• Pathan S 4
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I created one login page..I want to display user details in one another vf page after his registration(username password).Plz telme how to do. After Registration ur pasword and username are this...like i want to show.

How can sent Automail Birthday Wishes for every year on birtday in salesforce.plz reply datails.
I want to sent automail birth day wishes.
https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000181218&type=1..this artcle is not working well becase 
It is Working But when i changed or update the date,next birth day field is not update or not changing automatically. i didnt get idea wt is logic
plz reply
how to create workflow for auto mail birthday wishes.date and need to update next birtday field when created or edited need to upadate automatically
How can creat Automail Birthday Wishes in salesforce.plz reply datails.
I have 10 Accounts I want to sent automail birth day wishes.
I have a two ojects called Patients and Doctors .In that i have field called DOB(date type ).it should send email of birthday wishes to all the records in patients and doctors AUTOMATICALLY on their Birthday



Could you please help mw in the below code as it is throwing an 'Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: public at line 8 column 0'


public class test1
public integer text1{get;set;}
public integer text2{get;set;}
public integer text3{get;set;}
public integer text4{get;set;}
public decimal avg(int text1,int text2,int text3,int text4) ---------------------------------Errror line...
int result;
result = ((text1+text1+text1+text1)/4);
return result;



Hi I have a vpage as follows..

<apex:outputLabel style="font-weight:bold;" value="Search By Branch Code" ></apex:outputLabel>
        <apex:inputText value="{!textData}"/>


Iam trying to pass this input textfield value(what ever i enter) to the controller by using getters and setters but iam not able to pass the value its passing  just anull value


Getters and setters as below


private String textdata = null;

    public String getTextData() { return textdata; }
    public void setTextData(String data) { textdata = data; }

 So Some one plz help me in passing myy in put field value to controller so that i want to use that value in my soql query



CAF_Bank__c [] currentbanknames=[SELECT  Bank_Name__c FROM CAF_Bank__c  where Branch_Code__c=:textdata];

            So plz tell me with an example.............




                                                                                                    Thanks& Regards
