/Price Quote and Negotiation/Review, and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%.
I already created a custom list view namely - High Probability Opportunities as under:
On this page :https://na50.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/sObject/Opportunity/list?filterName=00B6A0000030MhaUAE

The error that I am getting is:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'High Probability Opportunities' list view does not appear to be configured correctly. It should show only opportunities whose stage is 'Proposal/Price Quote' and 'Negotiation/Review', and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%.

Can anyone help me?

Challenge #3
After a number of mis-starts, I have passed this challenge. However, I am not convinced that my code is doing what it should (or anything!).

If I don't specifiy the full https path in my callout (and just use the named credential as I beleive I should) I get an unathorized error:
14:28:29:005 CALLOUT_REQUEST [24]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=callout:ProjectService, Method=POST]
14:28:29:348 CALLOUT_RESPONSE [24]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Unauthorized, StatusCode=401]

The details in the named credential appear fine (I can use them and login manually).

If I include the URL in the callout (!!!?), I appear to authorize ok - however the response 'Not Found' is the same result I get if I connect to the site and logon manually:
13:36:08:006 CALLOUT_REQUEST [24]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=callout:ProjectService/https://sb-integration-pms.herokuapp.com/projects, Method=POST]
13:36:08:393 CALLOUT_RESPONSE [24]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Not Found, StatusCode=404]

I'm sure I'm doing something silly here but can't spot it. 

I also passed the challenge with no code to change the opportunity stage to submitted project/resubmit project. This doesn't matter but building this code does make repeated tests faster.